Simply the host should have the option or access to the damage deposit Either via by the guests depositing it into an account or host having access to the credit card. The damage deposit is simply there for the host’s property. If the guests know the owner has the damage deposit they will be more considerate and respectful to the property. They wouldn’t book for 6 and 15 turn up!
BOND -DAMAGE DEPOSITS are not or always taken!!!!
As for the BOND I was told that air bnb doesn’t always take the bond from the guests credit card. I believe that’s why they have the final decision because if the guests card declined they declined your request. They never loss money but hosts have lost millions of dollars. My estimation is around $10,000 and I don’t use Airbnb as a platform any more due to not being able can’t control the bond or guests. If you don’t accept a booking they take you off Airbnb for a period because even if you want someone with more reviews on Airbnb they still have the last say .
Funny I’ve never seen a guest with a bad review on Air BnB but there have been millions and millions of dollars worth of damage done to the host’s property!! I would love to know the estimate of how much hosts have lost through Airbnb via guests not doing the right including damages, unpaid extra guests or Airbnb cancelling BECAUSE AIR BNB CAN!!!.
I never come across guests with several bad reviews or even one bad review.
Any Guests can just close their account and reopen another one or book on their friends account. That’s why you never come across a guest or guests with bad reviews . Unfortunately there is no monitoring, there’s no care any more or back up for the host. I believe it is now out of control. That’s why it’s all done via someone on the telephone like a Call Centre if the host have a problem. There is no empathy for the host or the actual owner of the property and it takes hours and hours of writing back to Air BnB sending photographs to show evidence and they still won’t take the evidence or believe you. A court case would be so much easier. If a host request get extra money for cleaning, for extra guests or damages the guests has done the guests can still leave a false review or Revenge review.
Guest are starting to know Air bnb is the easiest platform not to lose your damage deposit and now it’s getting taken advantage of. The only person that gets ripped off when there is damage is the host and the property owner.
It’s really simple, you think about it. To save money guests book for four guests and eight friends turn up and they don’t lose the bond -have a party!! You don’t loss your bond. They are loud messy damage the property they don’t loss their bond!
And if the host has the audacity to confront the guest. They say I will leave a bad review. The threat of a bad review !! The revenge review ,the tantrum review-the if I can’t get my own way so I will leave a bad review. Even if the property was sparkling clean had everything there but if the guest gets confronted for not respecting the house rules they leave a false review. Damaging someone’s business, name Income. Defaming is illegal in Australia.