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So I need some help here in creating an outdoor space for my customers that is not expensive but looks inviting?
We moved into our home in April and since it was a new build there is no landscaping, just a lot of dirt.
We put together this temporary firepit and then in British Columbia, Canada, they have now banned all fires - so this is not permitted.
I just need to make this a more private space on a temporary basis, as the landscaping will start in the new year.
Looking forward to hearing all your great ideas as this space is quite sad. 😔
Thank you so much 🙏
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@Linda3273 It looks cute! I would suggest putting up a divider of some sort for privacy. Perhaps a lattice screen or a few trellises. They usually have them at big box hardware stores in the garden section. Or invest in some screening trees that are about 5 feet tall and plant a row. Hang some string lights-- they always make the place look festive.
@Linda3273 I agree with @Laura2592 however why do you need a “private” space outdoors? Curious if there is a near by road or neighbor. I ask because my outdoor space is not private but we have no neighbors for 10 miles and some guests may find the open outdoor space more pleasing. But @Laura2592 had some great ideas that I guess I would not have thought of. Next question to ask your self is since this is “temporary” what’s your vision for permanent space and what can be used from the temporary set up into the permanent one with out buying something you may not end up using in the permanent space? Those planters and trees I saw would like great as and outdoor border maybe adding more depending on space and we too have a burn ban in ND so can you switch to a gas firepit? I ask cause we can use gas firepits in the burn ban because there is no popping wood that will create sparks. I have a gas firepit on my deck when the ban is on when they can not use the actual firepit we have in the back yard.
@Laurelle3 REALLY cute idea! I am going to do this at our cottage. There is an area I would like to screen for more privacy.
I think definitely screen the road, and i have in my back yard which guests enjoy sitting/relaxing under a free standing covered pergola which comes in 4 big boxes from Costco and made in Canada or could replace fire pit with nice water feature.
Hi Max144,
I have been looking at a metal gazebo top (Costco) that could be moved once the landscaping starts up in the spring of 2022. The firepit is a challenge right now because there is a fire ban on so I love the idea of a water feature in that space that I will check into. I greatly appreciate you taking the time to help out. Warmly, Linda 😎
Hi Elizabeth1028,
Since Seagull Studio is on the second floor, I want to provide a space for my guests to lounge around outside. The firepit area borders on the road the driveway and the neighbour's driveway. We live just steps from the most active dog walking, running, walking park in Sooke that people love to do, so from dawn to dusk there is always someone around.
The land was cleared to build the house and now we have to get a road grader to level the property before we landscape - nothing is easy. We have a gas firepit but with all the wind would it really make a difference?
Thank you so much for those great suggestions as it helps me improve this space.
Warmly, Linda 😎
Hi Laurelle3,
Well, your privacy looks simply amazing and wow your passionfruit grows so quickly in beautiful Australia. Great suggestion on the pallets as we are currently using them for other purposes. We do have an issue however with deer as you can see - as our yard is their garden and they devour everything. We have up to 20 deer on-site daily so plantings will require some serious thought. Until the property is fenced 8 feet plus high, there will be no flowering plants, unfortunately.
Thank you so much for reaching out. Warmly Linda 😎
A little background to the area you now live @Linda3273 that may add enchantment to the character of your listing.
Vancouver Island - Sooke History with Deer, the Indians and surrounding locations from 1865
The new Goldfields in Vancouver's Island also from 1865
Ancient finds - keep us posted @Linda3273 when they do the grading for any interesting finds..
The Empire Holds them All by John Y Margison, Sooke
Cult on Island collapses - this is an interesting piece about who built cheese making factories etc in the area of Sooke
Maybe incorporate some of those aspects of History into your new Garden area...and inside your ABB in a booklet format..
Feel free to share this one with those building your new fence @Linda3273
Your Guests may also enjoy, and appreciate.
I'd be inclined to print this one out and frame it inside your Guest Bedroom - bear in mind those who will be undertaking your new fence project also have contacts who may be potential Guests so it's great to share these stories, nothing bets Bush Telegraph!
Maybe also print it and frame it and attach it as part of a Historical Trail on the outside of your new fence for the Dog Walkers and others to read......
Rich Goldfields discovered on Vancouver's Island - price of Carpentry in 1865...
@Linda3273 It looks cute! I would suggest putting up a divider of some sort for privacy. Perhaps a lattice screen or a few trellises. They usually have them at big box hardware stores in the garden section. Or invest in some screening trees that are about 5 feet tall and plant a row. Hang some string lights-- they always make the place look festive.
Hi Laura2592,
Trust me this is pretty basic for me right now. We have trees and shrubs coming in the spring so that is why I planted the boxwoods in the planters for now. The string lights are a nice idea and I will look into that suggestion. Thank you so much for all your help. Warmly Linda 😎
@Linda3273 I agree with @Laura2592 however why do you need a “private” space outdoors? Curious if there is a near by road or neighbor. I ask because my outdoor space is not private but we have no neighbors for 10 miles and some guests may find the open outdoor space more pleasing. But @Laura2592 had some great ideas that I guess I would not have thought of. Next question to ask your self is since this is “temporary” what’s your vision for permanent space and what can be used from the temporary set up into the permanent one with out buying something you may not end up using in the permanent space? Those planters and trees I saw would like great as and outdoor border maybe adding more depending on space and we too have a burn ban in ND so can you switch to a gas firepit? I ask cause we can use gas firepits in the burn ban because there is no popping wood that will create sparks. I have a gas firepit on my deck when the ban is on when they can not use the actual firepit we have in the back yard.
