Incorrect Pricing

Level 2
Waverly, MN

Incorrect Pricing


I booked 6 nights with my kiddos and received a message from the host that there was a problem with the standard nightly rate.  They are looking into it in the system and with Airbnb. I have already booked our flights and car, and I'm looking at activities in the area to book.  I have read many threads and this isn't completely uncommon. I'm afraid the will cancel my reservation and I will be setback on all my planning.  Have any of you had this experience and can shed some light on how your situation turned out?  I plan to respond to the host because I strongly believe communication is very important.  Thank you in advance!

1 Best Answer
Top Contributor
Bellevue, WA

Hi @Becky608,


I’m sorry to hear about this especially since you already planned everything out. I would respond to the host and ask them what the status is as well as proactively call Airbnb on your end to ask about this and what your options are being that you already made all your plans and booked the listing because it had all the amenities, was a good location and was in your budget. 

I would ask Airbnb for great customer service to honor your rate you booked at and make up the cost between the incorrect nightly rate on their platform (to the host; if it is their fault with a tech issue on their platform) as it would be misleading to book at one rate and then told it was not the rate and it is at a higher rate. 

You can also check the resources how to section to see if there are any Q@A’s or articles covering this topic in particular. Please let us know how things go.

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3 Replies 3
Top Contributor
Bellevue, WA

Hi @Becky608,


I’m sorry to hear about this especially since you already planned everything out. I would respond to the host and ask them what the status is as well as proactively call Airbnb on your end to ask about this and what your options are being that you already made all your plans and booked the listing because it had all the amenities, was a good location and was in your budget. 

I would ask Airbnb for great customer service to honor your rate you booked at and make up the cost between the incorrect nightly rate on their platform (to the host; if it is their fault with a tech issue on their platform) as it would be misleading to book at one rate and then told it was not the rate and it is at a higher rate. 

You can also check the resources how to section to see if there are any Q@A’s or articles covering this topic in particular. Please let us know how things go.

I sent a message to the host. I am waiting to hear from them rather than reaching out to Airbnb.  They deserve a chance to respond first!   All I can do now is pray for the bet outcome!


@Becky608, I would proactively contact Airbnb to show your concern. They are more likely to be sympathetic to guests than hosts. There is no harm as you did reach out to the host already and you are contacting Airbnb for your interests so they can see that both the guest and the host reached out due to an error on the pricing on the listing page. 

I just don’t want you to be out of a space or have to pay a much higher price for a space. There was someone else who said the host cancelled on them when they were in flight and Airbnb only gave a 5% difference in booking a similar accommodation.


If your trip is a week away, I wouldn’t wait any longer to contact Airbnb support to help you resolve the issue.