Until Last week, every new booking from a previous guest jus...
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Until Last week, every new booking from a previous guest just added a new line into a single chat thread. Now I get a new cha...
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So Airbnb does the feckless way out and takes photos of her own squalor and I take photos of her overflow garbage and of course Airbnb rules against me and this lady goes on to descreate my listing with a one star review and she admonishes me twice through the Airbnb review and a private message, one says I should have disclosed there were stairs and the other one actually conflicts her own accusations because she says you shouldn't have told me there was no elevator to the second floor which I told her clearl as bell that I would take her luggage up the stairs twice and this was not a ground floor apartment.
So Airbnb could care less about the fact she was a boldfaced liar and allowed and no only condone this behavior but actually rewarded this sleazy underhanded tactics. Since this review my listing went from 90% and higher occupancy and I went from a $7000 June to a $1400 July and equally horrible August and this disgusting pathological liar dropped me from 4.86 to 4.26 and even though she called Airbnb that she left they keep my calendar locked up for the entire days and tell me my review numbers are just above suspension.
The complete indignity of this situation is not going to rest me because in November I am contacted by a potential. guest and this guest actually had the same problem with this depraved woman and they're contacting me in hopes that her one star review would be expunged but of course Airbnb **[Content removed in line with the Community Center Guidelines]
These people had their listing drop to 3.36 and had to pull it off of Airbnb despite they have other listing that are star reviews and of course this depraved woman took off on day 3 to coerce another refund she was not entitled to and despite this evidence that this behavior is no longer aberrant it's now.a pattern and of course I talk to the nicest Pinay customer servicerepresentatives however if Airbnb was only run **[Content removed in line with the Community Center Guidelines].it would be a much nicer company to deal with because their wonderful **[Content removed in line with the Community Center Guidelines] ambassadors could care less because they never said a word to me. hoping that I would give up but I am taking this lady and her husband to small claims court and I should win because if this woman repeats her lies that she did on the Airbnb messenger and private notes I'm going to ask the judge if someone commit's perjury in civil court is it a felony like regular court.
I have to sue Airbnb through their hand picked arbitration and if I get a kangaroo arbitration I'll go through my attorneys. What pisses me off is Airbnb thinks their asinine review policies supercede the civil statures of libel. This is no different than a,"journalist" who writes and malicious article that they know are lies so Airbnb is like the newspaper who knowingly knew this lady lied twice through their messenger and private notes and have seen the. economic devastation and reputation and algorithm destroyed Airbnb deliberately ignored her boldfaced lies and could care less that this vicious lady and husband traveled twice and twice on the third day she perpetrated this premeditated scam and the most Heinous part of this is that this lady and husband are superhost's in Las Vegas so this pathological liar knows the consequence of her disgusting tactics. I don't expect a arbitrator is going to be impartial because Airbnb probably pay his or hers salary. If I don't get an impartial decision I go elsewhere because this is libel 101
@Jenny I have talked to many nice Airbnb associates from the Philippines and India and El Salvador and they've all tried to escalate this further and they're not even allowed to respond to me, because I'm probably persona non grata with their SF ambassadors. I have never gone ten days without a booking and it's obvious Airbnb doesn't like someone who refuses to accept a negligent decision. No matter what Airbnb says their inane review policies cannot possibly be so short sighted that two verifiable lies by ** is completely acceptable or they just refuse to admit that ** twice admonishing me that I didn't tell her there was stairs and I didn't tell her there was no elevator to the second floor and even these two accusations conflict one another. I have already spoken to ** and this hatchet job by ** completely conforms to the civil definition of libel Airbnb's narcissistic review policies do not supercede the civil laws of libel and I am waiting on Clark County to allow me to do this remotely while ** has to be in person because I have requested that Harold Reilly to climb 14 stairs with his wife's help. By stair 7 which is a landing on my staircase Harold Reilly is so badly incapacitated that I had to run up the stairs to grab him a dining room chair so ** could stop hyperventilating and collect his breath ** needed the better part of 20 minutes to recuperate to negotiate the next set of stairs and unlike my home there will be no double landings for ** to rest. More than likely his wife ** won't allow him to do any stairs because in addition to being morbidly obese ** are chronic alcoholics, showing up here with a ice chest of 7 bottles of 1.75 liters of Costco vodka ( for a 10 day trip) and my downstairs tenant was complaining about their cigarette smoking and I took photos of their make-shift aluminum foil ashtray they hid underneath the compressor on the outside bedroom terrace and I took a photo of their Marlborough red cigarette box with one cigarette remaining. I took photos of their garbage piled high, their dirty dishes and uncovered food left behind in the refrigerator and yet Airbnb ignores my photos and gives these two lowlife's their second successful descreation of two different hosts. ** was also victimized by ** one star hatchet job and of course we both got charge backs because Airbnb's evil Super host from Las Vegas Nevada has traveled twice and both times ** completely lies to obtain a refund she 's not entitled to
Airbnb's lack of any self awareness is absolutely mind blowing and they're so in love with their insidious review policies they consistently allow their hosts to be collateral damage because I was perusing their websites community section and the conversations were mind blowing of how Airbnb allows their hosts to go from "insult to injury" because their asinine review policies are consistently weaponized when money becomes front and center or the guests are violating the house rules by showing up with a pit bull and on top of it the dog is not leashed which can be disasterous and I read one host had to pay over $1000 to save her neighbors dog because her guests unleashed dog, attacked her neighbors dog and of course Airbnb did absolutely nothing to remunerate their host who faced a moral dilemma of letting her neighbors dog die. I can see Airbnb is completely indifferent to the collateral damage they repeatedly allow to happen when a conflict results in a one star review and their business paradigm is completely broken because they don't care that guests will use their asinine review policies as a retaliatory measure at their impeccable whim. They completely dismissed **'s two boldfaced lies through their messenger and private notes because this is a narcissistic company that falls in love with their own asinine rules. I can tell you after reading all of these sordid injustices that I've read, I consider myself fortunate to some of these disconcerting accounts, however I take this personally and the economic consequences have been a 64% loss of bookings and I am done with 7 or 8 different times calling Airbnb Their overseas customer service are so much better than the San Franciscan ambassadors who shutdown any attempt to reverse this libelous review. I am no longer have my sights set on Airbnb's insidious super host **. I am apoplectic with Airbnb not giving me any bookings for 10 days plus and I will deal with them after my small claims court hearing. I don't believe in futility so from now on I am getting names and phone numbers from the various victims of Airbnb's collateral damage reviews. I understand their arbitration comes first however I am quite resolved to facilitating what every corporation fears most and to me this is now personal and I know exactly what I'm going to do and will enjoy it in the process lol I love being underestimated it's wonderful motivation for that great big chip on my shoulder lol
**[Name hidden due to privacy concerns - Community Center Guidelines]
Hey @Gary1151 ,
Thank you so much for penning the details and we understand how frustrated you feel about this situation. We have sent over your comments to the related team if they can look into this further.