
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session

Why do I suddenly have no bookings?

Level 1

Why do I suddenly have no bookings?


When we first put up our listing on Airbnb, there were a number of enquiries coming in everyday. But since the last 3-4 days, there's a sudden halt in enquiries.


I wonder if anyone encountered the same issue recently? Is it something wrong with my listing? 

Some enlightenment from other Hosts/Airbnb would be of great help!


Thank you  😊 

Top Answer
Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia

@Denise710 @Marie70 @Helen19 @Helen427 


Girls, I am now of the opinion this is a glitch in the system and the reason it has not been fixed is because it is smasmodic, it is random and they can't track down where the error is! I don't know this but I suspect it!


I consistently average 10-12 reservations a month, have been doing so for the past 18 months. Even when my total views for the month were down to 320-360 I would still get at least 10 bookings. 

From the last week in March this year, through all of April and into May (Over 5 weeks)  I did not get one new booking....well that is not strictly true I did get 3 bookings as a result of pre-approvals I gave back in February. Apart from that absolutely nothing! At one stage my views page showed 1 new booking for past 30 days

I got onto CX and asked them to check on the status of my listing.....were they seeing something that I was not...or had my account been subject to internal treatment by Airbnb. She assured me all was good with my account and gave me a lot of stats....some that I was not even aware of and she said it must be just seasonal!

Within a day of making that call, all of a sudden the reservations are coming again. I have had 16 Airbnb bookings and 4 Stayz bookings in the past 30 days........

monthly bookings.png


Now at that point, my reaction was CX probably did a bit of resetting and got the booking ship upright again.


But I did have an interesting enquiry though. The guest said he had tried 3 or 4 times to book my listing in that drought period and he could not get past the check-out page. As soon as he tried to submitt for payment, the site said  booking failed, try again later. They waited for a couple of weeks and were about to go somewhere elsewhere and thought they would give the booking of my place one last try and, it went through! It was accepted. I asked him if there had been an issue with his payment method and he assured me there was nothing wrong on his end, it seemed to be an Airbnb problem!


Now fortunately this has not cost me anything, I had plenty of upcoming bookings anyway but I have heard of some hosts here who are being devistated by a sudden lack of business so I suggest keep on badgering CX. The more we get on their backs the more likely we are to try and hget to the bottom of this....what ever it is!





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207 Replies 207

Yup - election of Trump hasn't help with decline in business. I agree.

Level 1
Bangkok, Thailand



i host since 2015 and got super host status for bit over one year - last month the incoming inquiries get less and less now it's the first time that both my listing a empty for a week...


could you please check over my listing if I can improve anything ?

Level 3
Pennsylvania, United States

Today, April 9, 2017 The Guardian wrore an article that travelers entering the US from the UK may have to give their passwords for their electronics or risk being denied entry into US.


UK tourists may be asked to hand in passwords or risk being denied entry to US


There is no doubt in my mind that the sudden decrease in my bookings that started shortly after the November 2016 presdiental election is a result of Trump's travel ban policies. Policies now being extended to travelers from the UK.  Really!


UK tourists may have to hand in passwords for electronics before entering US or risk being denied en...


I spent nearly a decade in the airline industry/ hospitality field marketing various  overseas destinations.  I am keenly aware of things that affect peoples' location selections. In MY OPINION many people, NOT all, will find an alternative to visiting the US becasue to do so involves too many unknowns viewed as potential increases to their travel costs if encourtered.  Travelers, the type that frequent Airbnb establishments are generally cost conscious.  Travel agents (a dying breed) know that travels pay close attentiont to costs when planning a trip, and most likely will air on the side of caution and go some place with greater certainty.  


The US hotel industry has been reeling from Airbnb's promience/growing market share in the accommodations' industry.   Styming travel will help them to regain prominence,  cater to the wealthy, and make the wealthy weathier.


It's probably time for a long term rental on our property for stability of income.  I don't foresee my bookings coming back anytime soon.    

Level 2
Krong Siem Reap, Cambodia



I just obtained the Superhost status not so long ago, and suddenly inquiries and booking seem to stop for over 2 weeks now, its starting to worry me alot. I try to adjust the prices each day so it's competitive within our region as well as our amenities, other than thats i dont anyhing else i should do, can members here help look through whats may be wrong with my listing.


Best Regards 

Level 3
Pennsylvania, United States

As much as you probably don't want to hear what I'm about to say I think it's important that I say it anyway.  

