Hosts Beware : 50% refund and booking stopped for WIFI speed


Hosts Beware : 50% refund and booking stopped for WIFI speed

Airbnb sided with the guest claiming the Wifi is slow. it isn't, after they left I could see that the 20 mb/s advertised by my ISP was working, and this is considered a good speed in the country I'm in)


Airbnb refunded (arbitrarly with my money) the guest 50% of the used nights and cancelled the remaining nights. ( I have strict cancellation policy)


Is it really all it takes to have a 50% discount for guests ? Just say the wifi speed is bad and get refunded 50% ? that seems unbelievable to me. 


How to appeal this decision with proofs I gathered ?

1 Best Answer
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Nassim29 You still have rights to go after Airbnb per its terms and conditions. Hopefully now they are looking at your proof you may get the right result.

View Best Answer in original post

5 Replies 5
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Nassim29 if Airbnb didn't give you a chance to sort the issue (or even show there was no issue) then ask Airbnb if they would like to go to Arbitration or the small claims court.

I live in Morocco, that's very unlikely it will happen. This business is not yet regulated here.

Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Nassim29 You still have rights to go after Airbnb per its terms and conditions. Hopefully now they are looking at your proof you may get the right result.

Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hey @Nassim29 ,


Did you also manage to get in touch with Airbnb Customer Support regarding this issue through the contact page?

If you need any assistance connecting with Airbnb for your issue, you can also look at this resource
Guide: How to contact Airbnb. I hope this helps you to reach out for necessary help.



Please follow the Community Guidelines

First they weren't wanting to examine any proof I have or to give me any proof of reason of their decision. But after a lot persistance and talking, I finally got someone from Airbnb wanting to listen to me and give me a chance to prove them the guest lied. 


They are still examining them at the moment.