I have discovered that you can do this without disrupting the reviews and history. just go to Account, then to Payout Preferences, there you can add or change taxpayer information. This is the only area that needs to be changed in order to change who the taxpayer is. Great advice from Ira as well !! I have done that already.
@Margot23 I don't think it's possible to do what you are suggesting. I wish it were... I am in a similiar position. Our family has a couple of rentals and when I started managing on behalf of the family I put them all under me along with my own property for ease of management, but now am realizing that our local laws require them to be separate and I have a ton of reviews that I would like to 'carry over' to the new profiles but I have spoken to Airbnb staff that says no. Very sad that all those reviews will just not be there for people to see 😞
For anyone that has any experience with starting over with a new profile for an existing rental that is going to continue on... I would love to hear anyone's experiences or knowledge of any pro's- con's or tips. Greatly appreciated !!