Serious recurring problem that appears to be a system bug or back door

Level 6
San Diego, CA

Serious recurring problem that appears to be a system bug or back door

We’ve been super hosts for a decade or more so we’re very familiar with how the platform operates.  In the past 3 weeks, we’ve had the following happen twice —


In the first instance, one of our calendars was suddenly blocked with an 8 night reservation for the July 4th holiday for which no booking request had been received.  None of our properties is set to accept instant bookings.  The calendar block could not be altered.  We called AIRBNB, and rep after rep failed to understand the issue.  They kept saying things like, “Once the guest’s payment method is confirmed, you’ll receive the request,” or “We always block the calendar until you accept or decline.”  Hours and hours spent explaining that we cannot accept or decline a request we never receive, and even when there’s a pending request, it does not show as a blocked reservation on calendar (this was not the dotted line pending type, it was a hard reservation block).  Then we were advised that, “It’s up to the guest to decide if he wants to withdraw the request.”  Sigh.  It took 6 calls to find a rep willing to reach out to the traveller  to determine status and willingness to withdraw this (phantom) request.  When they finally took the action and reached him (a week and a half later), he informed Airbnb that he had issued no such request.  Airbnb reps advised that they have no power/ability to remove an errant reservation block —really? — and the case was sent to engineers for resolution.  More calls, more waiting.  Finally resolved/removed.


Flash forward, and today the same thing happened all over again, except we did get an item in our inbox from the traveller.   This was not a booking request — no option to accept/decline, and it also was not shown as an inquiry, it simply said “Awaiting ID.”  The message from the woman made clear her understanding that the booking was set, pending the ID.  So we jumped to the calendar, and once again, it was blocked with a reservation for this woman, this time for 2 1/2 months.   Immediately called AIRBNB, same ordeal, instead of taking our word and escalating our report, we’re kept holding while reps “investigate” only to come back and inform us that this is how the system works, that we’d receive the request once the ID is uploaded, etc.  Meanwhile, there’s a hard block 2 1/2 months long, preventing us from renting to anyone else.


Fortunately, this traveller was attentive and complied when we asked her to withdraw any booking request she had made, and she did so, and our calendar was then cleared of the errant/phantom reservation in short order. 


While we don’t know exactly what is happening and why — is it a bug, a back door for agencies, is it fraudsters??— we do know this is not ‘normal’ system behavior, and we can’t continue to lose rental income and spend hours and hours seeking AIRBNB’s support to get these issues resolved.  We need the problem escalated and dealt with ASAP.  And we need to be believed, as anyone who has worked with this platform for years, knows what, and what not, to expect.


Has this happened recently or ever, to other hosts?  Would someone inside please get this serious problem the immediate attention it requires?  Thanks for anything anyone can offer here.


As an aside — AIRBNB support has all but come apart as of late.  It’s always required persistence and repeat calling until you get a knowledgeable rep, but it’s been severely deprecated service and support as of late.  Worse than ever, from where we sit. 

5 Replies 5
Level 2
Merrick, NY



I had a situation recently that took 97 calls in 3 days-- Yes I counted!  In order for me to get a rep that actually knew what they were doing.  I have been a Superhost for 6 years and it has greatly shifted.


@Fabian946 , thanks for sharing.   if ever we’re in the same city, let’s all get together and have ourselves a good drink!  Haha

Level 10
Victoria, Australia

@Gail-and-Beth0  this does appear very odd. I always used IB and once or twice a booking was taken 'awaiting Id 'because,I thought,of my fairly strict ID requirements, as in no avatars , no obscured faces , sunglasses and, the need to have a government ID. are you using IB? , or have you recently changed your requirements for the type of ID you accept . This type of block occurs also with credit cards not being in order for payment. These guests are red flags but I assumed this was an IB booking where acceptance is automatic and for some reason other requirements have to catch up, but as you will have the persons phone number on IB ,maybe not on other types of booking , and you have said you called the guest , then that is what I would have done, as you can also message the guest . Check IB is not accidentally turned on by you or your partner... H

another thing is ,do not accept the booking or hold it for 24 hours because if you do not then it is 'not booked ' and you can take another booking if you consider , after talking to the guest , that there are too many red flags  . If during the normal course of events the booking turns into something you are happy with ,then and only then will it become an actual booking , but if in the meantime another booking comes in which occurs during this semi ,booked time then the legitimate booking will take precedence.and eliminate the previous guests requests . in other words it is not a booking, as such ,just because you have IB turned on.This is also another reason to have clear requirements about 'who can book ' with you.Some people are fairly convinced that IB  gives them immediate 'rights ' without id or anything else. This is not the case, but only if you yourself put those initiatives in place... good Luck .. H

Thanks, Helen. We do not have instant booking (IB) turned on.  Never have used it.  We verified IB is still turned off for our properties, and AIRBNB reps also confirmed this.  This is why this is a very strange occurrence.


In the first instance, there was no way for us to contact the guest.  There was a reservation block (phantom reservation) on our calendar, but nothing in inbox and no actual reservation otherwise recorded.