Hi Elizabeth1028,
Since Seagull Studio is on the second floor, I want to provide a space for my guests to lounge around outside. The firepit area borders on the road the driveway and the neighbour's driveway. We live just steps from the most active dog walking, running, walking park in Sooke that people love to do, so from dawn to dusk there is always someone around.
The land was cleared to build the house and now we have to get a road grader to level the property before we landscape - nothing is easy. We have a gas firepit but with all the wind would it really make a difference?
Thank you so much for those great suggestions as it helps me improve this space.
Warmly, Linda 😎
@Linda3273 Absolutely the gas firepit still is useful in the wind, ours works well although there are times when the wind seems to fold the flame, but your idea of a “barrier” would also serve as a wind break. Pallets can be a great tool to use for barrier they can be staked long ways and even use hinges to attache them together so they fold easily as well… and use steel posts (what we use for our cattle fence) to put the the ground on the back side to support the pallets. These are also cheaper and most times free to acquire especially if you know a farmer or rancher near by that orders feed or supplies in bulk as they are delivered on pallets. I have even used my extra pallets to make head boards for my B&B as I only had the bed frames and they look like a picket fence headboard. The great thing about pallets is once you have them standing up you can hang lights or mosquito lanterns from them as well, even tiki torch’s in the corners (when the burn ban allows) or just put solar lanterns up in the corners of your barrier. But I love the idea of maybe using those large planters with tress you have and put those in between pallet walls so you won’t need as many pallets AND you won’t need as many planters … as well as breaking up the wall with decorative planters.
life is so much easier now than it was 50 years ago, people used to use a shovel and built up muscles and great lungs from digging up the soil.
If you can, why don't you get out there and do some of the other easier ground works?
The people who walk their dogs are an added attraction for people sitting outside and can break down barriers as well as provide joy to those who may not have a pet.
Perhaps you can turn what you may consider a privacy issue into a "Hey this works fine as it is"
@Linda3273 your tempory effort looks good. For a tempory privacy wall my suggestion is to use some wood from pallets nailed to posts. Paint them, plant some creepers or make a wall garden with flowering annuals, herbs, succulants. Lots of ideas on Pinterest. We can get the pallets here free I dont know if you can. The posts can be recycled to another part of the garden later.This is my wall I made and painted planted with a passionfruit only 6 months old with help from husband. It gives privacy for guests front door as we share the grass area and we are unable to see into their area from our house.
@Laurelle3 REALLY cute idea! I am going to do this at our cottage. There is an area I would like to screen for more privacy.
Hi Laurelle3,
Well, your privacy looks simply amazing and wow your passionfruit grows so quickly in beautiful Australia. Great suggestion on the pallets as we are currently using them for other purposes. We do have an issue however with deer as you can see - as our yard is their garden and they devour everything. We have up to 20 deer on-site daily so plantings will require some serious thought. Until the property is fenced 8 feet plus high, there will be no flowering plants, unfortunately.
Thank you so much for reaching out. Warmly Linda 😎
@Linda3273 I love the phots of your wildlife. Another idea is put some art on the the pallet fence. These are ceramic tiles my husband mounted for our back neighbours fence. You could also do some mosaic panals.
I appreciate the Deer can be an issue and challenge eating up your flowers.
Interestingly the Encouragement to Create and erect Fences back in the 1840's was because cattle used to wander into other people's gardens and eat the plants.
Prior to that the Cattle Impounding Act was in force but took up time in the Supreme Court so they decided a Fencing Act was more conducive.
Alas, you have an incredible opportunity to capitalise on the "Back to Nature" setting which is popular at the moment so when you do build a fence make sure your Guests can see and interact with the Deer in their natural environment.
Remember animals were there before us humans...
I wish we still had the Domains we used to have with animals in Auckland, which used to be Rural land before it became a Concrete Jungle city.
Meanwhile do include in your listing, if it isn't already about Deer wandering around the neighbourhood as that's a huge attraction with your listing.
@Linda3273 The pallet idea is a good short term solution, depending on what you intend to do with the part that faces the road eventually. I would get one or two large/medium sized planters and put some nice flowers there and put a hurricane lantern on the table. You could also get one of the stand alone patio umbrellas.
Hi Mark116,
The plan is to fence in the property with cedars on the inside of the fence (8 feet plus) because we have Deer Daycare in our yard every day. Flowers are what the Deer eat so that unfortunately will not work. Because we are situated once block from the ocean the winds are quite intense so we need to erect a solid structure for safety concerns. The hurricane lantern is a great idea and I thank you for taking the time to help out. Warmly, Linda 😎
Deer Daycare
I think definitely screen the road, and i have in my back yard which guests enjoy sitting/relaxing under a free standing covered pergola which comes in 4 big boxes from Costco and made in Canada or could replace fire pit with nice water feature.