I run a glamping site with 3 ensuite swiss cottages in The H...
I run a glamping site with 3 ensuite swiss cottages in The Himalayas and am looking for staycations or even monthly long dura...
A business made the booking 1st March - 28th March, 5 persons booked, with a 25% discount built in. 1st March arrival. 4 men go to work early ( usually about 7am) and return about 7 pm. the girl stays in the cottage all day curtains closed (for whatever reason) so lights are on all day, but not just in the room she is using but all over, plus two room lights are left on over night as well.
I don't have central heating in the cottage just electric heaters with timers, which no doubt have been over ridden, so they are all on all the time to keep her warm.
The reason I need them to leave is the electricity bill! - its NOT feasible
They arrived the evening of the 1st March, last nights meter reading show units used are 832 @ .20p a unit = £166.40 in just 5 days....this isn't feasible!! they still have another 23 days left on their booking, I will go broke at this rate.
Can I ask them to leave and what does that entail? I can't afford this.. please help
I texted the person whom made the booking, he was flippant saying it was my meter that was wrong. I explained that it had been both serviced and checked recently. that was on Friday pm. He hasn't got back to me.
So yesterday afternoon I contacted the head of the group staying at the cottage, he was in Dundee of course, but arranged a meeting tonight 5pm to discuss the mater.
I took a photo yesterday of the meter reading at 6pm and we will take another one at 6pm tonight to get a show units used!! (wish I had the foresight to have done that in the beginning!)
They are Romania and tell me they cant speak English, Yes I have tried
Yes I have tried.
They are Romania and tell me they can not speak English. No understand
You can ask them to leave, but your calendar will more than likely be blocked amongst other possible penalties such as a revenge review etc. As previously suggested, try talking to them. Point out that your nightly rates assume ‘fair usage’ of your energy and given the soaring prices ask them politely if they could be more mindful of this and try to turn off lights etc. when not needed. Moving forward, as you change lightbulbs and replace appliances, perhaps look at using led lights and more energy efficient items. My husband can be incredibly forgetful about lights and I am always trailing behind him grumbling and switching them off .. some people are just like this, and it may be that your guests are as well.
I have been polite and asked them to turn off lights and open curtains in the daytime, I'm ignored!
the lights are LEDs the heaters are on timers.. can't help thinking somethings wrong that the girl stays in the cottage 24/7 with all the curtains closed.. What is going on in the cottage for that amount of electricity to be used in such a short time.
Stupid thing is I started Airbnb so that I could afford (once I had a crewed enough from Airbnb taking to put a central heating into the cottage) one day..
Just for the record, I have had many booking from businesses where the men go out earl and come back 12 hours later and the normal usage of electricity is between £10 and £15 per day.
They usually light the log burner on return, which as a generous host, I leave a good supply of logs, kindling and fire lighters.
I'm just saying this treatment is not the norm.
I want to know if I m within my rights to asked them to leave, how can I achieve this?
ie How do I go about this, I do need the backing from Airbnb.
Does Airbnb refund them for the rest of the cancelled booking, once they leave.
I'm at my whit's end.
Maybe the English speaking Romanian has an answer tonight? I just need to know what to do if he is flippant as well!
@Penelope34 sounds like you have already tried your best to communicate with these guests. You should call Airbnb and discuss your discomfort with them. It does sound very odd that lights are left on and curtains constantly closed. It could be anything from a simple and innocent liking for privacy to using lamps to perhaps grow something they should not be growing or some such ilk. In any case, you can ask them to leave and take the penalties you will incur which will most likely also result in them being refunded for any unused nights, or simply grit your teeth and stick it out until the end of their reservation.
I never take 3rd party bookings as they’re not covered by Host Insurance and it’s always such a struggle to communicate with a guest who’s not the booker. I feel
your frustration.
I’m guessing when they made the reservations you were under the impression/had been advised that these chaps were here to work and would be out of the house all day - perfect for cold stays up here given the heating costs.
Was there any mention of this extra guest and that’s she’d be hanging around? I’m guessing she’s a wife/partner of one of the guests and just drove over for the duration of the contract.