How to make a guest book somewhere else!

Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia

How to make a guest book somewhere else!

This is actually a follow up to another post I made just recently about dealing with guests you would really rather not deal with.

I have said here before I don't like hagglers, guests with lots of questions.

On Monday this week I got this pre-approval request from what I would describe as my epitomy of how not to approach me and ask/request a reservation if you are a guest . 

I sat on it for a few hours, logic should tell me to just say it may be better to book somewhere else. But you just never know, they might have IB,ed me anyway.

I even wrote a draft which I posted here of what I would like to have said.


Well I decided to take the bull by the horns and have a bit of fun with this request. You might think I am a calous sh*t  but in reality, you are all behind me! None of you would want to accept a request from  an enquirer like this.

So I took great delight in sending this........and quick as a flash the message came back.....'Not Possible'....brilliant, misssion accomplished! 

Classic pre-approval.png


There are times when Airbnb can be a lot of fun!



86 Replies 86

Hi @Sarah977

I think we are pretty much on the same page really. Your thoughts were  my inital thoughts when I read the guests message. Although if you read my first response to Rob,  I DO understand why he might question if he had to share the washing machine - after an experience we've had,  I'd  be wary of sharing with a host too, if I was travelling for an extended period of time with my family .

And I can also sort of understand ( maybe) the washing powder. It's not necessarily that you mind buying or brinigng your own, it's just that you  do want to know in advance, and don't want the hassle if you dont' need it. If he's flying and  only bringing cabin luggage for example, I can just see those dreadful airport security people saying "step aside please sir while we check out this little zip lock bag of white powder".


Conversly, when our family went overseas, all of our stays supplied dishwashing liquid.  Great, one less thing to have to plan and think about carting 5 people across the world - don't want white powder OR liquid travelling internationally with airport security across multiple flights and borders.  Only late one night in our final ( only overnight) stay, I discovered there was  a smidgin of liquid,  but no plug for the sink, and a  huge stack of dirty dishes and pots and utensils from 5 people. Oh so sorry said the remote host, use the diswasher  - no tablets provided. So roaming around at 8 pm in a foreign country at negative 5  trying to find a supermarket,  everything was shut,  after 45 mins got a little grocery store, they only sold them in packs of 72, cost me 15 euro or something outrageous  and we left 71 of them behind as we were flying home the next day.  And I could SO easily have brought a few tablets with me, if I'd known in advance


And then there was this - most of the homes we were staying at didn't have a hairdryer. Fair enough, I went out and bought a compact travelling one which was quite expensive, and took up precious space, and weight in our international luggage allowance,  but them's the breaks. Only, the  four listings  that said they didn't,  DID have a hairdryer -  they'd just  forgotton to tick it in the amenities. I was pretty exasperated at the time.  I remember thinking, well that was $60 of my hard earned cash needlessly thrown down the drain.   And  how would I handle this next time around? Write to hosts and say 'I know you say you dont' have a hairdryer, just wondering if maybe you do? cos I don't want to pack one if I dont' need to and I've had previous bad experiences? ( They'd think I was maniac and I'd probably get a response like Rob sent out!!!)



I KNOW none of this is probalby what was motivating this guest, but it  COULD be.    I think it's highly likely he would have been one of those difficult, demanding guests. I'm not trying to defend him. I didnt' really disagree with anything anybody was saying, and I realise everyone was just letting off a bit of steam, but, collectively, all the comments  just made me a bit uncomfortable, because we were all making assumptions ( which were probably spot on, but assumptions never the less). And I couldnt' help thinking, what if some random guest was reading this thread ( or worse the guest himself), what impression would it give them? So I piped up.


Interestingly,  when  my husband, who is very laid back as a guest and never complains,  read the email he didn't find the questions  at all strange  after the experiences we've had - he's interested in brands of A/C for example because he used to be an A/C engineer and has strong opinions on what's good and will do the job properly  and what's inadequate, regardless of age or working order.  He  wasn't ruffled by the tone either  because he works in a pressure cooker environment where people shoot blunt abrupt  emails like that to each other all the time. 

Having said all that though, he'd  never send a query like that himself and nor would I.  So really, I agree with you and everyone else!

