What makes your listing location truly special?

Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

What makes your listing location truly special?

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Hi everyone!


While booking for a stay, guests often look into the listing location — whether it's surrounded by scenic beauty (mountains or lakes), nearby local attractions or if your listing is located in the heart of the city.  


I'm really curious to hear from our hosts — whether it's a stunning view, rich local culture, or hidden gems that only locals know about! What is special about your listing location? 


Looking forward to reading your comments 😍


Kind regards,



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Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Amazing pictures @Maria18678 , your listing looks gorgeous!


How do you manage the cleaning and maintenance of the pool though? Is it a tiring process?



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Thank you dear!

I have a professional team hired for that, and they are coning three times a week, even more if it is needed .


Hello again! @Bhumika 

I have a professional team , and they take care of my pools, as I have another complex with a pool as well. They come four times a week to clean and check the water , and more in August because it is very hot , and whenever is necessary as well!

My airbnb’s do offer important places that are close by. I mostly get people needing those places. However, I do believe that customer service and reviews play an important part. 

Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Thanks for sharing @Patricia4141 😍


Which are the most visited local attractions near your listing? 


Do you offer a guidebook or share local recommendations with guests during their stay?



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One of the most visited attractions near my larger home is the theater. Not people going to the shows but the actors are always staying with me. I do list the places that are close by on the site that might be of interest to visitors.  I do share attractions and local spots with my guests. 

Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Haha @Patricia4141 , that makes sense! How is your experience meeting the guests who happen to be theatre artists? 


Do you have interesting conversations related to stage art? 😍 Do these guests also invite you to see their theatre plays?



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Honestly, they’re very interesting people. I hold season tickets to the theater so I typically don’t get tickets but they sometimes leave souvenirs from the show. They’re  very kind people. I find myself going above and beyond  to make them comfortable because they are so easy going. They typically stay a month or two. 

Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Wow @Patricia4141! What kind of souvenirs do they leave for you? Which one has been your favourite? 😍



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They leave like small blankets and mugs with the shows logo, small items. The item is always new and still in the wrapper. 

Level 1
Mt Sinai, NY

Hello Bhumika,


What makes my Listing special is the details of our home and the thought and care that went into making that feeling jump through the pictures.  Details are important to me even the way a towel is folded makes a difference to me as a host.  Of course having our home on Cape Cod does help, but I sincerely make it a point that my guests feel the way we feel about their accommodations and keep a standard that makes a difference for each guest. Also letting our guests know we are always with them as long as they have their phones we are there 24/7 right by their sides if they need us.

Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada


@Debra665 I guess many hosts would agree that details are important! How do you ensure guests feel welcomed and straight at home?


How do your guests typically respond to the personal touches you add, like the folded towels or the 24/7 availability?



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Level 1
Costa Mesa, CA

My property highlights are location , location , location and all featuring hot tubs. 

Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

@Eric7020 , I noticed your listing photos and saw a pool table 🎊 Do your guests love having a pool table at the listing? 😍 


What other listing amenities do you offer?



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