
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session

No to the new no guest photo policy

No to the new no guest photo policy

Hello fellow Hosts-


I have noticed Airbnb's policies increasingly moving towards guest's needs, and further away from the needs of hosts, especially hosts who prefer the security of personally screening people they invite into their home, verses hosts with Instant Book, who do not have as big a concern with safety. I have let many other changes go, but I feel that their newest no guest photo policy hits a new low, and for me, is totally unacceptable.


My home is not a public hotel. If guests do not want to show their faces and want to remain anonymous, they should stay in a hotel- there are plenty of those. Airbnb is supposed to offer a more personal alternative, where hosts as well as guests benefit mutually from honesty and trust. To cultivate this trust, there needs to be transparency on BOTH sides, and blocking photos does not inspire trust!


As hosts, we are extremely vulnerable- guests see our photo, photos of our homes, our neighborhood location, see our star ratings, reviews, and our cancellation history, yet as (non-instant book) hosts, we are not able to access any of these same basic qualities. I am not racist in any way, I accept all nationalities, from all over the world, but I am extremely concerned with personal safety. Airbnb has just removed one of the most important tools that I am able to use to help my intuition determine who I am willing to allow into my home.


I understand that Airbnb wants to be politically correct by encouraging non-discrimination. That is noble of them, but please do not do it at our expense. Do not deny hosts of this important basic tool. And not viewing a photo will not end discrimination! It just will make hosts more cautious and more discriminating, forcing us to base a decision whether to allow strangers into our homes even more narrowly- on the sex, for example, or a name, writing style, living location, or an unjust bad review. In my experience, there already is not enough information about most guests (especially if they have not completed a profile or do not have any reviews), but more often than not, a smiling face of their profile photo is enough to go ahead and trust that stranger. Now, without the thousand words a photo can convey, I will always decline a reservation if the person's communication lacks information that I ask for, has misspellings, or is otherwise less than ideal. We have that right as a host to decline any reservation, Airbnb's host rules makes that clear. Why remove an important tool that allows for more trust?! A trust that benefits guests as well, as they will be more likely to be accepted for a reservation request. Why punish all hosts, when going after the few specific hosts with a history of discrimination, would be much, much more appropriate?


And lastly, Airbnb's solution does not resolve the problem of racism in a fair way. Discrimination is a human flaw that does not just affect hosts- guests are just as able to discriminate against hosts! If implementing this new policy is a true effort to combat racism, Airbnb is actually discriminating against hosts by not imposing this same standard equally to all of us, hosts and guests alike!


I am a Superhost who has enjoyed the benefits of listing my guest room on Airbnb for many years, but by taking away this most basic and important tool, I am considering for the first time, the possibility of going with another rental option if this decision is not reversed. I wrote a lengthy letter in protest, submitted in the feedback section, and intend to send it daily until the new policy is reversed or imposed fairly to all. I told them that if they do not want to lose their hosts, that they should put an end to this ridiculous no guest photo policy, and restore full disclosure between both guests and hosts, which has brought great success to their platform- thus far. I encourage all who dislike this new policy to send their feedback as well!


165 Replies 165




Level 2
Modesto, CA

Thank you, Jill and Michael, for posting your letter about this new rule.  I completely agree and feel very uncomfortable accepting a reservation from a complete stranger that has no good referrals from previous hosts!  I'm sharing my home, my bathroom, my kitchen!  No way.  You are right about Airbnb loosing good hosts.  At this point I will only accept guests who have excellent ratings from other hosts.  So,  people new to Airbnb potential good guests, are out of luck.  Not a good rule at all.  Lisa

Level 2
London, United Kingdom

I completely agree with all the hosts writing in.  I have emailed them with questions why. I received a banal , officious and condescending response. As a single woman hosting (it applies to any one) you need to feel safe and it is your home.  

Can we approach this legally or petition against it. There are a lot of upset hosts it's worth considering. 

Level 2
United States

I couldn’t agree more!   

This is the last drop that spilled the glass...

I’m pretty knew to the platform and to hosting in general, and I have encountered so many issues with Airbnb, I’m ready to move on and build my own platform for my own rentals.

when I received Airbnb email with the new terms of agreement, I was speechless!

How dare they imposed this new rule on hosts? 

Can we proceed with a class action against this?


Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia


Maria the class action clause has always been there in Airbnb's T&Cs but there where loopholes in it which they are now trying to close. But in the final analysis it is the laws of the land and the Judiciary that will prevail regardless of what Airbnb might happen to put in their terms of service.


