Hi everyone! Hope you're all doing well.I'm Soni, a Superhos...
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Hi everyone! Hope you're all doing well.I'm Soni, a Superhost and Co-Host in Berat, Albania. I personally host 4 properties a...
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Thank you for taking the time to read my post. I’m new and my first guest arrived today.
i have smart everything in the home and can see what doors are open. Same with thermostat. He open back sliding door and master bedroom window all day all night and the heater is running non stop. It’s 46 degree outside and he set 78 at thermostat. He’s careless and doesn’t respond. What do I do? He booked for 4 nights and another 4nights next week.
@Edison62 perhaps have a word with the guest? At the end of the day some (not all) can be inconsiderate like this when others are paying for the power. Whilst it is awfully wasteful the cost is often small compared to the rental cost and at least it is tax deductible.
By the way - I see your listing sleeps 16. Is this correct?
Hi. Thank you for your response. It does help now knowing that. And yes I do have 16 as sleep capacity.
@Edison62 This is the least of your worries.
After a quick look at your listing, I’m afraid you are headed for trouble. You should do a post asking for a listing critique, so others can help you. Just for starters, you advertise for 16 guests at a very low nightly rate, with no extra guest fee. You offer 1 night stays in a place that is a huge party magnet, with a sauna, hot tub, pool, fog machine, laser light show, bluetooth outdoor speaker, outdoor projector. You actually invite guests to contact you if they want to “kick it up a notch”. And no mention anywhere of parties not being allowed. Not that that alone would discourage anyone.
You are correct. I do need to work on my listing. I will start adjusting the description. Thank you.
@Edison62 You should snooze your listing so you don't get any more bookings until you adjust your listing and guest count. You are basically inviting far too many guests to stay there, guests to party and disturb the neighbors, and to destroy your house.
Air mattresses are something you use yourself if family and friends come to visit you and you need more space. They aren't appropriate in a listing like yours.
@Edison62 This is a 3 bedroom house. What is your neighborhood zoned for occupancy wise? 16 persons is just WAY too much, and your neighbors will be calling you about the parties. $208 a night works out to $13 per person ... that's cheaper than a party venue cover charge. You do not have enough bathrooms for 16 persons. Advertising that people can sleep on air matresses is asking for trouble. Saying that you have parking for 5-7 cars is also saying "PARTY HERE!"
If your house has three bedrooms and two bathrooms, one of which is only for the master bedroom, IMO it is suitable for a maximum of 8 guests, including children. You do not have seating at any table for 16. I see just 4 chairs. The glass table is just asking to be broken by rowdy guests. Are the bean bag chairs and carpet still in the family room area? Do you have enough dishes, cups and silverware for 16 people? Is the sauna room a bedroom without a bed?
You have not left yourself enough time to clean between guests. Especially if your guests trash your house. You annouced in your listing that you are new to AirBnB. That is great way to advertise for the bottom feeders looking for a party house to trash.
You need to remember that even if you and your extended family enjoyed having large family gatherings at the house while you lived there, renters ARE NOT going to take care of anything, clean up anything, or listen to your rules. There will be no restitution or payment after the rental for leaving dog poo everywhere, for destroying your hot tub and sauna with love oils, ripping your pool liner or movie screen with broken beer bottles, upsetting your neighbors by blasting the outdoor speakers, etc. (There are many hosts on here that will tell you that I am not making things up, or being too negative.)
Snooze your listing until you have written better advertising for the kind of guests that you really want. Remove the extra blow up beds, drop your guest numbers and increase your price. It is a nice looking house; it should rent well.
@Edison62 As to your question, contact the guest by airbnb and text if need be and remind him that 78F with open windows is not something you can allow. If you can adjust the temperature controls from an app, adjust them down to 68F-70F and tell the guest you're going to do this.
As far as your listing, you don't even have 'no parties' checked under your rules???? What kind of neighborhood is the house in that the neighbors aren't going to mind 16 people having a pool party and an outdoor movie night????
I also think that 16 people is too many. I'm not even sure why you would want to subject your lovely house to that many guests at the price you have selected. You may even run afoul of your city ordinances to be hosting that many people. I agree that a max of 8 is plenty for the space.
If it's a "smart home", then configure it so that if the doors and windows are open, it turns off the heat. That tends to get them to close the doors and windows.
And yes, you're headed for some abrupt and painful learning experiences unless you change your listing right away.
People who leave the windows open and the heat pumping are very inconsiderate. And as others have said there might as well be a banner across your listing page that says "All inconsiderate guests book your party here for cheap!" Chalk this guest up to a learning experience. Change your listing approach. And start attracting better guests.