Swimming pool damaged - what to say to guests to avoid bad review

Level 1
Dublin, Ireland

Swimming pool damaged - what to say to guests to avoid bad review

Hi there,


I'd be very grateful for any suggestions on this issue please.


We live in another country from our small Airbnb property in Italy. Our first booking is July 15th, and we were only told by our house managers last week that the overground prefabricated pool is in VERY poor condition - ideally, it should be replaced completely. We cannot get any workmen before guests arrive to improve it and will have to proceed as is.


We have to assume guests booked our property in part because we have a pool, so we want to address this issue properly to avoid disappointing them too much and messing up our 5* reviews. We were thinking of leaving them a voucher for a great local restaurant for the value of €10 per night booked as compensation for the pool's state. We don't want to give more than that because the pool will be functional - just not attractive. We would also like to encourage income for the local area rather than just repay the guests the equivalent.


I'd be very grateful to hear people's thoughts or alternative suggestions.

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Stellenbosch, South Africa

Hi @Lisa9507 

I'm sure you'll get some good suggestions here. I think it's great that you are clearly aware that you have to somehow adress the issue by offering something - that will usually go a long way and hopefully the guests appreciate it.

Level 10
Bristol, United Kingdom

Personally if the pool isn't usable  I would contact the guest and let them know and offer them the option of cancelling penalty free. As you say it's likely the pool would be a key reason why they booked.


if they want to stay I would offer them a reasonable discount. £10 a night sounds low but I don't know the cost of your listing @Lisa9507 


i am a little confused by your comment . Your managers say it's in very poor condition but you say it's still usable which is it?