It just seems to me a little strange that the tightening of these class action definitions should coincide with the removal of guest visual  information prior to reservation acceptance!


I think many good hosts are going to leave, or at least water down their involvement with Airbnb as I have done, and those at the top must be scratching their heads. The euphoria they had for a few years is gone, an ever increasing number of authorities are limiting the scope of Airbnb and it appears they are spending more and more time manufacturing plugs to keep the good ship Airbnb from sinking!




Level 4
San Diego, CA

13 years I’ve been hosting...long before ABB was the thing it is today. I’m shocked at some of the comments made in this thread.


Who have all these discriminatory hosts been turning away based on photos, prior to this policy? I’m gob-smacked!


Has everyone forgotten what discrimination actually is? I’m almost embarrassed to be a host right now. 


I don’t know the answer.


But I’m darn sure...

‘not accepting a booking request cause you don’t like how someone looks in a photo’ pretty reprehensible...shameful...and just plain wrong.


Some of the comments made in this discussion thread CONFIRM the need for this policy.

Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia


Tracey, have you thought about the situation where a third party booking is involved!

Have you thought about the situation where the guest books for two but after booking,  shows herself in her profile photo to be a family person with a Burnese mountain dog and wants to bring 4 and that dog!

Have you thought about a single female host with a spare room listing who after a booking sees herself confronted with a massive bearded man with a gun holding up a trophy fox!


God, I could go on and on but, after reading your post I thought I would take a look at where you have been and what has brought you to condemn a large portion of the hosting community!

You have been hosting for 13 years, I have no idea what happened over 11 of those years but in two years with Airbnb you have hosted 26 guests who have left a review.....13 per year! Just over one per month.

Maybe all your guests have been great, just like my 201 over that same last two years have been, but please consider that there are many hosting requests that do require as much guest information as possible in order to make a considered judgement call. It does nobody any good to find out once the booking has been confirmed that there is going to be incompatible issue if the booking proceeds.


Tracey, I don't give a **bleep** about the profile photo, it is of no interest to me whatsoever! My concern is the message that comes with the booking request or the IB message. That tells me more about the guest I am going to get than all the photos or verifications on earth are going to tell me!

But I am a male, one who has seen a bit of the world and able to look after myself.....not every host is in my situation, many are vulnerable  and need all the information they can get to make a sensible judgement call. It has got absolutely nothing to do with is all about self preservation. Please give us as a community some credit!



Oh dear!

4 things for ya  @Robin4


1. I own and short-term-rent  8 properties. And I just bought my 9th, two months’s nearly ready for market.


2. I own and long-term lease an additional 7 properties. 5 of them in America, 1 in NZ and one not too far from you, in fact...about an hour.


3. I also manage 16 properties for other owners. And I signed my 17th property last Tuesday.


And last but not least...


4. Airbnb is not the be-all end-all of hosting and as a self proclaimed well travelled male, I’d have expected you to know that.


So to call me out for having only 20 reviews and one property, when your  ENTIRE reason for doing so, is that you clicked ONE profile on ONE website... is just plain funny 🤣 I can’t even tell you how tickled I am!  


And the length of your reply?!?!?


So many words for a gal with 20 reviews and one property .

I feel honoured!! 😂😆


Thanks for the laugh Rob, I needed it...I really did  🙂  


And...good job on the veggie garden...I don’t have a green thumb like you, but I do love the area you’re so lucky to live in!


Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia


Ah Tracey, I am glad I gave you a good laugh, that's what we are here for, to brighten each others day 😉

Tracey, you came here shocked and dismayed that hosts would see something as simple as the removal of a guests profile photo as an issue.

Tracey that is NOT the issue. As I have said at least twice on this thread, I don't give a sh*t whether there is a profile photo or not! I judge guests by the way they speak. They either come to me in a passive/complimentary way or the come to me in an aggresive/demanding way! I can pick the difference (as I am sure you could) and that governs my decision to either accept or decline. I have spent a lifetime analysing words, and that has stood me in good stead with my hosting just as I am sure your outstanding ability in managing real estate  has done for you.

I only made that comment because the only information of your background is what appears here on the CC and that is all I can judge you on.


I am sticking up for those hosts who are frightened that the removal of that photo....that safety net is going to put them in a situation they have no control over. It is not that the debate has become hysterical , it is the fact that week after week, month after month a hosts tools are being removed, their access to important information is being sacrificed to ensure that Airbnb maintains an ever increasing revenue stream. We are being asked to accept packages......not guests.