Start looking at other venues to market your property or find alternative ways to bring in income.  There are so many reasons that your AirBnb income is down starting with how Airbnb manipulates listings to a somewhat sluggish travel industry due to hightened world tensions over a possible nuclear war with North Korea.  

I have been an Airbnb host for two years now and I lost my superhost status in the first quarter of 2017.  I have been in a dispute with Airbnb over multiple issues including my Superhost status.  It does not make any sense that it was not reinstated on April 1, 2017 since all but two of the 11 ratings in this past quarter were five stars.  Some people say that Superhost status doesn't really matter while others think it does.  You wrote that you have Superhost status but your bookings are down.   It would be interesting to see a statistical anaylsis of the Superhost program to learn if it really makes a differece.  I think Superhost status was created to keep hosts on the edge so they do more and more for less and less (you're already dropping your prices). I drive for Lyft and Uber and they  both use a 5-star rating system.  From what I can tell it doesn't seem to impact my requests or income.  Lfyt is to Uber as ???? is to Airbnb.  

What Airbnb needs in order to be more responsive to their hosts is a strong competitor which they still don't have. 


In early March 2017, guests trashed my property and I have yet to receive my security deposit.  I relunctantly agreed to a lesser amount, was told it was approved for $160 but the funds remain in "future transactions".   When I realized I might never get my money for the damages I learned that if a guest refuses to pay the host doesn't get paid.  So much for having a security deposit on a booking.  Anyone that is going to trash your property probably isn't about to agree to pay the security deposit, and AirBnb doens't have any clout when it comes to collecting the money from the offending guest(s).  Be prepared for financial loss at some point, usually at year two or three according to a statement made to me by an AirBnb representative when I reported my loss.  


I suspect that being vocal with Airbnb representatives about my grievances does not help my listing exposure which only adds to the list of uncertainties a host faces and all the more reason not to put "all your eggs in one basket".  You may want to check out the website Airbnbhell.

This is the way I see things, it's just my opinion.


Also, be weary of glowing reports or answers that attempt to counter/ discredit my comments.  Most big internet "players" rely on the services of Reputation Management firms to keep up a positive pristine image. 


Respectfully submitted.










Agree with your take on things with Airbnb. We had to move on to save our summer season..............

Good evening. I am also deeply concerned about the drops of the views on one of my listing. Stats are dropping dramatically in the middle of the season and i can't explain why. Suddenly i only have about 3-4 views per day (used to have around 10-20).

Sorry I have no explanation for you. We are disappointed in our bookings for this season and are moving on............

Level 2
Jerusalem, Israel

same here


No booking fo no reason!  why??

Level 1
Auckland, New Zealand

Hi all, I am puzzled as to why I havd suddenly came so low on the results search. I have great reviews and have just become a superhost. The people who have stayed with me have said that my place is very good value and perhaps listed too cheaply  (I used to have a 86 price minimum but just raised it to $90). I have been consistently booked up from November 2016 to now, but bookings have suddenly stopped. 


Also I don't charge a cleaning fee and wondered if I should.


Can anyone help me to understand this please? 


Thanks very much in advance.



Level 1
Miami, FL


 could someone check out my listings and give me some advise.... everything was going great.. then I added a new listing and now I have not had any activity in days... any suggestions may help..  thanks!

Michael, it's low season in Miami and that is why you are not getting as many bookings as before.  My two units are usually booked and for the first time in a long time one of my properties might be empty for about a week.

Wishing you much success with your units.

Hi everyone!


Somewhat comforting to hear I am not alone in this!

My booking enquiries seem to come in waves: beginning of June I have had so many booking requests, but then since about 1.5 weeks ago there's been zero activity. 
It's supposed to be high season and I believe my listing is reasonable priced, I have all the necessary amenities and all.. really don't know why this is happening ;( 
If someone could have a look (it's difficult to catch the little things when you wrote everything yourself) I would grealy appreciate it!


Level 2
Chame District, Panama

Same here,


May and June is low season here, but past years I received on these months requests for upcoming months.


Now, I'm not getting anything.


Weird thing is, I don't even receive inquiries. Is just like my property is no longer listed.



Hi Carlos,

A suggestion made to me is to slightly change your listing name by one word & the price by $1 so your booking comes up as a new listing, that way it moves up the automated ranking system. I haven't tried it yet as I'm on holiday, but it makes good sense.

Good luck,
