I am new in this industry please guide me
I am new in this industry please guide me
He booked 20 euro a night per room for few days.
And preholiday price for 2 days (the ones he wanna extend for) is 24 euro a night per a room.
He completely takes my brain out saying:
"Why your price is SUDDENLY SO HIGH for the next few days?
Is it because I told I want to extend?"
I wrote to the support team asking to connect with the guest and confirm if he will be extending or not.
For the rest, as I understand, if it's not extended I can freely see him off at 12.00, and if somebody books, it's his fault, not mine, that he decided not to extend dates in time.
What you think of this type of Guests? Share your experience how you behave in such situations?
Thank you.
Extending means a change of the reservation, done by the guest or by the host. So why are you calling Airbnb for this ? The guest will have to pay the price as mentioned on your calender. If it is a good guest,i would give him some discount, as it is less work to host an extending guest then a new guest.
Best regards,
@Emiel1 I don't wanna give any discounts and think that initiative should come from the guest, as I have preholiday pricing. And it's his choice to take or no to take.
Q: "Why your price is SUDDENLY SO HIGH for the next few days?“
A: „The airbnb-computer always automatically charges the prices that are set by the host for specific days. I had set the pre-holiday-prices for Your 2 extension days weeks before. Didn't You check the pricing before extending?“
Q: „it's his fault, not mine?“
A: Yes.
Olga, whenever something goes wrong You should always make it look as if it was the guests fault or airbnbs fault. Never change this golden Short Term Rental rule.
@Ute42 there is always a nuance. If the person is thinking that the host somehow will extend for cash next day at last mometn or nobody will book the place ( by his opinion), when somebody suddenly books, the previous guest automatically stays on the street (if didn't request an extention).
Although his rental period is over anyway.
But people take it as:
- I told you I would book.
Like " I told you I would marry...."
Saying "I would marry" doesn't mean "Marrying"
Then they do not book, ignore messages, including the calls and text from airbnb support team. And finally they leave horrible reviews to the host, because the host didn't respond to their desire to probably extend booking.
For me it's pure business.
But I read such reviews all the time, on airbnb, on booking.
It drops down to the same topic:
"I promised I would pay"...
"I promised I would pay"...
Jehovah's Wittnesses have promised the end of the world effective dec.31st, 1975, and it didn't happen. Promises always have that element of unsecurity.
@Ute42 I agree. But, you see, guests transform it into:
"What a horrible hotel, they placed me till 31 of December and then charged double price for the 1st of january extention"
The girl extended at last moment and yes, the charged her.
That review was on booking.
Who suffers from negative review- the place.
there are 200 reasons to get a bad review. The entire review system is flawed and unfair.
Read this:
I don't give nothing about guest reviews anymore. I just do what I want.
@Ute42 I just looked at your listing. What a great piece of meat you are offering.
@Ute42 when people are asking about price forming etc, I always say we have a special department in the house for that. So, I am not responsile for the pricing. It all depends on how intensively the district is booked. I only meet clients and sign papers.
So, no responsibility for money from my end. This way it's much easier. You blame sobody virtual and that's the end of story. Cause I am exploring this "poor niche" now where the majority of clients are running out of money. So, you can be blamed for 2 more additional bucks charged anyway. So, I gave this responsibility to non exsisting price department of our house.
In my case the entire story for the client is invented.
Me, working in police.
Price department forming prices.
The only real thing is walls.
I wanna form out the ideal psychological pattern, so, I could get my money out of guest with as less involvement with the guest as possible. Cause in our days the most expensive thing (in point of efforts also) is to support livelihoods of physical bodies and communicate with real people.
And minimize my tear and wear to the maximum.
In direct reply to your post, I've had plenty of guests who wished to extend and did, but rarely via the website for the most obvious reason, high 'service fee'.