Sanity check for my first booking....

Sanity check for my first booking....

Hi folks - 


Received my first inquiry (whoo hoo), but I'm confused - 


So, I require guests to sign my own rental agreement and provide a photo ID when booking.  That said, I received an inquiry this evening, and then after some messaging, I sent along a pre-approval.   That means that the guest can now book within 24 hours.  At what point in this workflow do I send along a copy of our agreement and request ID?  I'm guessing I can do that if the guest actually books, because if they don't sign the agreement or provide ID at that time, I can cancel the booking.  Doesn't seem logical that I'd send along our agreement prior to providing the pre-approval.


Appreciate any guidance - 




1 Reply 1
Level 10
England, United Kingdom

@Richard3347 I have no idea when you would get a guest to sign your agreement as most people don't have them. BUT I would never book a place where the check out tasks are not defined and the rental agreement is unseen.