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I have a long-term guest for one month. He has been here one week so far. I was told he was here for a teaching job. Once he arrived he indicated he didn't have it yet. He hasn't gone to the school because he "can't" without his vaccine. He told me before coming here, he had an appointment to get one. Now, he says he doesn't and hasn't ever even driven by the school yet, which is less than 2 miles from here.
HE NEVER LEAVES THE HOUSE mostly. In 8 days he has gone out 3 times for less than an hour for more food. He mostly stays in his room. He meditates and chants very loudly for long periods of time at least twice a day. His room is adjacent to another guest room.
I'm worried about his extreme introverted nature and holing up in this house. I only take working guests for 3 weeks to 3 months, for years now. He seems to be COVID paranoid. He wears a handkerchief mask, which is ineffective.
My other guest is a physician and thankfully working long hours. The doc won't wear a mask and I hope never has to endure the chanting.
I'm sick of this guy camping out here 24 x 7. Any constructive ideas of what to do. I'd like to move him along, but obviously can't cancel without pumishment from Airbnb.
You can talk to the guest about the disturbance. Maybe suggest to shorten the reservation. But... it is three more weeks to go, so maybe if he stops the loud chanting and is of no other disturbance, you will survive this reservation ?
@Linda476 If the guest has deviated from the agreed upon expectations of behavior, you’ve talked to him about it, and there is no improvement, then you shouldn’t have to suffer through to the original check out date. Tell him he will need to find a new place to stay, and send him a change request with a new checkout date. Hopefully the guest cooperates. If not, you’re a bit stuck. May have to get Airbnb involved then (may not be an easy endeavor) if you want to avoid cancelling the booking yourself to avoid penalties. Be sure you’ve summarized the situation and any verbal conversations you’ve had with him, on the platform messaging system before you go to Airbnb. Good luck!
@Linda476 Idea: kick out the doc who won't wear a mask. Stop worrying about the other guy.
I don't agree with the language of "kicking" anyone out, or choosing one individual over another. In asking acquaintances if they would be comfortable with the odd loud chanting in the next room, I'm getting a resounding "no". It's bad for business if I can't have a guest in a room because of another guests odd behaviors. I.e. I can't in good conscience book both rooms as I usually do. The doctor is fine. He works late, comes in late, sleeps, is gone by 6 am...everyday. That he doesn't wear a mask doesn't bother me because he is here so little, distants himself well, ....it bothers the meditator. I'm running an Airbnb not an ashram, and I'm a mediator myself.
I host working professionals so I can operate my own business full boar during the week. The chanting mediator is not a gift. He is an odd person that is camping out 24x7 in a room and has greater potential to scare other guests away.
I operated 14 or the last 15 months with two guests. Why should I give that up so a guy can use my place as his private ashram? The meditator is not wearing a useful mask...a bandana.
I have it in my house rules that guests should not disturb other guests, or disturb their sleep. To give me leverage against the noisy! - Perhaps I need to amend the prohibition to make it clear that noise is not welcome at any time?!
In your position @Linda476 I would include a house rule "As I work from home I request that guests respect this, and do not disturb me."
I think it's perfectly acceptable to tell him his noise is not acceptable... NOT religious discrimination; noise is noise, no matter what kind!
I had a couple stay 3 days over Christmas who asked if they could SING 1-2 hours a day! - In the room above mine, where I can hear every footstep! - I said 'No!' Thankfully they respected that & still gave 5 stars! - Another maskless doctor + partner, come to think of it!
@Linda476 Guests who stay in their rooms all day drive me nuts too! Difficult to say anything, unless your house rules forbid this. Tho' in this case, it appears the guest LIED about his intentions, so I suppose you could have a chat on the basis that if you'd known he was going to stay in all day, you would not have hosted him?
My doctor guest the last two nights (not Airbnb) had no mask either. *misinformation removed*
Thanks. I'm intrigued by the idea of guests not hanging out 100% of the time here. Any ideas how to word that? It is very unusual, not something I imagined anyone doing.
House rules can be verbal and updated any time.
Docs do what they want. He works long hours everyday so is just here to sleep. I call that an easy guest. Guessing he already has a vaccine. Not worried about him.
@Linda476 “House rules can be verbal and updated any time.”
Yes rules can be updated at any time however, only the rules that were in place and agreed upon by the guest at the time of booking will apply during a stay booked on Airbnb. Verbal rules are like a perforated pitcher. Won’t hold water for you. They’re fine if the guest is agreeable and cooperative, but if not, you’ll only have leverage with Airbnb in dealing with a troublesome guest if your rules are in writing in your listing. Be explicit in your listing description and rules.
