We’ve noticed a lot of discussion lately about the update...
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We’ve noticed a lot of discussion lately about the updated Superhost criteria, so we wanted to explain why we made this up...
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Hello everyone,
I wanted to do a poll on whether you allow/accept pets. Would you consider allowing them in the future, following the news that was recently shared?
I know that some members of this community have mentioned that they have (multiple) pets, and over time we've seen lovely photo's of them on our "Meet the pets" topic!
It would be very interesting to hear your thoughts about this subject, whether you have a pet or not 🙂
Alternatively, if you have any other reasons why you allow or do not allow pets, please comment below in the thread telling us more about your choice and why.
Thank you,
@Helen744 some people of course need to have their pets with them but often pets are best left with a sitter who knows them or in a cattery or kennel.new and different homes often frighten pets and they can run away in strange places and be lost but aside from my opinions we do not accept pets because of allergies. Much as you may wish to argue that pets are clean they do in fact shed dander and hairs to which an increasing number of people are allergic . This accumulates especially if many different pets are kept in one house. In my host house all bed linen is washed in hypoallergenic soap liquid and no scents that could cause allergic reaction are used where possible Other peoples animals are a risk to my future guests
Hi @Helen744, thanks for sharing your thoughts on this! When travelling around in Europe (by car), my family would bring the dog with them, but of course, only stay at places where they are allowed 🙂. They would leave the dog with friends or at a kennel if flying overseas.
Does anyone in your family have a dog? If they visit you, do they leave the dog at home? (Bearing in mind the issues you've mentioned above)
@Helen744, This is an airbnb not a persons home . What I do in my personal life is irrelevant ,if you think I dislike animals then shame on you. I have to be aware of the person who has booked next as well as the one already booked. This is not a home situation and I think plenty of people provide for animals who actually are trained to do so and used to doing so. They get more money because they are doing more and providing more.I simply provide for other people who may have asthma or other allergies or intolerances although I cannot charge for this that is my choice and I know that I have done my best to make sure that little girl or boy does not spend their holiday in hospital. .not knowing that the previous guest had a large dog shedding hair and dander.
Hi @Helen744, I totally understand you here! In no way was I assuming that you dislike animals. Just wanted to clear this up here 😊
That's a bit of a defensive response. You were being asked a simple question in a friendly way. Yes, it was based on an assumption that you are a home host, when it turns out you are talking about an entire unit, but there's no need to be rude with comments like "shame on you".
@Helen744, sorry to split hairs but I am a home host so maybe u could reread.I think u have mixed up two people . Maybe the second question was unecessary and maybe it was not addressed to you and maybe my answer was to an earlier question and was witheld
@Helen744 I would just like to add that on a number of occaissons I have inadvertantly booked pet friendly homes to stay at { we leave our aging cats at a local cattery where they are safe and fed and cared for and the owners are available 24 hours a day} . I have to say no matter how much they are cleaned and they are generally spotless they do smell. People may want to stay with their own dogs but do they want to stay with the smell of everyone elses . One home we stayed at in Ireland was used as a hunting lodge of some sort and we had to abandon ship the next day because of foul smelling bedrooms and bedding.
I don’t allow pets, because, quite frankly, I really don’t like animals. Not everyone who sees a dog gushes over how it’s the cutest little thing they’ve ever seen. Sorry.
Hi @Emilia42, we're all different! I've got maybe 1 or 2 friends who aren't a big fan of pets either. Thanks for sharing anyway 🙂
@Emilia42 I've had various dogs most of my adult life. But I like my dog, and would never call myself a "dog lover". I've never been one to stop to pet or gush over anyone else's dog, and I have never been able to understand how anyone thinks those little yappers with squished up faces are even slightly cute.
@Quincy We will see how the new pet policy unfolds. We had originally intended to be pet friendly because we believe that people should be able to travel with their pets if they are properly trained. Our first and only experience with guests who brought 2 dogs and a cat was SO bad that we changed to no pets.
If we did accept pets we would have to do serious vetting. We couldn't have any dogs that barked because the row houses are all connected and it would be majorly disturbing to neighbors. We would also probably put in place some type of rule that a dog could not be left alone in the apartment for more than 4 hours. So, we'll see what happens.
Oh no, I'm so sorry to hear that @Mark116! Would you consider accepting them in the future again, perhaps?
No. I've had some guests ask if I'm serious about not allowing animals/pets because someone in their have allergies. I think Airbnb should have a special category of lodging for potential guests since homes are a lot harder to sanitize than a hotel room and they'd be at risk if we couldn't provide it.
Airlines are no longer serving peanuts because passengers with allergies could get a reaction just from the dust in the air (even though they have HEPA filters.).
Not sure why Airbnb is so hell bent on favoring the minority of guest needs over a much larger health reason.
My neighbors allow pets and most of their guests have been great, but since we share a driveway I've texted them when I saw guests with multiple large dogs, for example when they expected only one (it's a small studio sized space). He's reported that they had to ask for reimbursement on occasion from pet damage. Many people are great, but a lot of people are "blind" about their pets and the damage that sometimes occurs.
Hi @Christine615,I hope all is well 😊 Thanks for sharing this!
Did your neighbors manage to sort everything out regarding the reimbursement in the end?