Non-communicative guest checking in today

Level 7
Gouldsboro, ME

Non-communicative guest checking in today

Hello hosts,


First time situation for me. A guest instant booked on Wednesday for a Friday arrival, and has not responded to any of the three messages I've sent since then. By now, I would have typically sent even more messages, but I'm holding off because I don't want to bury my initial message that contained a few key questions.


I noticed the person is relatively local so I figured it might be a bit of a last minute decision and since they can get here quickly (unlike 99% of our guests that travel 5-10 hours). Other than spending a few hours preparing the house for their arrival...I guess I have nothing to lose if they don't show, but I don't like having this tentative feeling that somebody could show up at any time. I know there could be 100 reasons why someone doesn't receive or doesn't respond to a message - and many would be quite reasonable. Perhaps they plan to cancel - but with my Firm policy I believe we would still be paid. 


My question for other hosts is whether you would continue to send all the usual messages, including check-in instructions without any communication from the guest?  I don't want this to turn into a complaint (a la 'host didn't provide the door code) or a bad review if I can avoid it!



17 Replies 17

@Nicole2223 My message to the guest is much like @Mark116 has stated. Nothing harsh,  just a friendly reminder to respond, at their earliest convenience, to the message we left them on the Airbnb platform  to confirm upcoming reservation. I state I can't move forward with providing them  the necessary info to enter the house without their confirmation.  Have never had anyone respond with not-nice words about it. Usually it's a case of out of sight out of mind, and they thank me for the reminder. Or it's used as an educational process for newbies. 



“It’s not where you go, it’s who you meet along the way.” Wizard of Oz

I do this too; it's not confrontational, more like a "Please complete next step in the process" kind of reminder. Guests will only receive the keycode for entry if they reply and confirm they have read listing description and house rules.

I like your response but also read all the other responses. Since I've had NO contact with the guest checking in today, I don't want to be confrontational. If he doesn't check in, I still get paid but I don't want a bad review. Anyway, I followed part of your advice and texted that I sent him a couple messages through the AirBnB app and left him a voice message yesterday to which I didn't receive a response, so am wondering if he's still planning to check in today. I didn't mention giving him the door code or not and won't provide it until I hear from him.


Thanks for your suggestion.