Inaccurate Reviews Hurt Hosts

Level 10
North Stonington, CT

Inaccurate Reviews Hurt Hosts

We live in a time where reviews are everything and so it was devastating when after receiving 103 5-star reviews, I had a guest give me a 3-star on Accuracy, which dropped my overall rating. She wrote a nice public review but then blasted me privately and indicated a list of issues that call into question the accuracy of my listing—claiming problems with AC, Wifi, Washer/Dryer, Size of space, and unexpected rules. 


Our AC brand new, works perfect, she didn't like that I asked her to put it on ECO mode to save energy when she went out for the day, washer/dryer brand new but in the basement, she didn't like going downstairs, the WiFi is high speed but we had a storm which knocked out the connection for a bit, she perceived the space as small even though our listing indicates 1,200SF, but it's actually larger at 1,500SF and lastly indicated Unexpected rules when clearly she didn't bother to read the rules at booking which are reiterated at check-in. So why am I getting penalized for inaccuracies when she really had preference issues? I called Airbnb but was read the usual line, "thank Ms Kim, we understand but we cannot remove or verify the inaccuracies of your guest's review". As a small business person, I find it super frustrating to have to deal with outsourced Airbnb call centers that are supposed to provide "Superhost" support, yet they lack the power to solve issues like this that ultimately hurt our listing and booking potential. I work really hard to ensure my listing represents the place and experience as closely as possible and I work very hard to make sure every detail is addressed and things are working the way they should. I think Airbnb should work harder to help hosts out with reviews like this. Suggest an option to verify issues using photos, video walk-throughs, a live Facetime call at the property to verify the inaccuracies in question. 


Has anyone else had issues like this and wished Airbnb could do better? Provide constructive suggestions please. 

Top Answer
Level 10
Placencia, Belize

My, my what a lively discussion. Very interesting thread.


Your question is @Kimberly718 - Has anyone else had issues like this and wished Airbnb could do better? If you are asking have we individually experienced as hosts some reviews that make no sense, as to being inaccurate? Yes, of course. Heck we have had guests knock us down on location (see our listing) because it wasn't remote enough! What were they expecting, Shangri-la, an imaginary paradise on earth, a remote and exotic utopia? 🤔


As for Airbnb I know from personal experience they are indeed inquisitive sorts and love new ideas and every workshop I am invited to when I drop a new idea it is always welcomed, but always takes time to germinate; is the way the human mind works. Tomorrow's enlightenment can't happen without the benefit of the mental steps achieved today, and today is dependent on yesterday's steps. Change does take time.


I have noticed that to get a review removed the best course of action is to successfully demonstrate how it is irrelevant, inaccuracy is too subjective and thus subject to too much interpretation. As to the star system, not many host with 100+ reviews tend to maintain a perfect 5.0, the odds are against it.


Lastly, one thing that caught my eye with what the guest said - "Wish there was more to see on the farm but it was fun watching the animals."  This triggered my imagination. Did she expect to see Moas (extinct ostrich type bird) and Komodo dragons which are endemic to only 4 Indonesian islands today?  Maybe giving adding giraffes merits some consideration. Seriously, that statement told me she was under an erroneous expectations and that would have caused me to review my description in the hope that maybe, just maybe I could improve it and prevent this in the future.


You are doing well, very well and have a fantastic place, above all enjoy it - all along the way.


P.S. If giraffes prove to tricky to get, hippopotamus would be equally cool. 😎



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46 Replies 46
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Kimberly718 To answer your question: Yes lots of people who post in the CC have had issues like this and I am sure they wish Airbnb could do better.

All metrics now weigh into Guest Favorite status.  Superhost is DOA.  The Guest Favorite metric is also retroactive so those 3-star accuracy reviews from the past now come back to haunt you.,Host%2...



Level 10
Orono, ME

@Kimberly718 You really should contact Airbnb to have your response removed. It is not doing you any favors.


