How to remove slanderous remarks by guest

Level 2
Evans, GA

How to remove slanderous remarks by guest

I had a guest  who made false and slanderous review.  Through several conversations with Airbnb teams and supervisors, Airbnb knows that the statements are false; however, its supervisor says, "Since it doesnot violate Airbnb policies, we ca not remove..."


I cannot find Airbnb policies and its team can not direct me to the pages of such policies.


Any suggestions as what to do?  I have evidnce and witnesses; as well as prior reviews that counter this only terrible review and Airbnb does not want to help.


Any ideas PLEASE.



Top Answer
Top Contributor
Bellevue, WA



I’m sorry to hear about your situation. A quick search of the internet with Airbnb terms and conditions brought me to the link:




2) This is an article on their content policy which if one violates they can have their review taken down as well:


You should be able to find their terms and conditions under their Resource center.


It is difficult to get a review removed but I’ve seen hosts get them removed if they violated the terms and conditions of reviews (discriminatory, retaliatory, harassment, please see the above links for more info). If one posts a review and states facts or their experience, and it does not violate the terms and conditions then they will allow it to stand. The best you could do is respond to the review to state your side of the story abiding by the terms and conditions. 

You may have to speak to different customer service reps or ask to speak to a manager to see if something can be done about the review (state how their review is violating the terms and conditions of Airbnb reviews). 

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12 Replies 12
Top Contributor
Stellenbosch, South Africa

Hi @Mike3437 

Based on what I've read here from other hosts, I'm not confident that you will be successful in having this review removed. It may be best to just put it behind you and focus on the next booking.


If the review is not removed, all you can do is check whether there's anything you could change before the next bookings. As you seem to be reasonably new on Airbnb, I want to point out that many guests who book a place listed as "entire home" may have an expectation that the host will not physically be around during their stay (from the negative review it seems that you visited the house, although I do understand that you dispute the contents of that review). The previous (positive) review also mentions that you maintained the pool throughout the guest's stay. I'm not sure whether you live in another unit on this property or near the property, but it may be that guests expect more privacy due to the "entire home" nature of the listing.

The guest had a 10 year old daugther and I have a nine year old.  The guest wanted them to play and asked me to take my daughter there.  I have her conversation and texts.


Then, I went and bought that girl luch that she wanted ... while girls were playing  (pictures)


The harrassment statements are lies.  The review is slanderously  damaging and I have not had a signle reservation since this issue.


I realize you are upset.  I would not focus on his complaint about you visiting because that is an opinion.   I would focus on the first line that says you are banned by Airbnb, obviously not true you are here and also doesn't look good for Airbnb either if you are banned but have listings on their platform.  It won't be quick but I did have a review removed once.  Took many emails with the same message but 4 days in my case.

Top Contributor
Bellevue, WA



I’m sorry to hear about your situation. A quick search of the internet with Airbnb terms and conditions brought me to the link:




2) This is an article on their content policy which if one violates they can have their review taken down as well:


You should be able to find their terms and conditions under their Resource center.


It is difficult to get a review removed but I’ve seen hosts get them removed if they violated the terms and conditions of reviews (discriminatory, retaliatory, harassment, please see the above links for more info). If one posts a review and states facts or their experience, and it does not violate the terms and conditions then they will allow it to stand. The best you could do is respond to the review to state your side of the story abiding by the terms and conditions. 

You may have to speak to different customer service reps or ask to speak to a manager to see if something can be done about the review (state how their review is violating the terms and conditions of Airbnb reviews). 

Thank you all ESPECIALLY {LORINA14} and 2nd thanks to {MARIA}.

I was looking for pages that would show Airbnb policies in order to review and could not find...


Since Aug. 5 (before the review was published), I spoke with many of its reps to include 3 supervisors (all my calls are recorded).  I presented this guest first few words that "this individualled was BARRED...".  All airbnb rep.s acknowledged that the entire frsit few lines are false and I was never barred, then tell me that it does not violate its polcy.  


One other thing Lorina brougfht to my attention is the fact that this guest, wanted me to reimburse them outside airbnb after he/she (husband/ wife combo) decided to leave my house (after 2 days of stay) and I said, I have to discuss with AIRBNB.  He/she also claimed they made reservation elsewhere (BEFORE discussing such with me or airbnb), which is also airbnb policy.


THANK YOU ALL.  if you have other useful resources, policies,... please either send me; links or share with me.








