What to do if a guest is still in bed beyond check out time?

Level 10
Brighton, United Kingdom

What to do if a guest is still in bed beyond check out time?

Hosts have fixed check-out times but guests sometimes remain in situ beyond the check out time particularly if they have later flights to catch. I have re-itterated check out times, generously given a couple of hours extension without charge if it's convenient to me and guests are nice. However almost without fail those I have given an extension to, seem to be the ones who stary even beyond the check-out time.


Is it reasonable to enter the guests space / apartment and ask them to leave immediately passed the agreed check out time / extension?


Should Airbnb introduce a 'late check-out' / early check-in fee option/request for hosts to accept or decline and in order that guests pay extra upfront given that they know their flight arrival and departure times in advance.


What would you do if a guest extended the check out time? And have you ever had to contacted Airbnb to intervene if the guest remains on your property?


23 Replies 23

If they stay past checkout and they have abuswed the anount of time ... first I recommend calling Airbnb, also sending a message to them via Airbnb so you have it documented, then (after verifying with Airbnb) my opinion is that they now owe you an additional day. Ask Airbnb if holdiovers can be auto charged for their failure to leave, if you may make a claim against the deposit, or if another method is to be used.

And,  how do you expect to get them to pay for that additional day?  File a Small Claims case?

Calling Airbnb is never worth my time.  Sending a message via the Message Center,  and haivng clear policies in place,   as desscribed above,  seem good ideas.

Level 1
Houston, TX

Okay so my host accepted my reservation. Check out at 12 pm and check in at 1:00pm. I messaged her to make sure the place was ready by 1 because I have a event going on at 2:00. She replies back it want be ready until 2:30 we'll were you ever going to message me and tell me your guest that's there will be checking out late. She never notified me . So what if I would've got there at 1 with food , decorations and ppl checking in from jersey and New York. I am upset because now my ppl will have to wait outside 

This is the first for me...guest was supposed to check out today and they are still in unit. I have emailed and called and left message and have not heard back from them. I have a guest checking in tomorrow.



Level 1

The problems arises the guest is still there beyond the check-out time, my cleaner tries to get in to clean but cannot. Cannot contact the guest - gone out! I have guests who have come in , theratening to do a bad review for unusual waiting time(!) So which bad review do I choose? The one from the already checked in as I need to take his belongings and put it by the door? or the one is suppoed to check-in? I know my answer but nevertheless lets have some views.





Simple, the people who have to leave, leave. I allow myself some lee way between checkout and check in so I do not have to be that ushed but that is for my benefit.


You can not mess around with guests who want to chek in when you said they could.


You have the cleaner put the person's stuff outside,  charge them for it,  and leave them a thumbs down negative review detailing the problem.  End of story.

Level 10
Como, CO

I have hosted hundreds and have never had this issue, my check out is 11am, by then I am stripping beds cleaning rooms, hoovering etc, on the odd occasion I have people hanging around they seem to get the message. Maybe a gentle reminder of the check out time.

Level 10
British Columbia, Canada



I have had two guests who asked to extend their check-out. The first one would like to extend 6 hours, but I rejected as it would undermine my own schedule and plans for the rest of the day. The second one was still making a phone call in his room 15 mins after the check-out time, so I knocked on the door and asked if I could clean the room now for the next guest. He left an hour later. I didn't say much, and allowed him to stay in the lounge for a taxi driver to pick him him.


Tell those guests affirmatively that after their paid stay is terminated, it would be considere *illegal* to stay at the premises, and you are entitled to call for law enforcement agents (police) to remove them from the premises.