Surgery recovery?

Level 1
Lake Forest, CA

Surgery recovery?

A university student and his girlfriend just arrived.


She is here to have breast augmentation surgery tomorrow and booked our Airbnb for 2 nights as a place to recover. Does that sound odd to anyone? I feel uncomfortable for some reason having a person in my home recovering from surgery.

Why am I not feeling comfortable about this?


Any thoughts?



Top Answer
Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Ava-Kate0  As long as they're respectful guests, I'd not worry about it. But I'd definitely provide them with extra "not good" towels that you don't care about throwing in the garbage after, in case there is any bleeding involved and ask them to please use them if necessary so as not to ruin your bedding or good towels. I'm sure you can find a tactful way to put this.

I'm quite shocked at the number of young women who voluntarily put themselves under the knife to have bigger breasts or a different nose. 

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9 Replies 9
Level 10
Quilcene, WA

In the grand scheme of Airbnb weirdness it does not seem so odd to me. In your shoes I would just ask if they need anything from you to stay comfortable.

Level 10
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

I am an off site host.

Once, a woman from Italy booked my listing to stay with her brazilian mother, an old lady that was recovering from a surgery.

Everything went well. Both of them were lovely persons and great guests! 

When people tell the truth, usually they have good intentions!

Level 10
La Quinta, CA

@Ava-Kate0  You have a private room in your home so I would double check with the post surgical guest what her expectations are.  Does she need a quiet place for 48 hours?  How will this impact your home life?  Is her boyfriend staying as well to be available to provide post surgical assistance?  Engage in a conversation about how her needs will fit with what you offer.  If you think the demands will be outside your listing, deny the request due to poor fit.  

@Linda108 she says the guests have already arrived...

Level 10
Eureka, CA

@Ava-Kate0  GREAT NAME! There is an extremely good chance she is choosing to have a couple days of recovery in a budget friendly, comfortable place, but near the doctor/hospital in case of any immediate issues vs. high cost stay at the hospital that her insurance may not cover anyway. 

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Ava-Kate0  As long as they're respectful guests, I'd not worry about it. But I'd definitely provide them with extra "not good" towels that you don't care about throwing in the garbage after, in case there is any bleeding involved and ask them to please use them if necessary so as not to ruin your bedding or good towels. I'm sure you can find a tactful way to put this.

I'm quite shocked at the number of young women who voluntarily put themselves under the knife to have bigger breasts or a different nose. 

Level 2
Miami, FL

Im a host in miami dade area, it’s been a nightmare for me and my family hosting Surgery Recovery. I have to decline every time I suspect they are coming for surgery. Clogged toilet, bedsheet ruined, blood, trash everywhere. Just really disgusting. 

I’m in Miami too and keep getting these request! I’ve already accepted one …any suggestions to survive?

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

@Maygan1 If this is something you get regularly, I would just respond that you aren't able to accommodate people post surgery for liability and insurance reasons and recommend a budget hotel nearby.