You’re welcome!

If a guest asks you to take things off platform, that’s against Airbnb rules and can get them kicked off the Airbnb platform. There is a reason to keep all communication on the platform, it’s for safety and so Airbnb can review their comments. 


If the guest or host wants reimbursement for any reason, it should be done through Airbnb customer service or the resolution center. 

The guests should have contacted you first to address issues, then customer service (or at the same time saying you have contacted the host and are waiting for a response) and if the response was not suitable then escalate. To leave then demand a refund off the platform is not acceptable when they did not even try to resolve it through the proper channels.


I hope you are able to get an acceptable resolution to this matter. 

I have been with three claims against Airbnb guests for 

1.  Since mid May

2,  Snce July 15

3.  Now with this issue of guest review since August 5.


At the same time, my property does not show on Airbnb search result (since I started in Jan. 2024) , untill you get to pages like 7-9; even using the search parameteres ("Filter") such as pool, entire house, full kitchen...  Yet, houses which do not have pool, or are room- show up on the first page, or "cotteges" with not even privte parking on the first page, yet Airbnb claims I am wrong.  I asked others to search and they all concluded the same as I do.  


MOST of my guests do not come from airbnb, but I bring them from VRBO or, because it is cheaper for them on airbnb.  


The guests that I NO problem with are from Booking,com and VRBO.  The guests that I listed with claims or issues are ALL DIRECTLY from airbnb. 


Airbnb makes money from me, but can neither
A.  show my property with a proper "Filter" on its first page .


B.  Resovle any claims satisfactory to its fullests-  I have been at 2 claims for over 2 months each.

C.  Bobmards me witrh emails from different reps and when I reply, either the case is closed and they started a new treade or that 2 other people reply and I have to repay to both, or else - AGAIN, case is closed.  


It is a HORRIBLE EXPERIENCE.  I own rentral properties and have been spending more time on money on this property with airbnb than any others, only to gain less at the end.  Most times, my proeprty remains vacant.  Now, since guest Roy's review, I have not even had an inqury.


Airbnb has really changed my mind of wanting a short term rental.

I do not see how some of you hosts say that you get resolution from Airbnb within few days.

Sorry, I was typing fast and could not check spelling- since I am rushed to leave.  Forgive the little mispelled words here or there.




Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Mike3437 The Airbnb search algorithm seems to take a big account of bookings. So if most of your business comes from other platforms then you will always feature low in Airbnbs. Why is your property chaperone one website vs another?

IF my property is not showing (potential guests can not see)then how can I have reservations/bookings?


If I understtod you correctly _ why is my property  cheeper on Airbnb than others? 

Answer:  other sites charge higher fees to customers and higher commission. 



I know frustrating for  me I am 60 and enjoy a glass of wine after dinner but if I stay up to 10 pm I think I am being wild haha.  My Guest wrote a review that in my alcoholic craziness T kicked him and his girlfriend out,  Upsetting,  I focused on the Guest had departed after his male dog decided to pee on my Central Air Equipment and he didn't like the expense of having professionally cleaned.  He with Airbnb tried to get me to agree to cancellation because he wanted unused days refunded.  I wouldn't and I won that case. So like I said not easy but for 4 days I just answered every Airbnb email with my script "It was decided by Airbnb I never asked the Guest to leave".  They try to distract you with the things they know you can't win.  Lots of emails and embarrassment for 4 days but staying focused on him stating something they had determined not true and not allowing anyone to sidetrack me, it was removed.

I feel your pain.

@Mike3437 . Mike, so sorry to hear this. We dont know what happens between couples but clearly the pool playdate became problematic.


Going forward may I make the following suggestions:

1. Always review your guests.

2. Always respond to their reviews- and its a short window- that way if a bad review drags on (as here) you have clarified the situation from your point of view for any intended bookings in the meantime. WIth any luck your response and their review might both be thrown out! But watch what you say-keep brief, professional and to the point.

3. Be careful about interacting with your guests. I know many home based hosts love to do this but you need to remember that you dont really know your guests initially so its easy for things to go sideways just when you think it was going so well (yes, happened to me)

4. Fix your pricing so all platforms have the same fees. No need to cross refer.

5. I am listed on 2 platforms but I have noticed the Airbnb search engine likes momentum so getting booked more (with good reviews helping that) leads to higher rankings. So you can fix this going forward.


Good luck.