How do I mark dates that the property will be unavailable?
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How do I mark dates that the property will be unavailable?
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A while back I was talking to a client, who has booked airbnb for the first time. She mentioned to me that she would never leave a five star review because “nothing can be that perfect.” After explaining how important reviews are to hosts, I refused to let her book my room when she visits Brighton later this year.
She went ahead with her planned trip, and sure enough gave the Host four stars. The host gave her the same rating, and in his private feedback explained that ...”No guest can be that perfect.”
She remembers saying she doesn’t give five star ratings to the host, but is very angry not to get one herself! So angry that she asked how to contact airbnb and get the rating removed! According to her, she was an “exemplary guest!”
Wow! Double standards....
I've had a few, too, who on principle won't give 5 star reviews, always older women (not being ageist or sexist, they just WERE all older women.) Okay, I can handle a few 4 star reviews, but they go onto my "do not rent" list at that point. Recently I had a 4-starrer try to book and I declined. She was shocked. I patiently explained how it takes 4 renters giving me a 5 star to get back to the minimum 4.8 rating I need to stay listed in our area, so I can't afford to rent to anyone who can't be pleased, no matter what I do.
In my experience it’s often young women. They’re so entitled, nothing’s ever good enough, they seem to have no idea how expensive life is and what it takes to offer what we do. They feel like they didn’t get their money’s worth.
But I’m in Western Australia so it might be a local quirk : ) Although they weren’t all local.
People clearly don’t think about how their review might affect the host. With some it’s just thoughtlessness. But some just don’t care. Their attitude is that they’ve paid you so now they expect a 5-star hotel even tho they didn’t pay for one.
hello carol i am new to airbnb 3months down and throughly enjoying it. so far all 18 of my guest have been wonderful and all given me 5 stars. i am interested in the remark you stated about "do not rent" list where is that and how do you do it? just being prepared .
@Carol812 wrote:I've had a few, too, who on principle won't give 5 star reviews, always older women (not being ageist or sexist, they just WERE all older women.) Okay, I can handle a few 4 star reviews, but they go onto my "do not rent" list at that point. Recently I had a 4-starrer try to book and I declined. She was shocked. I patiently explained how it takes 4 renters giving me a 5 star to get back to the minimum 4.8 rating I need to stay listed in our area, so I can't afford to rent to anyone who can't be pleased, no matter what I do.
As far as I know there is no such list on the actual Airbnb platform, I think what Carol is probably referring to is a list of her own that she keeps. I could be wrong, but that's my guess. I hope you're having a great day down-under! Hey, to people in Australia refer to America as "Up-over? Brent (Florida, USA) 🙂
I find older wome who've never worked a day in their lives outside the home , love to complain. I think they want to ipress their husbands !
How is it that you can see the reviews that potential guests have given to previous hosts? I used to be able to, but I thought Airbnb changed it so you can’t.
@Thomas18 There's a Chrome web extension called Air Review -
If that exists, I'd definitely like to know as well.
Definitely agree it's older women (not sexist or ageist as I am one myself). They seem to expect perfection and compare my very clean, reasonably priced and comfortable accommodation to 5* star luxury, finding fault, and marking me down on the least little thing! I too have made notes alongside these people and won't host them again as they don't realise that leaving a 3* review (when the majority are giving 5), is upsetting, demoralising and downright mean! there an online do not rent list? I need that! I would do instant book except a few people who were not good, I can't figure out how to block them from being able to rent, so I have to just screen.
How did she respond when you explained to her why you declined her? Did she understand it was because of the 4 star review?
What was her response? I got my first 4 star review ever by someone who never had a complaint. Almost decided I just don't want to bother hosting anymore.