Just got my first-ever 4-star review, and it’s frustrating b...
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Just got my first-ever 4-star review, and it’s frustrating beyond belief. I put everything into creating a five-star experien...
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I have a reservation for early September from a fully grown adult guest coming according to him with his friends.
Today I get a note from Airbnb that his mother passed away and his reservation is canceled under extenuating circumstances. First off, while of course needless to say I feel for him and it is a tragedy to lose a mother, how is this connected to a reservation six months out she is not part of? Ok, maybe this is a matter of opinion – maybe his religion requires him to mourne for a year. I don’t know. The kicker is that the certificate is fake. I checked and it is from a small clinic where he works himself, however the Dr who signed the certificate does not work there! Or even comes up as dr. in search.
I contacted Airbnb and they just said they felt it was legitimate. No explanation of discussion. I understand this is so far out, I will hopefully get another reservation but that’s not the point.
Hi everyone. @Inna22 - @Ute42, Andrew, Cormac, Alon and others...
@Inna22 , I’m going to throw a spanner in the proverbial works and play devils advocate. If I was you, I would be spitting chips and wondering where is the justice! Disregarding Airbnb’s latitude in resolving some forementioned cases, including yours, it does feel that the hosts are not being given an equal hearing when it comes to cancellation policy and time out from the actual expected date of arrival by guests. Terms of service should operate both ways.... Guests come and go across varying rental and booking platforms, but Airbnb should be trying harder to retain good hosts with good and proven track records.
I’m emphasising that I always appreciate hearing different viewpoints from all the various hosts and guests. Our individual lifetime experiences outside Airbnb are invaluable when looking at an issue. In fact, they provide a greater balance within and outside the Airbnb bubble and it’s operational platform. ( * Otherwise the information is known as “misinformation”, “limited” or the same information travelling around and around, being agreed upon by the same group of people.) There are hosts here I have great admiration for, who have experience I can never get ahead of; but life skills and their insights can not be underestimated. Everything is about the here and now for guests and hosts.
Forums give us a voice, they do not make class actions because we are all different people with different personalities and stories at that “now” time. We react differently depending on that “now” set of circumstances.
A commonsense approach would be to expect all documents meet scrutiny with dates and details that can be verified. Names that can be validated. Cancellation policies honoured. A review on Extenuating Circumstances undertaken.
However, @Inna22 , your situation does sound a bit dodgy, but an outlier thought: could the doctor have been a visiting locum? Or my likely scenario: acting as “in loco parentis” for the grown man! Without being disrespectful, some mothers do have them....... (Shake of my head and short laugh here....)
A furphy shouldn’t be allowed when dealing with large monetary amounts. Nor for lower ones either... but definitely long distance bookings should require better business practise and scrutiny by Airbnb; including a more even playing field for hosts and guests alike. Fraudulent behaviour should be tracked and dealt with.
So through discussion, debate and forums, we need to keep these concerns alive. @Inna22, I’m so sorry this has happened to you, but thank you for highlighting the current outcome. You have always come across as a great host and your properties are wonderful. I’m sure you will get new bookings... positive vibes heading your way. “I do believe in karma, I do, I do....”
@Cathie19 two thank yous: for the kind words and for the new word in my vocabulary- furphy
You’re most welcome @Inna22!
I find it absolutely delightful and endearing to know you have crafted this list to help you learn more English turn of phrases!
@Ute42 How cool. Are you aware that there is a lot of variation between English words and expressions as used by various English-speaking countries? Although English is my native language, I've also learned new word usage and expressions on this forum from other hosts around the world. For instance, the Aussies call what Americans and Canadians would refer to as a kitchen counter, a "bench". To us, a bench is something to sit on.
That one you have on there- "unmade road" is certainly an expression I've never heard anywhere. I'm assuming it refers to what I'd call an unpaved road.
@Sarah977, yes I know. All kind of english speaking people have all kind of words for whatever. Most challenging are the Australians. Not only are they driving on the left side of the road which is really disturbing for us in Europe, they also have words that (or which?) noone has ever heard of.
The important thing is Ute, we know what they mean.
Here is a few more you might like to put into your personal thesaurus....
Hooroo: ................Auf Wiedersehen Goodbye!
Drongo: .................Dumme Person Stupid person!
Dipstick: ...............Gleich wie dumme Person Same as Stupid person!
Knackered:...........Gebrochen Broken!
Up the Duff::........ Schwanger Pregnant!
On yr bike: ............Auf deinem Fahrrad Get out of here!
Sticky Wicket: .....Klebriges Wicket Uncomfortable situation!
*bleep*: .................Jemand weiß nicht, Someone who does not know
worüber er spricht what he is talking about!
Whacho: ................Eine dumme Person, A stupid person who does not know
die nicht weiß, wovon er spricht what he is talking about!
I bring these words up Ute because you may come across an Aussie host review one day that will go something like this....
"As a guest you really were a complete drongo and your partner was a dipstick. You left the place completely knackered, your dog got our dog up the duff , and all you did, you *bleep*, was create a sticky wicket. I couldn't wait for you to take your whacko mate and get the bloody hell out of here.....hooroo"!
See, Ute we Aussies do have a way with words!
@Ute42 careful ! We’re still in Europe, although hanging in there on a thread and we drive on the left too!
@Sarah977, and @Ute42. Just to clarify, we still have benches to sit on, as well as bench tops in the kitchen. When my children were small, they would want to sit on the kitchen bench top to watch me make a cake! So in that context, it had a shared purpose as the counter and a seat! Same word but different items.
Then again, to gain upper body strength I could bend down or squat to raise a bench seat above my head. But I wouldn’t! However, a bench press, (the fitness equipment/machine) is also something I wouldn’t use ..... LOL
I am lead to believe by the local pet shop the sales of budgie's, cages and other stuff they need fell by 50% when Tony Abbott started competing the triathalons!!!
Tony Abbott in his 'Budgie Smugglers'
Personally I think that's a 'budgie' better kept a little better hidden!
What do they say about politicians.....no balls!!