Do you send your house rules to guests prior to checking in?
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Do you send your house rules to guests prior to checking in?
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We have a floor with a separate bathroom devoted to Airbnb.
They use the same front entrance as we do to our home. I'm curious if this fits the bill for a 'guest suite,' but I am uncertain of the exact definition here.
Can anyone shed some light on this?
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Interestingly, today ABB cancelled a five week booking because apparently the guest misunderstood what is ENTIRE GUEST SUITE. My space is large lounge / kitchenette, office / dining room, bedroom, large ensuite bathroom (with laundry shared with me). It has a separate entry.
To justify the cancellation and full refund, the case manager called four rooms a Private Room.
When I was sent an email advising me to review my listing the Entire Guest Suite was described as self contained, had a private entry, but shared walls with the main property. So this is what I chose.
Since when has a four room suite been classified as a Private Room in a shared house? Guests do not share cooking facilities or living areas.
When I rang the SuperHost hotline, the case manager had only Entire House / Apt, or Private Room categories available. I asked her to define ENTIRE GUEST SUITE for me. She said she'd call back. Has not!
A $3000 booking has been conveniently - for them - been cancelled - by erroneously reclassifying my space.
Hi everyone, I'm having this same problem as to how to name my place whether it be private rooms or suite, guest rooms are located on the second floor, 2 bedrooms and a private bath with an area for a refrigerator, microwave and coffee maker. But our bedroom is also located on the second floor, so we would pass one another occasionally in the Hall. Any thoughts on how to list this place? Thank you!
Hi Kathleen,
Yours is definitely "Room/s" if it does not have a private entrance. Here is the definitiion ABB uses in their listing guidlines."
"Guest suites have a private entrance and are inside of or attached to a larger structure like a house or garage. These are sometimes called in-laws."
@Erin162 , A Rhodes Scholar that will remain unnamed once said " It depends upon what the meaning of the word 'is' is", (sorry, I couldnt help myself)!
Unfortunately, when they start creating new and exciting search filters, they can screw up ones that exist already from rules and parameters that aren't truly compatible with each other. Then throw in a dash of language variation, a touch of dialect and a buck-load of regional terminology and you've got a real problem tweaking a search engine. Like trying to navigate the sizes of beds available, its a big enough nightmare just to buy sheets for the 4 sizes of beds we have sometimes cause their are 13 sizes according to where you look!
For instance, what is the definition of an "entrance" ? Is that the door you go through to get into the main building or the the one that enters the "suite"? According to which is the case, is it possible for another guest to go through an "entrance" door and not enter your suite? In my case it could be either description or neither. They aren't the same doors but they can still be exclusive to the guest so they are essentially "Private Entrances" but you can actually connect to any of the 2 guest suites or main house from any of the 5 "outdoor" entrances. It can make your head hurt thinking about it!
Thanks to @David-andJennifer0 's thread, I spent 2 hours re clarifying the entrances and possible shared spaces in our 2 private suites! Its a bit early for a JD and water but I feel I earned it. We will see if my adjustments messed things up or made them better as soon as covid leaves town, will let you know. Stay well, JR
Hi, What is the answer to the question?
Unfortunately @Sheida0 , there is no single correct answer to this question because "suite" is way too broad a term that has no single characteristically consistent definition. You have to choose what you think best represents your specific situation and try to expound on that with lots of pictures and descriptions in "The Space" and even your "House Rules" section, anything that might not be perfectly in line with the overall category. The only surprise I want them to find in my space is the Mints beside the bed. Stay well, JR
Hi I have a studio and I'm just wondering if you would count it as a guest suite
I rent out a large bedroom that has a built in kitchenette along one side, a small dining table in the room, its own attached bathroom and its own private balcony and private entrance. None of the spaces are shared but the rental is attached to the rest of the house. Would this be considered a "private room" or a "guest suite". It feels more like a guest suite, since it is totally private and nothing is shared, but I don't want people to think it also has a private living room, which some may think if I list it as a guest suite. Also, I see other places are listed as guest suite, but I don't see how I can list it as that on the website.
@Coleen26with the private entrance, own bathroom and kitchen facilities, I think that is a suite.
@Coleen26 It is a guest suite, as it is self-contained and has a private entrance. Just make sure to make it clear in your listing description that this is a private suite in the house which you occupy. You can say something like "This is an owner-occupied house with a private , self contained suite, so we are always avalable to answer any questions or assist you if needed". Also when someone books, ascertain in a message to them that they understand that you live in the house so if that's not what the guest understood, they can cancel penalty-free within 48 hours after booking.
My guest space sounds like yours. I have a 3 storey house and the Airbnb space is the top floor. It consists of a large room with bed and bedroom furniture, sofa(bed), table & chairs. An alcove has a kitchen worksurface, fridge, microwave, toaster & kettle. On the same floor but not ensuite is a shower room with shower, toilet and basin (also washing machine & dryer). There are no other rooms on that floor.
I do not describe it as a suite as it is not self contained (althought the bedroom does have a lock on the door). I list it as Top floor of house (Bedroon and Shower room) and decribe it as above in the "space" description. I make it clear that I live in the rest of the house to which they have no access except for gaining entry (unless they ask to use the bath on another floor).
Im glad Im not the only host that isn't perfectly served with the selections available I have one listing that is the epitome of a Studio or Bachelor Apartment, neither choice is available. There is a selection for a Yurt but not a "Studio Apartment"! It gets more complicated when the guests private bathroom isnt directly accessible from inside the studio like @Nikki39 's space, its off of connecting rooms that really arent completely private because they also connect to our basement and offices. In the drop down menu world of self service web sites, if the choice isnt there, there is no room to budge. JR
I would think that a suite is different from ensuite. Ensuite just means with a private bathroom in extension of the bedroom, and a suite is a private extension of the hosts home/house/apartment, with bathroom and probably a kitchen niche, too. I interprete is as being 100% private = with its own entrance. I could label our "room" that way, since it has a private bathroom and a private entrance, but find that the word "suite" (as in hotel suite) gives an impression of luxury, that our listing does not have.