As a person experienced in property rental I would ask you to accept that as a legitimate concern!


As to that bloody garden Tracey....we set a new temperature record here the other day of 47.2 c....that is 117f. There is hardly a flower left, everything got scorched and it will take us a month or two to recover. You know, you set yourself a standard and each guest that comes expects to see 'that standard'.  People do not understand how hard it is to maintain a mess! There is in many instances 4 days between belonging in the garden and belonging in the compost have to be on it all the time. But it is rewarding....I jkust wish Ade had her legs to take a bit of the load. Someone said to me the other day. "If you had 3 wishes and only 30 minutes to achieve them, what would they be"?

This was my answer........

1/…….I would wish that for 30 minutes my wife would know and feel what it was like to walk again unaided, to drive a car, to get out in the garden and weed. The exhilaration and happiness just feeling what it was like to do that would last us for another 10 years.

2/……..I would love to hug my children and grandchildren with all my strength……distance has seen them far from our arms, and you never know when you won’t be able to do it again!

3/. My last wish would be to have the Sunday Mail newspaper on Saturday morning. Just 30 minutes would be enough time for me to place a few winning lottery tickets and back a few long-shot racecourse winners and pools results. I am sure with the amount of money I could amass in that 30 minutes I would be able to do a lot of good in the world!

And maybe a bit for myself!



Level 10
Edinburgh, United Kingdom

@Tracey207 I agree with you.  This whole debate has become a bit hysterical, in my opinion.


Although I am quite cynical of the anti-discrimination rationale put forward by Airbnb for this move, I am equally cynical of all the outraged reasons from hosts talking about their safety.  A photograph tells you NOTHING about a guest.  It is delusional to think otherwise.  If, on booking, you see a profile photo of someone toting a machine gun with a caption saying "I will kill everyone in your Airbnb home",  I'm guessing it's pretty safe to say that you'll be able to cancel penalty free.

Level 10
Edinburgh, United Kingdom

And, by the way, while everyone is getting their knickers in a twist about this, the new ToS are rolled out.   Interesting timing, no?   It would be kind of nice to think it was deliberate and that there were some brains behind the enterprise, but I suspect it's coincidental.  You only have to read or listen to Chesky's ramblings to realise this company is seriously out of touch and forever on the back foot.  Glory days are well and truly over.  They created a monster and cannot contain it.

@Rebecca0 You made me giggle and choke on my cuppa!


~~visions of machine gun weilding gang members looking for their next... ... vvictims....oops I mean... ... cheap room for the night 🤣~~


The terms of service roll-out didn’t escape me either. Makes me wonder...

Actually @Tracey207, there WAS a post from someone a while ago asking for advice about whether to accept a guest whose profile photo showed him holding a semi-automatic weapon. YOU might own and rent out 16 separate properties (and therefore being part of the housing shortage crisis caused by people doing exactly this on Airbnb) but I am a single woman renting out a room in my own home and I definitely want to see a profile photo of people. I would NEVER decline someone based on their race, but I would absolutely have declined the guy with the gun or someone who looks like they might be a meth-taking crackhead. In fact, I have done this once (a local guy who did indeed look like a meth-head) . Call it discrimination if you like but this is my home and my safety and I would like as much information as possible about my guests before I invite them into my home.

@Kath9  @Tracey


Exactly Kath! A host with a dozen plus properties cannot compare his/her situation with someone who rents a single room in their personal home. As a matter of fact, those hosts with multiple listings are what's wrong with ABB. It's gotten way off it's original course. But people are greedy.



@Tracey0   I don't use guest profile photos to discriminate. That's not what this is about. When someone is hosting a room in the home they live in, which it seems you don't do, therefore have no right to comment on, we want to feel that the guest is being open with us- being able to see a profile photo of the guest, as they can see one of their host, is just an indication that someone has nothing to hide. I have never declined a guest based on their profile photo, I've never declined a guest at all. And I certainly wouldn't do so because of their race, sexual orientation, nationality or anything else discriminatory, only if they were asking for or expecting things I don't provide, like a higher guest count than I accomodate.

It's about openness and trust, not discrimination, and I think Airbnb is using the discrimination angle as a smokescreen- it's about making it virtually effortless for anyone to book- no profile photo, no ID verification, no need for good reviews, Instant Book, Done. This new policy is a slap in the face to hosts who open their homes to complete strangers.