Trouble guests, issue refund?


Trouble guests, issue refund?

Hi all, I am new to hosting and have learnt my first lesson about taking same-day bookings. We had a guest book with us on the day, and later that evening I had a complaint from my neighbour that the smoke alarm had gone off and there was loud noise. I called the guest who assured they would keep the noise down, but I had an uneasy feeling. Myself and my partner went to the property to find it smelt strongly of marijuana and there were no less than 9 teenagers in the 1 bed flat. 

I said over the phone to the guest that booked that I would give them a refund as I just wanted them out with no trouble. They left the premises but I am left with a flat that stinks, drink stains on the carpet and unhappy neighbours. The guests in question we young, combative and unpredictable. While nothing bad happened apart from the nuisance and smell etc, I am worried they will come back to damage the property if we don't issue the refund. 

I am looking for advice on what other hosts have done in the past about this?

We have already decided we will not accept same-day bookings as many others have had poor experiences in the past, but has anyone else had trouble with unhappy guests that caused problems at a later date?

1 Best Answer
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands



There are 3 elements here to deal with :

1. Guests who violate houserules, creating nuisance and also there was a party going on (?)

2. You offered a refund (how much ?) to mak them leave

3. There is damage found after the guest(s) left.


Regaring nr 1: you could have contacted Airbnb and ask them to cancel the reservation (penalty free).

Or shorten the reservation via "change" option.


Regarding nr 2: It is not recommended to make "refund promises", better close the case immediatelly by cancellation or shortening.


Regarding nr 3: It is a separate issue and you can claim costs for material damages in the useal way

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2 Replies 2
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands



There are 3 elements here to deal with :

1. Guests who violate houserules, creating nuisance and also there was a party going on (?)

2. You offered a refund (how much ?) to mak them leave

3. There is damage found after the guest(s) left.


Regaring nr 1: you could have contacted Airbnb and ask them to cancel the reservation (penalty free).

Or shorten the reservation via "change" option.


Regarding nr 2: It is not recommended to make "refund promises", better close the case immediatelly by cancellation or shortening.


Regarding nr 3: It is a separate issue and you can claim costs for material damages in the useal way

Level 10
Lusby, MD

@Angela3096 Since you honored a refund if they left—and they did—honor it. 

You’re right—lesson learned. In addition to “no” same day guests, make sure to vet them. Gov’t ID uploaded to airbnb site. Also, a photo so that when the reservation is confirmed, you see who made the reservation. 

Me personally, I would apologize to my neighbors and let them know I’ve implemented changes to thwart this kind of behavior in the future; and make it clear in house rules the max number of registered guests allowed, no smoking/no drugs, and no loud noise or partying. 

Again, if me, I wouldn’t go after teenagers for carpet stain or funky smell.