@Rowena29  As a side note- I've never used a hair dryer in my life. Raised 3 daughters and never had one 🙂 

Yeah @Sarah977  I have fairly short hair and am far from a girly girl  ( I grew up with 6 brothers and have 3 sons, I have no chance) = I use if for purely for drying and can live without it  in subtropical Queensland, but didnt relish wet hair in zero degrees and below.   I thought I was going to DIE in Edinburgh as it was.   And it's really good for  drying  off  damp clothes quickly too...  And defrosting fingers and toes...

Level 10
Canary Islands, Spain

Lol this is so funny😂

Level 6
Chiba, Japan

Here's where it's interesting!   I'm now chuckling!  


Level 2
Ishpeming, MI

I’m with you, they are out there and want it all. I just had a potential guest ask if we supply butter or margarine in our kitchen amenities. Wow!

Level 1
Arley, AL

So funny! Good for you!

Level 3
Genoa, Italy

@Robin4 it's a nice tactic that I'll try and use (I don't think I'll have the courage though :l). I just wanted to say they didn't sound rude at all, they just had a few questions. Is there a specific reason why you replied like that? Like those info were already in the listing? I am asking because compared to the standard request I get, this is extremely kind and with a nice tone, so maybe I should change my standard of acceptance? 

Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia


I have said here many times before that I have been hosting for long enough to have established that guest requests do conform to a pattern.

 There are those who just love what they see, have read the listing description and feel it satisfies what they want and they just want to book. These are the guests I want to encourage.


There are those guests who start off simply asking questions! It is not that they may be asking in a nice way or an aggressive's just that, by asking questions they are all the time requesting that I will agree to something that I don't wish to offer in my listing description.

With 360+ hosting behind me I have learned what to look for.

Now I understood fully when I made that post that some people would think I was being dismissive and bellitleing to that guest request. 

And I was......I have learned that a request like that is the thin edge of the wedge! As soon as I say, all the appliances are brand new and the names belong the the world major accepted manufacturers, another series of questions would follow. "What condiments do you you supply a cooked breakfast or do I have to cook it myself......does the television have Netflix and an internet connection......How private is the entrance, can I come in late at night...... how often do you change the bed you supply slippers and bathrobes for guests to use.......Can I use the barbeque facilities you show in your photos.......Is there an local Uber taxi service in Mt Barker.....Can I use your stove to cook a meal, it is so expensive to eat out all the time......As we don't wish to drive after drinking alcohol can you please pick us up from the wedding reception........Who does the washing of dishes each day......Do you supply a porta cot, a highchair and toys for children".....God the list is endless!

Lucilla, these are all questions I have been asked.....every one of them. If I wanted to emphasise any of these things I would have mentioned them in my listing description.

As I have said in other posts I have been really lucky with the guests I have had.........but I think I have had a bit to do with that, I have learned who to accept and who not to....and after all this is my house and that is my prerogative!




Level 4
North Carolina, United States

@Robin4 You are my new hero!


Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia


Oh don't say that, I hate being on a pedestal.....well if I do have to be, make it a little one!!.....:-))



Level 4
North Carolina, United States

@Robin4 still I'm gonna.  Not just as a host, but as a writer, you won the internet this morning for me with that one!  


I just posted a question about superhosts -- I will reply to it and tag you, as I see your a superhost and may be able to answer if you have time/don't mind.  Thanks!

Level 2
Boothbay Harbor, ME

You are a GOD!! Brilliant!! 

Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia


Ana, I am a survivor!

No matter how much Airbnb backs me into a corner, I find a solution!

I love hosting and I love people. So many fabulous nights have been spent here because of the lovely guests Airbnb have bought to me.....but that is me. I am a social person!


But, I am in the big league now, having hosted close to 340 reservations across a couple of platforms......267 of them with Airbnb, I know what to look for and which guests to accept and which to decline. My formula is not always going to be fullproof but I find it does work .....I have never had a 3 star review, so although God I am not, I don't think he could do much better at picking prospective guests!


@Robin4And that's why we need you here on CC, not many has your gift with words and how to deal with guests. So thank you, for keeping us informed and for giving us  laughs!