How do you encourage repeat guests?

Level 3
New South Wales, Australia

How do you encourage repeat guests?

Hi All,


Received my first repeat guests from Copenhagen last month who originally stayed with me in Feb this year and they are returning again next month before returning home.


Anyone else had repeat guests?


What do you think you do/ can do well to encourage repeat guests?


I know I would like to revisit hosts I have stayed with before when I have had a postitive experience and built rapport with. This guest messaged asking if the apartment was available. It was blocked and I was planning to spend my birthday alone but I opened it up again, so they could stay.


One thing I do is meet and greet all my guests and walk through the apartment and the guide I have created on where everything is and how things work. Plus I provide a folder on emergency contacts, local tourist attractions and 2 public transport cards pre-loaded with money for them to reload and return for the next guest. Little things that hopefully add up to make their stay comfortable and easy.


Any thoughts on what we could do differently to encourage repeat guests? Perhaps offering a further discount?


Cheers Allan 🙂

Top Answer
Level 10
London, United Kingdom

I'm lucky enough to have several sets of returning guests, and I'm grateful for that. I don't believe that discounts do much so, instead, I get some extras in. Be it a bottle of wine and some cheese sticks, some homemade (but not by me!) cakes or a small gift. These seem to make the difference, for me at least. 

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21 Replies 21
Level 10
London, United Kingdom

I'm lucky enough to have several sets of returning guests, and I'm grateful for that. I don't believe that discounts do much so, instead, I get some extras in. Be it a bottle of wine and some cheese sticks, some homemade (but not by me!) cakes or a small gift. These seem to make the difference, for me at least. 

Level 3
New South Wales, Australia

Sounds good Gordon thanks I will consider doing that next time 🙂

Level 3
New South Wales, Australia

Love the cats by the way very cute 🙂

Level 7
Victoria, Australia

I have a few repeat guests too, most discuss with me if they can stay again when they are here the first time.  I aways advise them to message me even if the dates appear unavailable as I sometimes blank out my calendar to have a rest or open up closer to the time.


I have one guest who has stayed 13 times.  He only stays for one night, and always through the AirBnB platform, I gave him a box of Favourites chocolates for the Number 10 stay.  With him I ask him to book only a week or so out since it is only one night I dont want to prevent longer bookings by his one day, and he then fills in a gap.  It's always a pleasure to host him and he like a friend.

Level 3
New South Wales, Australia

Sounds good Penny and same my guest did ask in the beginning of the year when they first stayed and I asked them to messsage prior to returning and in this instance I opened my calendar for them.


My min stay is 5 days and many guests stay that plus longer, so turnover is less thankfully, given I clean the apartment. A box of locally made chocolates sounds like a nice touch.

Level 7
Victoria, Australia

I have a few repeat guests too, most discuss with me if they can stay again when they are here the first time.  I aways advise them to message me even if the dates appear unavailable as I sometimes blank out my calendar to have a rest or open up closer to the time.


I have one guest who has stayed 13 times.  He only stays for one night, and always through the AirBnB platform, I gave him a box of Favourites chocolates for the Number 10 stay.  With him I ask him to book only a week or so out since it is only one night I dont want to prevent longer bookings by his one day, and he then fills in a gap.  It's always a pleasure to host him and he like a friend.

Level 3
New South Wales, Australia

Love your apartment Penny and your cats as well 🙂

Level 2
Chicago, IL

Hi Allan,


As someone said, it's rarely about the money, because the value usually excedes the cost of the stay. I have repeated visits to other hosts and don't expect a discount, just acknowledgement of my loyalty/appreciation of the host. "Welcome back!"






Level 3
New South Wales, Australia

Totally agree Brook I was greatful when they returned and I know hosts I have stayed with I would like to return and stay again with as well.


Level 3
New South Wales, Australia

Brook love Chicago and have been lucky enough to visit your beautiful city twice - love your apartment 🙂

Level 9
Porto, Portugal

Not repetead guests yet as the flat is quite new on airbnb but we had NZ couple that came one week after there friends stayed with us. Treat the guests for an excellent service ALWAYS is a good way to go, not only for the past guests but the ones to come also. 

If i like a place of airbnb that i have been before sure i would let a friend know if is going to the same city.

Knowing this you can mix with a discount to older hosts to them and there friends. "Please let me know if you come again to -Porto- i'll sure make you a discount next time, friends and family too. Many thanks for your stay." 

This not the best message but you got the idea, although some people may be sensible to this kind of approach. Be honest and natural about this. If you got to ellaborate a message feel free to share.



Level 3
New South Wales, Australia

Agree Daniel I have recommended Airbnb places I have stayed at to friends. Plus many of my others guests have also indicated to me they would like to return next year. Typically that is guests visiting family who also happen to live close by. Sounds like a good idea and something to consider 🙂

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hello Folks,


This is a really interesting discussion, there are some great tips here. 


@Aj0 has kindly set up another post in the Tips and Tricks section (thanks Allan), so it is easier for people to find and get involved. Why not continue the discussion by visiting the Repeat Guests thread? 🙂



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Level 6
Pasadena, CA

@Aj0 @Gordon0 @Penny1

Great ideas. I also have several sets of returning guests and work hard to keep them coming back with special little treats from the local bakery or market that I know will suit them.  I try to get to know what interests them and suggest a new sight to see or a new restaurant to try that will make this visit stand out from their last. I don't take my returning guest for granted because there is a lot of competition in my area from other excellent Airbnb hosts. I actually think that it is harder, in some ways, to host returning guests because they already expect excellence and I feel I need to top their last experience with me  😉 . But it is easier in some ways to have returning guests beause I know them and look forward to their visit.


I also work hard to make first time guests guests with family in my area (grandchildren or elderly parents) into guests who will stay with me repeatedly when they visit their family. For all first time guests who are grandparents of new baby grandchildren, I always buy a small baby gift. (I hope to keep these grandparents as returning guests for many years).

Returing guests are an unexpected pleasure of hosting. I had a different business for 30 years (photography) so I know the value of repeat, steady customers. But I didn't foresee that I would have repeat customers when I started hosting.

Many of my repeat guests have also become friends (I call them my "Airbnb cousins").

Hope this helps -- Lia

-- Lia -- Happy Hosting!