Hosting regulations in Spain - is ICNEA website safe?
I am staying in Spain soon and have been asked by my host to upload my personal information (as required by Spanish law), such as my passport number, to a website called 'ICNEA'. Does anyone have experience using this website, and is it safe?
Icnea is a preferred partner of Airbnb so means that have a secure connection to Airbnb.
A scammer usually wants immediate money and credentials to get money (credit card, IBAN, etc.). Your passport number is useless for a scammer. Your phone number and email are probably much more relevant for a scammer than your passport number.
ICNEA is a channel manager for accommodations, so it's natural that they ask for that information, as every host is legally forced to do so in most of Europe (Article 45 of the Schengen Agreement).
At most, you could have refused to give that information through the website and give it directly to the host instead, since you were already in contact with them. Although, I don't believe that small difference is worth the trouble. ICNEA seems trustworthy.