Inquiry with incorrect guest count

Level 2
San Diego, CA

Inquiry with incorrect guest count

Hi all, I am new.


I received an inquiry for 5 guests (in the message) but in the inquiry itself, it has 1 guest.

I want to approve the inquiry but I would like her to update the guest count to 5 in the inquiry before approval.


Can you advise and how to do this? I am not sure a guest can update on their end.

Or does the guest count matter at all? or should I reject the inquiry and ask her to request again with the correct guest count?


(Note: I am charging the 5th guest additional fee)







Top Answer
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Yi-Tsang0 Further to what others have said an inquiry does not need you to approve or reject it. You just need to answer it. I would answer it and ask the guest to correct their guest numbers if they do decide to book the place.

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5 Replies 5
Level 10
Bilthoven, Netherlands


Just ask them to change the guest count or re-apply if that's not possible

Thank you very much

Top Contributor
Willits, CA


@Bob297  is correct. The guest count is something the guest has to enter and correcting it is their responsibility. I get this often, btw. I always ask them to correct the guest count as it is very important to the platform and to my insurance. Yes, the guest count is important, do not hesitate to ask.

Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Yi-Tsang0 Further to what others have said an inquiry does not need you to approve or reject it. You just need to answer it. I would answer it and ask the guest to correct their guest numbers if they do decide to book the place.

Thank you and I did already request her to update. Really appreciate you and everyone’s response.