Do you send your house rules to guests prior to checking in?
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Do you send your house rules to guests prior to checking in?
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Had anyone had the unfortunate situation of finding out about a guest stealing and needing to confront them on the spot? Earlier this afternoon, I just realized that one of the guests staying with me was carrying my handbag while she was on the way out, and having realized the handbag, I *curiously asked her whether she bought the same handbag, and then realizes that it was my own. ( I have some scratches and a handwritten tag on the bag which was unique to the bag.) At first the guest claims that she purchased the bag at XXX market, that she has the receipt, blah blah blah, and with her bluffing me back saying that it is very serious to accuse her of stealing. However, I went through my stuff and on confirming that she took the handbag ( luckily I had took detailed pictures of the handbag before) and confirmed that she took my handbag.
At first I was still very polite and was even scared when my guest bluffed me, yet later on the guest realized the seriousness of this situation and we both agreed that she will leave my place. ( I decided not to report this to the police given that she is still a young girl and don't want this to ruin her future.)
I later called airbnb to report this incident and to ask for their advice, which the only 'advice' that I got from them was to leave a negative feedback for the guest and then they will look into it. ( and meanwhile the guest is also open to leave feedback for me as well).
I have to say this is a really frustrating situation with dishonest guests, and moreover airbnb's response rendering me an immense feeling of helplessness. ( no support. not advice/ guidance whatsoever). I defeinitely feel very vulnerable as a host given that airbnb has always prompts us to put instant book on while they are not able to provide much help and support under times of need, when we the hosts are exposing our homes to build up their brand name.
Wondering if anyone has ever had this situation, and how would you deal with it? What should I do in case the guest leaves bad reviews?
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Hi all,
Just wanted to give you guys a sharing of my experience a few months on from the incident.
After the guest checked out, I found a few more clothing items stolen from the same guest. I did what I was told by the airbnb rep when I reported the incident - filed a negative comment against her ( thanks guys for the great advice on the comment, I used one of yours 🙂 ) , and as required I had to wait till she files a comment too. So after the guest filed a comment, I immediately filed the claim on airbnb. Turns out that the 'policy' for filing a claim need to be before the next guest checks in, which of course was before both parties leave the comment.
I called again and again and the only reply was always that 'they had evaluated my case but decided not to proceed' and 'this is a final decision.' when they had not even asked me for a single detail about the incident. I reached out to them on Twitter and got the same administrative reply.
How about the guest who stole? Of course they are not going to put any action against the guest as well. It really puts me off sleep thinking that she is out there to steal from other hosts as well.
So my question is - is there any way or do any of you had experience in getting the right people's attention on airbnb (ie the ones who actually provide customer service and has the power to really review cases), and are there any lists out there where hosts can warn others of the actual horrible guests that they had so as to protect each other?
And if you are curious, the guest who stole was someone from a rich family who was here doing an expensive one month course at one of the best universities here. So really, never impose expectations - it will always surprise you. (And I guess rotten apples exists in all forms.)
My biggest takeaway is to never trust airbnb. I've seen numerous hosts on thus forum let thieves and psychos into their homes through airbnb where airbnb has completely ignored and claims rejected - the host guarantee is definitely a hoax and false advertising. It also makes me thankful for the other amazing guests since airbnb really has no protection for us while exposing us to all sort of crazy scenarios that could ever have happened.
I think I had 2 pieces of jewellery stolen by a guest I had locked my bedroom regularly but I began to feel like a prison guard locking & unlocking doors all the time & it was pretty unfriendly with honest guests giving me funny looks so I left it unlocked but my valuables hidden - foolish me!
i know the time it went missing & the guest is it appropriate for me to email their private address and ask them if they have seen these items as I can’t find them since they left.
@Grainne17 any updates?
Did you report them to Police?
@Grainne17 wrote:I think I had 2 pieces of jewellery stolen by a guest I had locked my bedroom regularly but I began to feel like a prison guard locking & unlocking doors all the time & it was pretty unfriendly with honest guests giving me funny looks so I left it unlocked but my valuables hidden - foolish me!
i know the time it went missing & the guest is it appropriate for me to email their private address and ask them if they have seen these items as I can’t find them since they left.
Yes, I had a guest steal an important historical book from me. He was reading it. Before he left, I didn't see it in the living room. I asked if he finished it (hoping it would prompt him to turn it over). He said no. I never found it. Next time I'll ask a guest to please turn over my item well before they leave rather than be so indirect.
@Joan157 Did you follow up with the Guest if they had it?
Maybe you should send them a msg to ask if by chance they have your book & if so would you please be so kind to return it.
Check online also if it's ever been advertised for sale, as sometimes people stoop to such levels
All the Best
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Hi all,
Just wanted to give you guys a sharing of my experience a few months on from the incident.
