Have had a perfect 5* rating until now, got a 4*, will I ever get back to being a 5* star?

Have had a perfect 5* rating until now, got a 4*, will I ever get back to being a 5* star?

I´ve hosted all perfect 5 stars (about 12), until now, a super good review (go figure) gave me a 4*. Now i´m 4.9*

Will it ever be possible to go back to 5*?


Is 99.9% 5*- 0.1% 4 stars still count as 4*?

Will I be inperfect forever? haha...

How does this work?

114 Replies 114

A renter rated 4** on cleanliness, 5 on everything else.

So good to read this, just happened to me aswell,  before the guest moved in it was sparklingggg, after … not so much especially the wc!!!!!

I went one step further and asked the guest for detail so that I may improve …. No response.


I shall let it go ….. eventually:)

As an update… I spent around 6 months with a perfect 5. I got a 4 and could never get my average above 4.95.

3 years later  I’m around 4.9, my life as a host is soooo much easier, I don’t fall apart if I get a 4 or eventually a 3. I’ve come to learn, as long as I stay above 4.85, I’m happy, fully booked, not stressed out, and willing to stand up fir the little things, like asking for lost key fees, etc… not a slave anymore. Doing my job and enjoying it. Don’t be afraid to loose your 5* absurd status ! 

Same experience. We were sad that we lost our 5-star status for no reason but after reading this thread, yes, it is absurd. We felt free and won't feel that bad. Thank you for sharing your experience.

I love that attitude. 

Thanks for the update! I've been hosting 3 years a still get annoyed at an unfair low star. But at the end of the day I see some incredibly popular Airbnbs with way lower ratings. I think what is most important is putting energy into your photos and relations with the guests so they want to come back. Happy hosting!

Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Mariana313 @Anonymous would be proud of you not bending to Airbnb's control. 

Level 2
Copenhagen, Denmark

A very happy guest gave me 4 stars by mistake. She did not mean to, and was terribly sorry, it had happened (perhaps a computer lag or bug), but airbnb would not change it. So now I am probably stuck forever below 5. I have figured out that it will be faster to delete the listing and start anew than to try to get my rating back to 5.

Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Ellen364 you seem to have removed your listing. I am sorry but you will never maintain a perfect 5* rating nor do you need to. There will always be a guest who marks you down because I never give a perfect score' or one who takes issue with a minor fault and marks you down. 

Replacing your listing is not the answer - far better to stand up to the Airbnb mind control and just accept that perfection is unattainable.

Dear Mike and Jane


High marks! how impressive. Would you please take a minute and help me review my listing? I would really appreciate it. I have been with airbnb for 4 yearS...ZERO bookings.


I need your expert advice if you can spare the time please





Level 1
Toronto, Canada

I believe that Airbnb should wipe off your top review (just one) and your worst review each year. This allows for fairness. How can you have 150 perfect five star ratings and one idiot give you a 3 star because of something stupid. Airbnb needs to listen to us Hosts. We are what make the engine run! Treat us that way. 

Level 1
Austin, TX

I have 28 five star and I just got 1 four star now I'm 4.97.  Meanwhile, the guest that gave me 4 stars gave me 5 stars in all the categories, raved about us in her review.  Makes no sense. 

Same thing just happened and we are confused what we did wrong but it is what it is. Honestly though, there is zero incentive to put so much stress on ourselves to maintain a 5 anymore and we will just take the 4-star reviews with no apparent reason as a blessing to set us free and just do well enough. haha

I’ve had the same thing. The guy suggested I put a mirror above the basin (there’s already a large mirror in the bathroom). I take his point but losing my five star rating is a little irritating!

Hello @Barbra30 , 

How impressive! high ratings.


Do you have a few minutes to help me rate my apartment on the beach please?

I've been with airbnb for 4 years..ZERO rentals...I have no clues...


Please give me your expert opinion Barbara...




