Scratching my head....

Level 10
Frederick, MD

Scratching my head....

What would you make of a guest who left a note in your book that your home is cute, but its not as good as one they will soon be purchasing themselves as a vacation spot? My husband just kind of chuckled. Why would anyone do that?


Do you ever get the sense that some of your guests are resentful that you have a space to Airbnb? Its so bizarre. Maybe its just our odd pool of people but there is a contingent out there who seems decidedly sour grapes-y. This typically also reflects in the way they leave the space upon check out. Not super well cared for.  Is it just us?

14 Replies 14
Level 10
Balearic Islands, Spain



Sheesh! They just get weirder and weirder. It's like a Netflix sitcom or something. Maybe Monty Python? 

@Elaine701 they really do get more and more strange. We have had some truly lovely guests this year but its almost as though the floodgates have opened after COVID lockdowns. People seem to have forgotten how to interact. I think what we are getting now are people saying out loud  all the things they used to keep to themselves....the filters are gone!

@Laura2592 “People seem to have forgotten how to interact. I think what we are getting now are people saying out loud  all the things they used to keep to themselves....the filters are gone!”

There could be something of that element at play. People have forgotten how to ‘be’ in the world over this past whacked out year. They are generally also perhaps a bit unhappy, maybe stressed etc. Quite possibly it manifests in this odd behavior so many hosts are reporting.


Level 10
Greenville, SC

My housekeeper says this. She is convinced that there are many guests who are jealous and resentful of those who can afford to own and profit from nice places. I pooh-poohed the notion at the time, but maybe she’s right.

@Pat271 lol my mom used to tell me that when I got picked on "they are just jealous, honey." But there may be something to this. 

Level 10
New York, NY

That's just mean @Laura2592!  Agree it can only come from envy.  Still so odd that they would think it's some kind of competition.  That says more about them than anything else, of course.

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Laura2592  In the US, at least, I see that the populace was given permission to act on the antisocial behavior that many kept more or less under wraps before. Punching a store clerk in  the face for insisting that one wear a mask in the store or leave, screaming insults at minorities, attacking one's neighbors for the political signs in their yard, has become shockingly commonplace.


So it isn't surprising to me that people would have no filters for expressing whatever they wish to without considering whether it would be rude or offensive. 

@Sarah977  The FAA is reporting a disturbing rise in incidents of violence and unruliness amongst passengers on aircraft .  In one recent case, a flight attendant was punched in the mouth, losing two teeth.  They believe due, in part, to coronavirus mitigations on flights, and intoxication. 

Level 10
Chicago, IL

@Laura2592  Free advertising ?

Level 10
South Bruce Peninsula, Canada



Probably Should have charged them more😊


Your husband has the right attitude.  Your guest is just trying to validate him/herself.  Not worth a second thought.  Guest must be pretty insecure.

Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia


Laura, you should have messaged back to the guest....

"Thanks for the feedback, which of my properties were you referring too?"



Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

wow @Laura2592 - I would assume this is textbook envy 

Level 10
Sofia, Bulgaria

@Laura2592  What is the secret to attract such people? If you share the secret, we all will know how to avoid them 🙂

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Laura2592  "Well I guess we're even then, because I'm much better looking than you are."