Refund Specialized Team

Level 1
Salt Lake City, UT

Refund Specialized Team

Airbnb canceled my apartment due to a host issue. I have in writing from Airbnb that I will receive a refund. I have been waiting for about 40 days, for the refund. I see an initiation for a refund on May 16, and it is not being processed. I have called countless times, and was told that the refund has been "frozen" and they would re-issue the refund via a payment on my account. Thus. they had me set up my bank account on payment option. I went through the process, and it has been another two weeks, and no payment! I have spent hours between calls, support messages, Twitter (x) messages to be told the same thing - no one can help me, but this top secret "specialized team." I am being read the same script over and over, and any messages are just auto-generated. I have asked to talk to a supervisor, and told that is not possible. I said cancel the current re-fund and re-issue, I was told that was not possible. Basically nothing is possible other than this top secret "specialized team" is reviewing my refund. I have given Airbnb ample time to resolve this matter, and nothing is being done. I am to the point to do a credit card charge back, and resolve it on my own. Not sure why I can't be given answers on how this is going to be resolved or talk to someone that can actually provide me a resolution timeline. 

2 Replies 2
Community Manager
Community Manager
Port Moody, Canada

Hello @Kristin1801, I am so sorry to hear about this situation.


Have there been any updates on your case since you posted in our community?


Please keep us updated.



Please follow the Community Guidelines // Por favor consulta las Normas de la comunidad

Hi Paula,


No, I have not heard anything. But, that is the issue there has been no communication follow up throughout this horrible experience by Airbnb. I have initiated everything, and I keep getting the same generated responses when I talk to someone or via chat function. Half the time they close my request for assistance. It would be so much easier for me to do a charge back, and be done with it.