I had disputed a review in which a guest sent me a blatant t...
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I had disputed a review in which a guest sent me a blatant text message offering a refund in exchange for a 5 star rating. Wh...
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I just saw this on a FB hosting group and was shocked at how tedious this process has gotten for guests. I have several comments and questions.
1. Is this standard for ALL guests of ALL properties, or is this just aimed at select guests of select listings in order to verify the listing amenities, etc? This is literally 10 pages of questions (on mobile at least). 10 pages!
2. If this is standard practice now, well, wow. Does ABB expect guests to go through this whole thing every stay? ABB is pushing owners to get reviews get reviews get reviews....and then makes the get review process this cumbersome? I wouldn't be surprised if guests stop leaving reviews.
3. The entire "compares to your expectations" part seems like it will actually make the rating system WORSE than it was before. Guests already had trouble with ABB's interpretation of what 5 stars meant. We had owners pushing for 5* because ABB treated 4* like a bad rating. Now this new system looks even MORE geared to getting low ratings. Imagine you have a listing that just looks stunning....all the amenities in the world....picture perfect. The guest stays there with HIGH expectations and the owner delivers. "About the same as expected". That looks like a 3* rating equivalent. Even "better than expected" would only get this incredible listing a 4* equivalent rating.
----------- I think AirBnB just made their rating system WORSE!
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Hi @Emily352,
You are entirely right. Having said that though, there is a mathematical law, called: “Wisdom of the crowd”. So, when Airbnb can acquire enough answers from “semi”-experts (guests), the truth will slowly, but definitely bubble to the surface. Even better than what is actually listed by the owner (the expert). And still even better, when the individual answers may be of a somewhat poor quality.
Small example: In order to enter a property, one may have to enter 2 small doorsteps. An owner may consider this to be a flat entry. Whereas some guests may consider these as stairs. Maybe at best as a non-flat entry.
At Airbnb it is all about numbers. And they are aware of probability rates, influence of larger numbers, etc. They know, when to say: It is too close to call.
So don’t be surprised, when certain amenities will automatically be added or removed from a listing in due time.
A lot of hosts hate the location rating (hosts can’t move their property. Usually the location is also clearly listed or mentioned too). But for guests (so also pricewise), this is invaluable information! Even a distance of about 50 meters can make a huge difference! The view from one apartment may be marvelous, whereas the view from the adjacent apartment may be a bit cluttered. Another apartment may be at main street, whereas the adjacent apartment, is just around the corner.
All they are trying to achieve, is to capture basic human emotions in a mathematical model.
Don’t worry: All this data is not just meant to look at the hosts, they will also use this data to look at guests as well!
I.e.: When Airbnb notices that a particular area/accommodation in ‘general’ is rewarded lower by middle-aged guests from France. But being rewarded higher by younger guests from the UK. They can and will use this information in the provision of search results to potential guests.
End goal: As many bums on beds as possible, at a sustainable price. I would love to see that 1-page KPI report, which BC finds on his desk, every morning!
@Timothy19 Use to be 'live like a local' ....... to 'live like a queen' 'live like a king' comforts.
When i travel, i try my best to be out, never in, I don't use the kitchen, i don't cook, i don't use the TV even most don't bother supplying one, hmmmmm
If it rains, i'm under a museum roof, exploring art! eating out in a quaint restaurant/cafe........shop in a gorgeous department store! or window shopping .....
I am guessing this is a trial, so some guests will have this and some not. Stats will be taken to see how it affects reviews. Maybe there will be a review on the review process, sent to guests after succesful submission of review? ''Did you enjoy the review process?" ''Based on this survey, how likely are you to recommend etc''
Hi all, it could be a possibility of weeding out some listings, oversupply of listings as oppose to the amount of travellers....only the stats know!
Maybe its their form of QUALITY CONTROL.....!!!
It is unbeliveable !
It is the host who has to fill out forms informing about the accommodation, not the guest!!!
Some hosts gets confused when filling out forms with lots of options... imagine a guest having to do it!
With all due respect, but the ones who created this form are on the verge of getting crazy!
It also seams to be a sabotage against Airbnb, against hosts and against guest!
Thanks for posting this - Most enlightening. Wonder why we hosts were not shown this so that we would be aware of the new review system? When I wrote the post 'Review System Needs To Be Revised' several months back, I certainly didn't mean this. This 'revision' strikes me as being rather macabre, frankly.
Airbnb had an opportunity to clarify and improve the review system - Certainly they have had plenty of feedback from hosts as to what is not working for them - And instead, they came up with this. I think this about says it all. Glad I stopped caring about reviews or super host status a long time ago; and glad that I am able to generate other income streams so that I am not dependent on earning money from a company that at this point seems to no longer even try to hide what they really think of us hosts, which can be summarized in two words: "Not much."
@Rebecca181 & @Syl11 I think they thought it would be a great marketing tool like Sly says quality control to weed out the type of properties that people were down grading and those they recommended. It's also giving the information on which hosts to weed out based on the feedback received in their illogical programmers and marketing experts minds. Biggest problem is 25-50% of repeat AIrBnB guests is my guess are not gonna bother with finishing or skip through parts allowed on this long marketing survery review that is also clearly a spying attempt by AirBnB on the actual hosts. Probabilities and Statistics information they are now gathering is going to be wrong with this approach and AirBnB is once again going to shoot themselves in the foot with useless and expensive information they obtained .
This worries me...
For example...Why all the questions about a kitchen...we dont offer one on the listing. But if people specifically would ask we make an exeption but we do not encourage them.
And also was there soap? Silly questions. And tv and all those things. Seriously.
I dont need that....neither as a guest nor host.
Pfff....i didnt worry about new superhost rules....but this one is just over the top rediculous.
Exactly, if they're going to do this, then at least include amenities actually checked off for our listing. Don't include pool, gym, free parking and use of all kinds of rooms for a room only in a home! Only makes the guest disappointed in the end THEY didn't get all that!
@Rebecca181 hearts, flowers, soap......LOL i'm glad i provide flowers and choice of soap or showe gel, like far out its hilarioussssssssss!!!
string some hearts .........LOL
@Syl11 I needed a good excuse to leave out a magnum of Dom Perignon and imported Caviar for each of my guests - Just to give them that extra pleasure of sharing this top secret 'intel' with Airbnb ;>)
@Rebecca181 Delicacies in exchange of top secret information i should try this 🙂