low rating guest

Level 1
New Cairo City, Egypt

low rating guest

Hello everybody
I am Ashraf  ** , and happy to join Airbnb community.

Do you have an experience with a law rating guest, because i already approved a host with low rating. What is your advice.


**[Last name hidden due to privacy concerns - Community Center Guidelines]

6 Replies 6
Level 10
Bristol, United Kingdom

Why would you approve a guest with a low rating @Ashraf52 


Have you talked to the guest about their low ratings and seek assurance that whatever issues that occured that led to the low rating won't occur again?

Level 1
New Cairo City, Egypt

Hello Helen
Yes, I spoke to him and he promised me that he would maintain the property and the cleanliness of the apartment. But I would like advice if a person with a low rating requests a reservation repeatedly, should I reject him or what?

If you are not comfortable hosting a guest with a low rating despite their assurances, consider other alternatives, such as offering guidance on how they can improve their rating or suggesting they book with another host.

Level 10
California, United States



depending on what the low rating is about. 

I wouldn’t accept low rating guest if the rating says “drugs, late check out, party, or picky”. I don’t mind a little dirtier or messier since we hire professional cleaners. 


You can collect deposit and tell the guest his deposit will have to be charged if he messed up.

Community Manager
Community Manager
Port Moody, Canada

Hi @Ashraf52 I'm curious to know how everything went with this guest. Hopefully, the advice given by our Hosts was helpful in making the decision.


Keep us posted.



Please follow the Community Guidelines // Por favor consulta las Normas de la comunidad

Level 1
New Cairo City, Egypt

Hi Paula 

the guest will check out 30 September. I will inform you what happens when I inspect the apartment. 
Thanks Paula