Toilet guest complaint

Toilet guest complaint

Hi there, I’m new to hosting in the past 4 months.  Up until now all my guests have been very easy going and respectful of the house.  

my last guest had contacted me during the stay saying the toilets weren’t working.  I sent my maintenance guy over to the house and he said the toilet was blocked due to really really excessive amounts of toilet paper in it.  He took the mess out and plunged their mess and unblocked it.  So the toilet was functional after that.  

same thing on checkout they’ve left very excessive amounts of toilet paper I. One of the toilets and he had to unblock it.  

I just got a message from air BnB saying that the guest is requesting compensation for the toilets not working during their stay and also that their mother had an accident due to the listing.  The guest never contacted me regarding this supposed accident.  Air BnB didn’t elaborate on what the accident was at all.  

looking for advice on how I should proceed.  I’m pretty upset, it appears this was an issue on the guests end.  I really don’t think it deserves a refund of any sorts.  But I’m new to this and looking for experienced folks input.  had pretty much flawless reviews from all previous guests.  

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