@Linda476 You might want to check out What are the health and safety requirements for Airbnb stays? - Airbnb Help Center . Airbnb says that you and your guests have to wear a mask while in common areas of your home, so your chanting guest is in the right on that. It's kind of disturbing that a doctor who is potentially in contact with patients with Corona doesn't care enough to wear a mask while interacting with others.
I would just talk to the chanting guest and explain your position with trying to run a buiness from home and the importance of quiet.
This is another direction. Masking isn't the issue. So back to what is. But the mask of the meditator is no different than not wearing one. The only time the doc will be in a common area is before 6 am by himself. THE DOC ISN'T THE ISSUE. When he arrived he did not have a mask. I'm sure if I pushed the issue he would have went back out to the car to get it. It is possible, given his hours, I will not see him again during his week long stay. No more comments about the doctor please.
I have a guest who arrived 8 days ago who has only left the house 3 times, for less than an hour each time. It is weird. He greatly misrepresented the purpose of his stay. He is apparently waiting for a vaccine offered to him by a school principle but cannot seem to get an appointment.
@Linda476 in these Covid times is it so strange that a guest who has to come to the area to work has minimised time out of the house to minimise his risk of being exposed to the infection? I don't find it 'weird'.
obviously when you realised his chanting had the potential to disturb yourself/other guests you could have pointed this out to him and asked him to do so more quietly.
Unless you have it in your house rules that guests are not allowed to be in your listing during the days then as frustrating as it might be for you, he's entitled to stay in his room.
you can see if you can come to a voluntary agreement with the guest for home to move on. Perhaps find him so comparable alternatives before having the conversation.
@Linda476 is the guest causing any additional issues other than chanting?
I would probably be careful with this as he may be practicing his religion. I would just ask him if he could keep down any noise and not mention "chanting" specifically.
This is a tough one as no host I know of says you have to leave the space at certain times. His habits may be strange but he is using the space he paid for in the way he probably uses his home space. I would probably just say something like "I wondered if I could give you any suggestions of things to see or do in the area? You must be so bored sitting inside! What kinds of things do you enjoy? I would hate for you to have to spend your entire stay all cooped up indoors." And then draw him out/make suggestions. If you are uncomfortable with him being home you might even go so far as to help get an Uber ordered or a tour booked so he will just get out.
I was a guest once ages ago and I got really ill. It was a traditional bed and breakfast with a full meal served in the morning. I did not want to come out of my room. I had a fever and could not get home for a period of time. It was miserable. I certainly did not want to infect anyone else so I slept all day for several days in a row. The innkeeper was incensed that I did not join them for breakfast and would pound on my door loudly every morning asking if I was coming despite the fact that I had told her I was ill. I think she thought I was a drunk or something. Not sure. Finally when she was disturbing me yet again I opened the door mid snotty sneeze/coughing fit and asked firmly that she leave me alone, that I would not be infecting others and it was not my choice to stay in bed all day but I was really unwell. I never heard another peep. I know this is not the same situation, but when a guest shares your space, they may really SHARE it and not leave for a number of reasons. I would only focus on the noise issue if I were the host.
OMG! He is not ill. He is not a child. He lied and is making daily choices to not being engaged in what he represented himself as doing here. That is enough. This seems to be a very enticing drama for people to embellish on????
This is not about religion. I just had a Muslim man here for 7 months who prayed 5 times a day. He was delightful.
And, yes, I can choose for people to not be here 24 x 7. I screen for that and, again, he lied. Like most people I don't like being lied to. Do you? Stick with the real issue.
If I stayed at an Airbnb, which I have in many countries, and never left the house, and didn't do what I said I was there to do, I would definitely expect to be confronted about this misrepresentation. My trust of him is pretty low.
@Linda476 you are obviously very uncomfortable with this guest. If there is no redeeming it, you should take the advice offered by many others and terminate the stay. I am merely offering another perspective. I don't know that I would approach this by terminating but I am not in your shoes. You seem to feel that some trust has been breached. So why not say that? "I feel as though the terms of your stay have changed and some trust has been breached. Therefore I am asking Airbnb to find you a new accommodation." Don't be surprised if he pushes back. Maybe his job situation really was murky and he misunderstood. Maybe he is just a homebody. I doubt he sees anything amiss with his meditation and you could get an accusation of discrimination. Not saying you are, just saying its definitely possible. You will likely end up with a bad review, so be prepared.
As I have said, and so many others have said, its a bad idea to use Airbnb as a long term hosting platform. I might re-think my parameters on accepting LTR guests after this one. If he was just hanging around for a few days I doubt you would have gotten this annoyed. The money isn't worth the irritation IMHO. Just a thought. Best of luck.