Sense when is the use of your backyard a condition to your listing? I never said it was available for use.

Level 3
Packwood, WA

Sense when is the use of your backyard a condition to your listing? I never said it was available for use.

Amazing guest hold it against you if they don't get to use your backyard. It's not listed. Thay can use the deck and BBQ. Just leave my garden alone! Anything that you tell them no to,  sets them off to try and sabotage your earnings for Hosting. Example. Wood burning stove gets to hot. You can only use it during the winter. But because I set this limitation, they try to run all the heaters on high. The circuit breaker flips. Then they complain that there is no heat! Then give you a bad rating for no heat. The nasty games people play. How do some of you deal with this?

21 Replies 21
Level 10
La Quinta, CA

I agree the pictures should depict all areas and amenities available to the guest only.  If you have the BBQ available, have a picture with a caption that references unavailable if you think that is needed.  You make it clear the garden is not shared space in the listing description.  It is my understanding that the shared kitchen is ONLY when you and the guest agree that you will provide a breakfast, nothing else, right?  Like so many hosts' experience, we learn to see the listing through the eyes of the disgruntled guest and the positive outcome can be clearer listing descriptions.

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Dorothy122  You have exactly the same text cut and pasted in all sections of your listing- Description, Interaction with guests, and Other things to note just repeat exactly the same paragraph. The layout of the home isn't what you are supposed to out under "Interaction with Guests" and "Other things to note" is for things you haven't mentioned elsewhere. 

You should take a look at other hosts' listings to see how the information is divided up so that it is readable and clear to guests.

And while you apparently only use the kitchen to prepare breakfast for guests, your amenities section states that booking includes breakfast, so I assume you make breakfast there every day, which means it isn't an Entire Home the guest has to themselves, with privacy. You also state your bird is kept in your room and squalks. So if you keep that room there for yourself, then it is also not an Entire house listing.

If you stay in the house when you have guests, or even if you just go there and sit in the backyard, it's a shared-home listing. If you don't stay there when you have guests, why does it matter to you if they enjoy the backyard? 

And if you consider other hosts offering you advice to mitigate the problems you are complaining about as "hating", you have an odd idea of what posting on a hosting forum is about.

I have tried repeatedly to edit and fix my site but the program will not let me. I even asked for help, and was told they were having problems with the program.

On another thread I discovered the reason I couldn't edit was because there's a word limit which isn't shown! That may be why you were having problems.

Level 10
Jersey City, NJ

@Sarah977 @Linda108   We have a photo of the back yard even though there is no access, which we say, because the large bedroom and kitchen windows face the back yard so the photo allows the guest to see that it is a pretty relaxing quiet view.  I consider a nice garden view is a plus for the listing since many places in our area have no views of anything green.

@Mark116  Things must be different in New Jersey. When I lived in California, "anything green" had such a different meaning...

@Dorothy122 I ask for refund for anything (such as woods) which was not supposed to be used in my listing. simple and quick.