What's your preferred form of communication with guests?

Community Manager
Community Manager

What's your preferred form of communication with guests?

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Hello everyone 😊,

I hope your week is going smoothly.


I would like to discuss the way you choose to communicate with your guests.

Using the Airbnb platform to exchange messages offers advantages in terms of security and record-keeping.


On the other hand, texting allows for responsiveness and a sense of connection that can strengthen the relationship with your guests. Phone calls, meanwhile, enable direct and personal interaction, though some guests might prefer to avoid verbal conversations, especially in an international context.


What’s your preferred method of communicating with your guests: through Airbnb, by text, by phone, or perhaps by email?


Wishing you a great day,
Elisa 🌻


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61 Replies 61

@William2438 I love the idea of the video walk thru the house, I realized even that I try to not give overwhelming written info, but necessary one, most guests hardly read the info sent to them after reservation is confirmed, which is fine, I got tons on compliments on customer care, yet still often feel like some guests don’t fully enjoy the house or struggle finding out how to use stuff because they are shy to ask , while others will constantly ask questions even thru the night , but I guess that’s another subject 🙂

@Silvina120 I also have videos on how to work the pool, how to remove the automatic vacuum cleaner for the pool and how to operate the water fountain, etc., and how to request the pool heater to be turned up. When I send these instructional videos to them it avoids questions and text messages