I had experienced 2 separate occasions where long stay guest (5 ~ 6 months stay) wanted to pay on a monthly basic saying that they were given allowance on a monthly basic by their employer. To allows this to happen, I had to block off the entire period as per guest requires and open up again when guest is ready to book. This caused uncertainty and it actually resulted in guest leave early saying due to company arrangement (luckily only 2 weeks early). I can not do much as they only book monthly and not longer.
I just want to know is there anyway that we can deal with this type of request but still allows the guest to commit making booking the entire period such as charge monthly through their credit card?
I had another case where someone booked a 5 months stay but shorten it to just 2 days just 1 month before guest check in date. As my cancellation policy is easy so I can not do much and actually unable to fill up the flat fully.
I goes through the cancellation policy and change that to strict now and I suggest doing it especially for long term guest.
There are two more occasions where guests message through airbnb saying that they find out the daily rate had dropped compare to the rate when they first booked ( total $50 different). Why it is so I don't know but to please the guest I provide a refund by cash (But asks the guest to sign a receipt). Any one has the same encounter and any suggestion on how to better dealt with the situation?