Neighbors put signs in their yard, what to do?!

Neighbors put signs in their yard, what to do?!

We have been hosts since February 1st.  Never had any complaints, no messy guests, no trash out, most fly in, so two vehicles at the most at all times, we have a garage and driveway, so no parking in front of neighbors.  We spoke to one neighbor the other day, they had no idea that the house was even an Airbnb because it’s always so quiet they said. We have had issues with one neighbor parking in front of our property.  We have asked him twice to please not block the walkway to the front door.  Only issue worth mentioning. 

Well, we get a message from our current guest today about signs in neighbors yards.  Two different neighbors saying, “we say no to Vrbo”.

The guests reached out asking if this is normal?  I didn’t even know what to say?  I mean, we pay our taxes monthly, do everything right, just so unfortunate.  

Anyone else dealt with this?  If so, advice please🙏

21 Replies 21

Airbnbs are ruining neighborhoods and they are a nuisance. I have one next door and I have signs and call the cops whenever there is an issue. The only people who like airbnbs are the greedy hosts/owners and the entitled guests. I am happy the guests next door feel unwelcome in our neighborhood, because they are. You have zero right to complain about your neighbors signs. 

Now that I know signs are offensive to Airbnb renters I know what I’ll be placing in my yard this election year lol 

I am not being disrespectful by any means, but I am very happy I am not your neighbor!!!!!       it takes a lot less effort and it is so much easier to get along..........


PS: Airbnb's bring lots of $$$ to neighborhoods, and where I am from all businesses / restaurants / tourist locations LOVE the tourists money....    Not to mention the extra taxes the community makes from the rental itself, these posts are downright weird!

It’s great that they put signs out. Not everyone enjoys living next to a motel where a bunch of strangers come in and out of a house next door to them. These short term renters come through family communities like tornadoes as if everyone around them is on vacation as well. When your renters ask you about them just tell them the truth. Not everyone appreciates living next to a motel with a revolving door. 

Amen sister.  Our private lake has been over ran.  I live next to 3.  4th is on way.  I teach and work  and come home to them blocking my parking etc.  Noises.  New dogs.  New people. Non stop.   This is my home  not a hotel.    I get no say in it and our peace has been sold.  

I'm very confused with some of the replies to your question. They are posting negative comments about STR and hosting, in general. Isn't this space dedicated to hosts? Why would someone who is hosting STR make desparaging comments about "revolving door guests", or "ruining family neighborhoods".

Am I completely missing something?

I am genuinely confused here.

This community circle is for anyone really. There are a lot of people who are against short term rental in general.


It's in our best interest to not interfere with our neighbors as hosts.