Need help with Calendar

Level 2
Oakland, CA

Need help with Calendar

Hello Group,


I have tried over and over to set up my listing for very specific dates, which should be easy. Using the "calendar", I have been clicking on the dates by hand from the start date of July 20th through December 19th, but when I look at the final product in my "unlisted house", it shows no dates whatsoever. I can't post my house if I can't get the dates in there, otherwise it will be a mess of inquiries. Any advice on how to best do this?


Thanks for your help!


4 Replies 4


Can you clarify?...

You're listing is active as far as I can tell. You have chosen the Experienced First Guest Option when creating it, so any guest that doesn't have at least 3 trips on Airbnb will not be able to see your listing in search. Also you have a 90-day minimum, so unless a guest searches for 90days or more, they won't see your listing. I do see some dates block and some open on your calendar.


Please provide a screen shot of what you are referring to on your calendar. Here is a Help Article on how the Calendar works:


Updating Your Host Calendar



You might want to update your amenities says you only have 8 amenities and Airbnb says you don't have Hot Water or essentials like linens, towels, TP.





Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hello @Sharon2049!


Hope you had a lovely day! I saw you received a comment from our Top Contributor, Joan, providing you with a step-by-step explanation on how to set up the calendar. Were you able to check it?


Let us know if you need any other help! 


Still not there yet. Don't know why. Am I missing any "save" buttons? I have gotten to the point of clicking on each date by hand, but it never seems to have been "saved". Thank you.

I also see that I created this, but it does not show up on the left tab for the future potential occupant to see:
