Hello - 16+ attempts with the customer service team, let’s t...
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Hello - 16+ attempts with the customer service team, let’s try this community board instead. Summary - I own a house listed...
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New(ish) host. Here for a rant… I guess I’m really hoping for some sympathetic words from more experienced hosts who have gotten through a similar situation. I have written a few on this theme since my nightmare Christmas & New Years guests, but have never posted any because they end up so long and I thought people probably wouldn’t read it – or feared I would be criticised for whinging… But after another overly-critical, miserly rater has knocked me that bit further away from Superhost status, I am honestly fuming.
Sorry for length in advance. I hope some of you don’t mind reading.... At least I hope Airbnb staff will see this and consider what I am saying.
I haven’t had many guests yet. The majority of my few guests have been absolutely the loveliest people you want to meet. While not the Ritz, it would be fair to say my property is high-end accommodation.
Most of my guests recognise extra efforts made for them. Most also have had a good, general idea of what hotel room prices are – and they can do the math of how the cost of individual rooms compare to an entire property with multiple rooms and bedrooms, cooking areas and leisure areas, greater privacy, more amenities etc… These majority of normal guests I’ve had also can judge what nice things are and can weigh rental cost vs various levels of ‘nice’ or even ‘high quality’ with fairness. Most realise that, since nice things cost more money, they would usually expect to pay more, but when they actually pay less than the going rate, they have been very appreciative this and seen it as Great Value. They have then also been more allowing with things that were not as perfect as it would be in a hotel room.
Worryingly, however, I am seeing about 20-25% who not only expect far above the standard level, they expect to pay peanuts for it. And it’s always the ones who pay the lowest rates on highest season and get the most free perks and extra service… All three of my entitled, miserly raters have rented during the big holidays, but enjoyed standard season prices and/or big discounts. Still they expected more.
My Christmas and New Years guests were actually much worse guests, but it’s the family of 3 over Easter Week that has pushed me over to being vocal about my experience. I bent over backwards, which I always do – and am very happy to do for people who appreciate it – to be fair. In return, how hard is it to be fair and rate accordingly? Easter Guests wanted a place to store their bikes. The area is extremely safe, but I partially cleared out the detached garage/stables next to the house and provided a chainlink and lock.
They paid £63.29 per night! + a cleaning fee of £35 for the week. They begrudged the cleaning and Airbnb service charge. Even with those extra fees, their 11 year old child could figure out they paid far less than they would pay if they were paying the real price of a very well presented 2 bedroom cottage on a normal rental site, and also still much less than one room at the nearest hotel (certainly less than two rooms, or an extra large one for 3 people). But the price is even is quite a lot less than the other local B&B’s of a similar quality – which I wager are garage-free (and may or may not have new orthopaedic mattresses, unique pieces of art and hand carved beds).
Anyway. So, no acknowledgement for the extra effort with the garage or thanks for giving it to them at no extra cost. The garage is being used as storage for renovating stuff and general junk. So it is junky, but they wouldn’t have seen this junk if I didn’t give them free use of it! When I did the meet and greet I reminded the wife gently that the garage wasn’t part of the B&B property and asked if they could keep it out of their considerations when rating on cleanliness. Her response was in firm agreement… When it is time for rating she marks me off on ‘common areas’ as not being cleanly enough. Which common areas?? There are no ‘common areas’! Honestly, my own house is scheduled to be renovated and is an absolute mess, but they weren’t in my house and they didn’t rent my house. Their area and everything in it is spotless. Was it the overgrown nettles in the back? Not their property (and it is the countryside for goodness sake). For their comfort, I also went over while they were out and emptied and washed the composting container they requested especially when it was left outside and cleaned some fresh poop a wild pheasant left on their deck.
But still this wasn’t enough… I did have a worry in the bottom of my stomach after a variety of questions about free stuff I had to go through just to win the booking. Apparently, the husband gave her a budget and it went a bit over. How is that my problem? Or any B&B owners problem. They were also more than a little annoyed that the property is serviced by electric and oil heaters.
The property is professionally decorated and finished to a very high standard. The cottage certainly has its faults => But it is also a 2 bedroom, fully furnished, full cottage with loads of amenities, with its own gated driveway & private parking, private entrance and in a lovely area. They were 3 people. How is paying less than the cost of one room for 2 people, which is only finished to a mediocre / moderate standard, with street parking – on Easter – not seen a great value? This area actually has a few especially nice B&B’s, yet my B&B is also typically priced at 20%-40% less than these, because I don’t have the many ratings they have and recognise I need to put in the commitment before I can start commanding higher rates. Not with many more guests like these I won't. Ufff!
I don’t get how some people cannot grasp the concept of balance when weighing ratings.
I understand some are on a tight budget and don’t care about certain things when they are considering what ‘value’ means to them…. If they don’t care about fine quality furniture, expensive sheets, expensive towels, new, high-quality mattresses and little extras like handmade soap, homemade jam and cordial and free Netflix etc. etc. etc., fine – but why, why, why rent a property like mine? Go rent a motel or a hostel. Do a house trade. (I would say rent a caravan, but I noticed they and the corresponding sites can be fairly pricey.)… On the other hand, if their standard of luxury is so high that my luxury accommodation just doesn’t make the grade for them, again: why, why, why chose my property (or indeed any B&B)? Go drop thousands for suite at the Ritz Carlton (without the included kitchen, private parking, garage etc).
I wish Airbnb would support hosts by giving guests some friendly education on expectations (rather than continually offering hosts suggestions to push properties – which are already very good value – down to absurdly low, unsustainable rates) because I really would like this to work, but honestly I cannot give any more than I am giving.
I’ve actually had suggestions for renting the entire property for £35! That’s the cost of one of my accommodation’s pillowcases. Apart from the few hosts who are just in it to meet people, who is going to offer luxury or even decent quality accomodation when it is impossible to justify financially with guests like this? (Sure we can choose to take the guidance or not, but it sets the tone.)
It is not all about money for me, or I would be offering a different type of accommodation. However, I do expect some reward for my time, money and talent invested.
The cottage is in a beautiful area. I’ve only had 11 bookings in 9 months, while local Superhosts are often booked. At this rate, even if I have a slightly busier summer, which seems unlikely, without the increased bookings Superhost apparently brings (and don’t include the cost of pieces of furniture and art I already had or the cost of my time with customer service) it will be 5 years before I break even on the money spent – about which time I will need to redecorate.
Again I am not saying my property is the end-all, highest echelon of all the accommodation world, but for what it is and the price it is, these people are out of touch. Their overly-critical, miserly ratings have bumped down my chances of Superhost and truthfully I feel cheated… Yes, I have lived long enough to know about market forces and that some people are just lacking in generosity even when they have received it.
In the end: If I was getting a little more exposure from Airbnb – instead of being plied with outrageously absurd price suggestions – then every single entitled cheapskate, who feels it’s just too much for them to give a great rating in return for the great quality and service they’ve had on balance, I suppose it wouldn’t matter so much about Superhost and could avoid guests who are only looking for the cheapest price. (Okay, I would be being disingenuous if I said I wouldn’t still take their ratings personally, because I do put my full heart into being a host it, but I wouldn’t matter as much without the financial sting.)
Hi @Tatyana5
Your place is lovely - so price it based on comparable places. As you have found out it is the bargain hunters that are more likely to create problems for you/leave bad reviews.
However all your reviews look great.
And stop doing all these extras for your guests. You will end up being resentful and frustrated. If they want to bring bikes it's up to them to ensure they are secure.
Thank you so much for the advice Helen. It is nice to hear from another UK host! Your place looks really cosy.
I am going to take your advice.
I think it is the Superhost thing that is giving me a lot of anxiety. (I mean not getting many bookings in comparison to nearby properties which do have Superhost, charge a reasonable amount and are often booked up).
I see you are level 10, so maybe it was different when you started (and we are on opposite sides of the country) but if you have a chance to answer:
- how long did it take from when you first started to get steady bookings?
- do you offer single night stays?
- do you charge cleaning separately or factor it in?
- do you explain anything about the star system?
x Tatyana
Hi Tatyana, I too host in the UK, tho I cheerfully admit to being low end in my batterred own home which needs a bit of decorating!
- I started hosting in Feb 17 & business was slow till April/May. Whether that was people waiting for a few reviews, or just the start of tourist season, Who knows?
- I DO offer single night stays, & most of my stays are single nights.
- I don't charge a cleaning fee, I factor it in, lest a cleaning fee appears deceitful.
- Because I live in the property, I get to chat to those who want to..... Sometimes, I've raised the subject of the star system.... 2 ladies have said they had no idea that in airbnb land, anything less than 5* is bad.... One thought giving 4* was good, & one said she'd always given 4 on principal! Once I explained that airbnb send a warning if you drop to 4.6, & threaten de-listing if you go much lower, they were horrified, & said they'd give 5* in future. And they did!
I think you've been unlucky, cos i.m.o. the entitled customer with unrealistic expectations seems to be a much rarer breed in the UK than Americans & Australians report. I've had a few turn their nose up on arrival through obviously not having read the listing details, but most of mine are young hostel-y types, just happy to get a cheap room. I suppose high end bookers could be different.... But look to those typical nice airbnbers.. I'm sure you'll get more of those & were just unlucky with the entitled ones.....
Hi Helen thanks for your thoughtful reply. It really helps me to speak to more UK hosts and hear how you are doing things - even if it's different to how I do things.
It is interesting that most of your nights are single night stays. I have been very reluctant to offer just one night due to the work involved, but accidentally offered one night stays on bookings at full price. And (although I haven't even finished my listing properly there and no reviews yet) have actually have more bookings there than here.
I spoke to a friend in the USA who stays as a guest at bnbs and they said they are fine when people explain about the ratings system (or even ask for a 5 star rating). I don't think I will go as far as specifically asking for a five star rating, but I think I will aim to do what you have done and try to add it in to the conversation that 3 is bad and 4 is really kind of mediocre... I do think some people just don't understand and believe giving 3 stars is even reasonable for a good price and experience.
I've added your property to my favourites. ❤️
Hello @Tatyana5
Happy to answer your questions. You are right location, type of property and demand all play a part in how easy it is to get bookings.
Level 10 just means I post a lot of these forums - it has nothing to do with my listing 🙂
From the start I had a clear idea of how I wanted to market my place and what sort of guests I want so I designed my listing around this.
So to my answers, because I work in communications and marketing I am quite keen on understanding why my guests choose my place - so this is one of the questions I ask them.
I think only two mentioned my superhost status. So it is a big thing to us as hosts but much less important to guests in my opinion. Most of my guests have never even heard of it. !!
1. As you know I live in a popular tourist city so have got steady bookings from the day I started hosting. I price towards the top of the rates for my market and did so with my current place which I only starting listing from November last year. I don't discount ever (over and above my weekly discount rates which are a small amount.
2. I offer single nights during the week and minimum two nights at weekends. I need to do this because of the sort of guests I attract - business people, tourists, those coming for an event, parents visiting children but I also have longer term visitors who stay for a week or two. It is easier for me to offer single nights as I live at the listing.
3. I charge a nominal cleaning fee (not what it actually costs me) as it is hard to charge a full cleaning fee for a shared listing as other hosts in my area don't. For a whole listing I would definitely charge a proper cleaning fee (what do other hosts in your area do?)
4. I have never explained the rating system to guests and as you can see from my ratings consistently get five stars. And did so for my other property too. I gained Superhost status within my first quarter of hosting three years ago and have retained it since.
Hope this helps.
By the way I agree with @Julie I would review your copy and lose some of the words around luxury. It's much better to under promise and over delivery and it will help manage guest expectations
Hi Helen!
Thank you so much for the detailed reply. This is really helpful. I did notice you had a lot of bookings.
I think I have missed something in the calendar, as I thought I could only offer single nights across the whole week and not break it down to offering single nights just during weeknights and minimum of two night stays on weekends. I even updated it recently... anyway this is what I will try to start off.
I have added in the price for cleaning in my rate since I was last here reading everyone's advice. I also removed the word "luxury" as many seemed to advise against this and made a few more tweaks, but honestly it hasn't made a difference.
I have put the property on Bookings and haven't really had a chance o finish the listing, but have more bookings there than here. (That is offering one night though, albeit at the higher price to include cleaning).
For Superhost, my main worry is that I think the property gets marketed to fewer potential guests, I may be wrong of course, but that seems to be the sentiment from a lot of bloggers I have read.
I am adding your property to my favourites :']
x Tatyana
I totally agree with Helen. Don’t feel so responsible for your guests.
I took a peek at your listing and notice that you use a lot of words like luxury, high quality, bespoke, elegant and so on.
Everyone has different ideas of what luxury means. When you use words like that it can create a certain expectation. There is a sort of person who, when the place does not match their personal definition of luxury, will try to “take you down a notch” through a lower rating.
Many experienced hosts on this forum and others suggest underpromising and over delivering.
You want the guests to be pleasantly surprised. The type of person who appreciates things like fine linens will notice them anyway. The less discerning types won’t care no matter how you describe the little details of your listing. Let the amenities and decor speak for themselves.
As other posters have mentions, sometimes cheap prices attract cheap people. When someone tries to bargain with you before they’ve even booked, or they complain about the cleaning fees and service charges, it’s a big, red flag. It might be better to let them book elsewhere.
Hi Julie,
Thanks for your response. 🙂 I noticed you have a lot of experience as a guest, so it was especially interesting to read your comments and I have thought a lot about what you said.
Adding the descriptors “luxury” and “romantic” to my heading actually increased my views and bookings.
So I was surprised. I hadn’t really considered any negative issues with using words such as "luxury", "high quality", "bespoke", "elegant" throughout my listing, which I would say are fair descriptions. Certainly, it is a thin line of attracting people and repelling them in the short time we have to appeal to a prospective guest… I do agree there’s a point where certain statements, like ‘very expensive’, even if factual are undeniably cringing. As a guest, reading instead "elegant" or "fine quality" is helpful in drawing my attention to a listing and clarifying what is on offer when I have so much to choose from, but I imagine not to everyone's. Definitely subtlety and modesty has its place, but it is fair to say something has to be said when we are speaking about something which is essentially an advertisement.
I actually do think it is difficult, even for discerning people, to tell if they actually will be getting fine quality sheets from a digital image (especially if their area of discernment is not in the area of interiors but in a completely different area). To my mind, it helps to clarify and again helps match people with what's important to them while they are wading in the huge pool of properties up for offer.
Moreover, I believe keywords are very important in Airbnb’s algorithm when matching potential guests with common interests. My problem has been with people who clearly have no interest in my type of accommodation but booked due to lower price and some focused criteria (it was the only one with a garage and a big cooker or it was the cheapest still available at Christmas and had a big TV.)
But I do accept what you are saying and consider the possibility that using luxury descriptors may be disdainful to certain guests who haven't booked but would be a good match and could be part of the reason for lower bookings than I’d like... Equally for the entitled ones who are looking for a reason to knock points off maybe it is causing me grief.
The only way I will find out is by making some tests and see what the response is.
Thank you again
I just want to take you under my wing and release your pain.
We've all been there.
Now we need new a new attitude. You have a beautiful place and you deserve to get rewarded. You gotta get a lot tougher in this business. It's not about you, it's about them.
No freebies. No discounts. Learn to say "So sorry, I can't do that".
I too stuggle with letting people store their bikes in my messy garage. Sometimes, I try to spin it, but I know in my heart of hearts that when they see my disaster my rating goes down.
Is their need for a freebie more important than your livelihood? ...
Your pricing seems good and your reviews are good. Do you have a business-savvy friend / 3rd party? Someone who can guide you to making more money? It may just be a little thing that you are overlooking. Best of luck and get rewarded.
Hello Paul
Take me under your wing! Take me under your wing! Heheheh… :’D :’D
Your response is so helpful. Thanks.
Yes. I think the whole thing is making me crazy. I do get so pent up about it. Making people feel like they are special and that I appreciate them choosing my place and doing little extras is what I like to do… But I do need to learn to say “no” and also not to be surprised when after all the 5 star treatment they give a 4 star review.
Attaining Superhost is the main culprit of my anxiety
But also I probably take it way too seriously. Honestly, if anything goes wrong I am wetting myself! (And things sometimes have done because the dust is still settling on the renovation.) I feel so guilty they have me wound around their little fingers. Anything discomforting to them and I cave! The good ones drink in all the love, but the treacherous ones…Blood in the water comes to mind.
If I am truthful, I could foretell with all three 'bad' guests that they would be trouble, but couldn’t afford to say “no” (to the booking I mean).
I am learning.
Thank you x
@Tatyana5 Just relax and do what you love to do, making your guests' stays a memorable experience. Don't get stressed out chasing the Superhost carrot- there have been tons of Superhosts with years of 5* reviews who lost that status because of one vindictive, entitled guest who tanked their rating.with a low star review. Most have reported that losing Superhost didn't seem to impact their booking rates at all. For most hosts, acheiving Superhost is entirely dependent on getting good guests who leave nice 5* reviews, not on anything the host is falling down on. There's the odd host who really isn't stepping up to the plate and the low cleanliness stars, for instance, are deserved, or the host has cancelled a reservation, but for the most part, it's guest driven and Airbnb uses it as a carrot to get hosts to accept all manner of guests, grin and bear it, no matter how objectionable the guest's behavior is.
Thanks for your supportive words Sarah!
Aww, I actually remember you from a nice response you made to someone on a thread I read months ago! (I don’t remember which, but just remember you by property because it's unusual.)
I think I have been on a slow simmer since the bargain-entitled guests at Christmas. Heheheh
...reply on your other comment
@Tatyana5 It's funny, but when I first signed up to host 2 and a half years ago, I wasn't even aware of Superhost, so I never was striving for it. I just hosted the way it comes naturally to me, which is casual, and I don't provide a huge amount of amenities, just a pretty, comfortable room and private bathroom with guest access to the kitchen if they prefer to cook than eat out. I do little things I don't mention in my listing, like offer the guests coffee or tea in the morning, pick most of them up at the local bus stop and drive them back when they leave (my place is hard to find the first time, so I just find this makes it less stressful for me as well as the guest), there's always a fresh small bouquet of flowers from my garden in the guest room when they arrive.
When I first got the "Congratulations, you're a Superhost!" email, it totally took me by surprise, as like I said, I wasn't even aware there was such a status. I've managed to keep it all this time not by trying to (altho I've never cancelled a reservation, but I've never had any reason to), but because I get nice, appreciative guests who leave great reviews and who jive with my hosting style and what I'm offering. I think to some extent it's just the luck of the draw.
Sorry to hear you've had a bit of a hellish experience guest wise. Unfortunately, there are always the odd few who want everything for next to nothing.
I agree with the comments from others, take a deep breath and put it down to experience! There are a few tweaks you can make to your description - best not to oversell for a start - by all means showcase what you have, but nicer to surprise your guests with lovely linen (exceed their expectations), rather than lay it all on the line at the start for them. Cleaning wise, again perhaps you can just factor this into your listing price rather than charge extra? No arguments if your guests suck it up as part of the cost to stay?
Bike storage and extras like that might be something you re-think for now, it's cool that you want to be nice to your guest, but don't make unnecessary work for yourself if something isn't really feasible. It's hard to say "no" but if you are upfront about what you can and can't do guests will then have the opportunity to book with you or look elsewhere.
Please don't be disheartened - sounds like you are doing a cracking job! I found this, might put things in perspective! https://www.airbnbtips.com/bad-airbnb-review/
Keep smiling, here's to your next guests being lovely!