When and where to define Nightly/Short/Long Stay Expectations

Level 2
Victoria, Australia

When and where to define Nightly/Short/Long Stay Expectations


Background: I'm new to hosting, but have used Airbnb as a traveler for some time.  After putting up our self-contained bungalow we quickly received an enquiry for 1-month booking.  Then before we knew it, someone else booked a week immediately prior to the month booking.


We are now coming to the end of our first guests' week booking and are wondering about managing expectations.  I have read several great discussions on here about the typical linen/towel replenishment cycles etc. but I'm wondering where do people define this prior to guests arriving? 


I initially thought about putting a nightly/weekly/long term expectations in our advert, but didn't know if this would come across negatively.  Then I thought about putting into our little Welcome Pack - but the guests would only view this upon arrival?  So does this only really leave messaging during the initial communication prior to booking? And if so, how would this work with instant booking feature - not that we are currently using this feature. 


Or, are we best just having three separate adverts for the same place where we can individually advertise nightly, weekly, and monthly stays making explicit notes on towel and linen replacement, tea/coffee/breakfasts etc.




3 Replies 3
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Nathan2161 even for longer stays it may be worthwhile providing a weekly linen change so that 1) the linen is washed regularly and 2) you get a chance to check on the condition of the listing.

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Why make it so complicated - just say something like we provide weekly clean bed linens and towels. 

@Nathan2161 if you provide laundry facilities, it would be reasonable to expect your longer-term guests to manage their own linen and towel situations. Otherwise, you can just state in the listing how frequently you offer turnover service.