Host cancelations

Level 1
Zacatecas, Mexico

Host cancelations

Hello to everyone, and all of you who are awesome hosts Kudos to you, you know who you are. 
On that note, I really wish Airbnb allowed for rating the reservation process and not only the stay. Many hosts (even Super hosts) cancel you with no disregard of your plans or needs, yet that does not go on record, it has happened to me too many times!

3 Replies 3
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Odette97 A host cancellation used to trigger an automatic review saying 'Host cancelled this reservation XX days before the stay'. I don't know if this still happens but if it does this is a good way to expose those hosts who are likely to let down their guests.

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Unfortunately Airbnb removed the notice that used to appear when a host cancelled a booking on a hosts profile . 

Personally I think they should reinstate this and also note on guest profiles where they cancel bookings @Odette97 

Top Contributor
Stellenbosch, South Africa

Hi @Odette97 

It should give you some comfort that a host cannot cancel too many bookings and remain a Superhost. You can only cancel up to 1% of bookings during the assessment period.