We aren't a discount retail store. We're in the hospitality business. And that involves a mutual trust agreement. You agree to provide a comfortable accommodation, and the guest agrees not to trash it.
When you drop your prices out of desperation, it's a flag to the irresponsible guest profile to take advantage of. They look for that.
Very sorry this happened to you, but chalk it up to experience and realize that nobody is going to support you. You lose, they win. Pay attention.
About the only cure is to screen your guests before they book. Ask a few friendly questions. Their answers (or lack of them) can reveal a lot. Experiment with this and you'll start to see patterns.
And write a factual, impersonal review of the guest. Just as you would have benefitted from before they booked it
Sorry.. but in the real world, you're on your own. Find ways to protect your interests. Nobody else will help you. And keep Airbnb out of it wherever possible.
Good luck and happy hosting.