Try visiting your listing page as a guest would. Currently, as it stands, guests see no mention of any "complaints" in your reviews or any "negative" scores in your star ratings. There is nothing to negatively affect your bookings. Except for maybe your public responses which should have been sent privately (if at all.)

Gosh I am so well-aware of the mistake, I requested Airbnb remove it but they said they can't. That said I was really looking for anyone who may have had similar issues. 

@Kimberly718 We've all had similar experiences. My last guest gave me a 3-star for value. I guess she didn't appreciate the bottle of wine I left for her or the 15% nightly rate discount for that matter. I had one guest give me a four-star because she left the front door wide open for 20 minutes while checking in and then said there were bugs flying around the apartment.


Good hosts can shield themselves from the 99% of the clueless, unappreciative guests but 1% are always out there. Looking at your listing, you clearly have the skills to continue getting many more 5-star reviews. You can't take the 1% so personally.

I have had guests do precisely that too, it always blows my mind. Or spend the day in the woods and then complain about dirt and insects. NYC guests are particularly hard to please. I had one guest open all the windows and run the AC all day to keep the place "dry". I don't agree, though, that Airbnb shouldn't help support hosts better. They make money hand over fist without any product. We are the managers of their inventory. The point of my post was to field others who have had similar responses. I created a ripple effect when I started posting about the category change, I spoke to MSNBC news and several at corporate. Now Airbnb makes big changes in beta mode before rolling it out. They also allow hosts to select the categories they feel best represent their listing. That came from feedback and constructive input. This isn't about taking a review personally as much as it is about maintaining a level of accuracy both for hosts and guests. 

@Kimberly718 I guess I don't really understand how you would change the review system. Do you think you should get 5-star reviews for the rest of your life because your square footage is accurate and your washer and dryer are new? When is a lower rating truly deserved? What about the dozens of guests who should have given me a lower rating which was completely justified but instead gave me 5's? Are their reviews inaccurate? 

It's not about rating or stars, it's about accuracy. And, I think now you're just being argumentative. I was really looking for hosts who have had similar experiences so we can help to inform Airbnb on areas that require improvement on their product support. The Accuracy rating was put in place to solve a problem for guests but if and when it hurts hosts by posting false claims there should be the ability to file a review. So yes, changes would be necessary to allow for that. Wish you the best but let's let this one lie. 



What @Mike-And-Jane0@Kia272 , and myself are trying to reiterate is that you, your listing, and your bookings WILL NOT be hurt by this great forward-facing review. You have a 5.0 Accuracy rating and a nice worded review. That is ALL potential future guests need to book.

Thank you, I understand what everyone is saying but I am really not worried about this review. I was really hoping to garner insight on specific issues that others have had with guests making inaccurate claims in reviews. Airbnb does listen to feedback from hosts and guests and makes adjustments. I believe they should provide hosts with a way to request a review and substantiate a potential false claim. They also verify listings.

@Kimberly718 You have the right to ask Airbnb (or any other company) to get your data removed -  including your response. They remove responses all the time and they will remove yours too. Just contact them via the reservation - scroll down. 

They will not. Screenshot 2023-08-13 at 11.25.30 AM.png

@Kimberly718 You cannot edit as you cannot edit a review you have written. But you can get both removed. In fact it is now possible to remove any review you have written yourself via the reservation. You don’t even have to contact CS. Just contact CS if you want them to remove your reply. I have personally had a couple of responses removed through the years. 

Also @Kimberly718 the response you have written will not be seen by the guest - the guest won’t get a notification that you have left a reply. Replies to reviews is meant for potential future guests. So all potential guests will read it but not the guest who wrote the review you are replying to. Best, Sandra

The one I am looking to remove is the response to her review. Perhaps you can tell me how to do this as I have called Airbnb hosts service and they sent this. In the link it indicates that you must carefully review as once posted you cannot remove your response: Screenshot 2023-08-13 at 11.17.54 AM.png