Hi! I have a potential guest with 2 negative reviews out of ...
Hi! I have a potential guest with 2 negative reviews out of 36 stays, giving them an overall rating of 4.8. The last negative...
This is NOT a political post and I respect everyone's views on Roe vs Wade as I do on all matters. Airbnb however has been very political (and not in a good way). This cause should align with their values and here is a real chance to do good. I hope they will include getting an abortion in another state as a qualifier for Open homes. Some people will now have to travel very far to get one and might not have the means to rent a place to stay.
I came searching for this very option. I am new to AirBnB and want to open my home in PA to this. Joining the thread to stay updated and aware. Thank you all for your kind souls.
We're definitely on board with this idea. We hosted a family through Open Homes during the Santa Cruz fires and would gladly do it for people seeking an abortion in the SF Bay Area. Make it happen, AirBnb.org!
Airbnb is not a political platform. It is a business. Half the hosts and guests may very well be completely supportive, however, many do not think it’s appropriate. Ultimately the hosts will suffer if people opt to use other vacation rental options because Airbnb has decided to put politics and personal beliefs above hosts and guests who simply want a nice place to stay, not a place to make a political statement.
@Chrissy107 I am not sure I am following your comment. What are you trying to say?
Well, businesses have been making political statements for centuries. Let's not forget that Citizens United gave them the same First Amendment speech rights as people. And just how much money are your local politicians taking from corporations? They make political statements and decisions EVERY DAY.
Yes, maybe 20-25% of AirBnB hosts probably agree with the decision, but that is not going to hamper the other 75-80% of hosts to open their properties to women that are being forced to basically be refugees to leave states to find medical/abortion care. Don't join the group. Do your own thing. Being part of AirBnB is a choice. There are other services you can use to rent your space if you don't like it.
And those guests... if the polls are correct, more are in favor of keeping Roe intact than not. Most say 3 in 4 would have left it in place. It's my property and if I decide to make a political statement with it, I will. And if someone doesn't want to stay in my property because I'm gay, liberal, and not in favor of forcing 13 year old rape victims to carry a pregnancy to term, I do not care. I don't want their money.
It's not a political issue. It's a human rights issue .
@Chrissy107 its pretty simple to me. No one is forcing a host to join this program (if it gets off the ground). Just as no one is forcing a host to host a refugee from Ukraine or a first responder. If it does not align with your personal beliefs, don't participate. End of story. Let ABB worry about whether it drives away hosts who feel its overstepping.
Personally I am a lot more worried about ABB keeping any property of mine free of parties than the individual political stances of the C suite. But that is me.
Businesses lobby for political purposes all the time. It’s nothing new for a business to align themselves with a cause. If you are not aligned with Airbnb, you don’t have to participate. Some sacrifices must be made to promote the greater good, health and equality of girls and women.
When I was at university in England many eon's ago - we worked with students in Ireland and Northern Ireland to provide accommodation and support for women forced to travel to the UK for an abortion as it was completely illegal in Ireland and Northern Ireland .
such sad times in the US.
YES. Airbnb needs to immediately create a special tag or search criteria for hosts to display on our listings that we are abortion friendly. Perhaps a unique Experience should be created to this end. Guests who would like assistance with travel to clinics, etc, should be able to search for that and do the follow up review of the host. How do we get this done??
Hi, all, I'm a little late to this thread, but my name is Lizzie Kane, and I am a reporter with Bloomberg. I am looking to speak with Airbnb hosts who are using or want to use their listings to help people seeking abortions. You can look me up online and should hopefully be able to find contact information for me. I'm on Twitter and have posted my email on there, and you can also DM me. @alicia300 @catherine2886 @kerry230 @tommy150 @donna1268
Not sure what info I can provide, but you can email me **
**[E-mail address removed due to safety reasons - Community Center Guidelines]
Hello Ms. Kane,
I am a writer and student at Oberlin College.
The day that Roe vs. Wade was overturned. I put a call into Airbnb and begged them to set up a program like this. I live in Oregon, and would be happy to offer up my Airbnb as a place for a woman to get an abortion out of state, if she needed a place to stay. Jen P.
I just wanted to flag a nonprofit www.withGloria.org that is connecting donated Airbnbs to patients traveling long distances. With donations decreasing for travel support and the need increasing, we have a place we can donate our lodging to patients traveling long distances!