Hi there! It is nice to meet all of you. We co-host our lake house on Lake Rescue in beautiful Vermont, USA. Golf, snowboarding, skiing, painting, and family are my passion!

Level 1
Philadelphia, PA

Hi there! It is nice to meet all of you. We co-host our lake house on Lake Rescue in beautiful Vermont, USA. Golf, snowboarding, skiing, painting, and family are my passion!

We are always looking for ways to improve bookings. In fact, we just substantially lowered our nightly rate, but still are not seeing the traffic that we desire. Open to suggestions -- and thanks in advance.

1 Reply 1
Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi @Kevin3585  😊

Welcome to the community center! I know the lake, it is marvelous!😍


When did you start co-hosting?


Thank you for bringing up this topic.

I would like to mention some experienced hosts who can probably help you: @Robin4@Vincenzo89@Dr-Jayanthi1 and @Guy991.

Thank you in advance, everyone!


Additionally, it would be great if you could check out these conversations about:

 👉How to book more guests.  

👉How do we get more guests? 


Warm regards🌻,


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