After the guest checked out, I found a few more clothing items stolen from the same guest. I did what I was told by the airbnb rep when I reported the incident - filed a negative comment against her ( thanks guys for the great advice on the comment, I used one of yours 🙂 ) , and as required I had to wait till she files a comment too. So after the guest filed a comment, I immediately filed the claim on airbnb. Turns out that the 'policy' for filing a claim need to be before the next guest checks in, which of course was before both parties leave the comment.
I called again and again and the only reply was always that 'they had evaluated my case but decided not to proceed' and 'this is a final decision.' when they had not even asked me for a single detail about the incident. I reached out to them on Twitter and got the same administrative reply.
How about the guest who stole? Of course they are not going to put any action against the guest as well. It really puts me off sleep thinking that she is out there to steal from other hosts as well.
So my question is - is there any way or do any of you had experience in getting the right people's attention on airbnb (ie the ones who actually provide customer service and has the power to really review cases), and are there any lists out there where hosts can warn others of the actual horrible guests that they had so as to protect each other?
And if you are curious, the guest who stole was someone from a rich family who was here doing an expensive one month course at one of the best universities here. So really, never impose expectations - it will always surprise you. (And I guess rotten apples exists in all forms.)
My biggest takeaway is to never trust airbnb. I've seen numerous hosts on thus forum let thieves and psychos into their homes through airbnb where airbnb has completely ignored and claims rejected - the host guarantee is definitely a hoax and false advertising. It also makes me thankful for the other amazing guests since airbnb really has no protection for us while exposing us to all sort of crazy scenarios that could ever have happened.
I think that you must do your own insurance and also have a security deposit on your listing on pricing. Always check everything before the next guest comes in. If you find something is missing - and the guest is still in your flat, ask him directly to put it back. You can do nothing with police and the airbnb garantee without having a security deposit and insurance before. But it is important to report this person that he or she is better suited for a hotel.
Everything which is expensive - put it in a way to be readily seen on check-out, anything which is yours own should be locked with your own key. Stay calm as not to loose your health because just one bag does not cost as much as your health.
I recently had a guest steal a relatively cheap, $350 computer from me, and even though I had overwhelming evidence of the theft - such as receipt from when I bought the item, the guest not responding to texts or calls about it (he had previously responded quickly to texts), a notice from Apple saying they had found my computer after I reported it stolen and that the guy had renamed it after himself - Airbnb still only offered a $143 reimbursement and along with a "too bad, better luck next time" message that was completely divorced from the tone of the Host Guarantee ("peace of mind, guaranteed" - ha!). Basically Airbnb will do nothing, and neither will your local police force besides issuing a warrant if you really push for it. Not only that, Airbnb lets these people stay on the platform! Even with overwhelming evidence of them stealing!
Moral of the story is, you have to find a safe place to put your belongings before you rent your place out, as thieves on this platform will basically go unpunished.
@Hl0 that is so crummy that she stole from you and my guess is if you have found more missing stuff - there is more that you haven't noticed yet.
So I have a saying I believe and live by: WHAT YOU PERMIT YOU PROMOTE !
I am pretty sure IF when you realized she was stealing your purse - and you had immediately said " I have to call the police! I want you to return everything you have taken that belongs to me right NOW" - perhaps the outcome would be different. People must be told and shown that certain behavior is NOT acceptable. As it went she left and will continue with her behavior UNTIL someone stops her.
Hopeful she will not be allowed to steal from other hosts. best to you, Clara
Just happened to me. A group of guests. Took 2 blankets, cooking pots and towel. Cooking pots!
@Mangsor0 Please make sure you include a claim with ABB, report there Profile, note a comment on there Profile, remember your right to reply with feedback, rank them a 1 star overall & state the reason why in a polite manner remembering that future potential Guests will be reading your feedback to & importantly report it to the local Police so it is noted on Police files for future reference even if they don';t follow it up.
Maybe also send the Guest a msg asking for the return of your items before the abforementioned suggestions.
If they have stolen from you they will steal from others to unless stopped.
All the besy
Central To All Home & Location
This person is just a lower form of life. This isn't on the level of stealing a towel from a hotel -- This is stealing from someone's home. They should be banned from Airbnb.
This thread is why I would never share any interior space with guests (AKA strangers).
@Hl0 A similar situation happened to me and Airbnb denied my claim, did you receive any more support? I filed a police report, not sure what to do next..
@Kelsey83 Have you reported there Profile?
The more people who do this then at least it's on the record.
I hope the Police make sure there local Police where they come from are alerted to it & follow up on it to.One never knows what other offences etc they may be involved it.
We all have legal Duties of Care & ABB must educate & train there Customer Services staff that it's a criminal offense to steal.
I hope you wrote it in your reiview or made mention you wouldn't recommend them.
I notice a Guest I had ana issue with stealing from me has befriended a young lady on his travels & they used her Profile to book travel.
If only she knew what he is truthfully like.
All the Best
A guest stole my money from my living room, which was recommended by Airbnb. Guests register with Airbnb, and our host guests are recommended by Airbnb. Airbnb charged a service fee, but these guests stole money. I provided photos and videos. As a result, Airbnb actually said that there is no way. Is this really incredible?