Do you prefer self check-in or welcoming guests in person?

Level 8
Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Do you prefer self check-in or welcoming guests in person?

I am the type of person who enjoys personally welcoming guests, unless they express a desire for self check-in. Generally, I have noticed that guests are happier when I greet them in person. What are your experiences?

28 Replies 28
Level 8
Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Dear @Heidi803 


Thank you for sharing your experience! It's great to hear that you prioritize welcoming your guests in person and showing them the amenities. That personal touch can really enhance their stay. It's understandable that not everyone reads the house book thoroughly, so your proactive approach to addressing potential issues before granting access is wise. It sounds like you’re creating a comfortable environment while ensuring that everything runs smoothly.


Best regards,



Level 10
Marbella, Spain

We meet and greet all guests.  5 years experience and 400+ five star reviews.

We know that guests do not think they want to meet the host.

Then, after check in, there is no front desk and no concierge. They have a number of questions and their experience could be 1000% better if they had met us on arrival.

We have stopped offering self check in, we meet all guest on arrival, we are top 1% airbnb worldwide properties for a reason.

Late night arrivals: guests have had a few drinks on the airplane, flight is delayed... they arrive and can't work the lockbox... It happens regularly in our area, guests locked out and non responsive host at night.  All of this is avoidable if you set expectations and communicate with your guests.

New to hosting?  I would love to help you set up your listing to avoid problems, damage, bad reviews etc.  private message me.

Happy hosting everyone!

Level 8
Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Dear @Susan1188 


Thank you for sharing your valuable insights. Your statistic is impressive—clearly, your approach works. I agree that meeting guests in person can significantly enhance their stay, especially when they might have questions after check-in. Your commitment to guest experience by eliminating self check-in is impressive and ensures that everyone feels welcomed and supported.


Best regards,



Top Contributor
Buckeye, AZ


I have a shared space.

I personally greet all guests.

All Guests are reminded what I consider reasonable check in times and that that I require at check in the viewing of a legal id that matches the reservation name,  

Once ID is viewed then the guest is given a private code to operate the locks,

Level 8
Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Dear @Marie8425 


Thank you for sharing your approach to guest check-in. It’s great to see how you prioritize security and personal interaction by greeting each guest and ensuring a smooth check-in process.


Best regards,



I can totally relate! Personally welcoming guests adds a special touch that makes them feel valued. I think the personal connection really enhances their experience. But I also understand that some guests appreciate the flexibility of self check-in. It’s interesting to see how different preferences shape our hospitality approaches. What kind of feedback have you received from guests about this?

Level 8
Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Dear @Abu215 


I appreciate your perspective! It’s true that personal connections can greatly enhance the guest experience. I’d love to hear more about the feedback you’ve received regarding this balance between personal touch and self-check-in flexibility.


Best regards,



Level 5
London, United Kingdom

Hi Ema, yes I agree, personally having you or your cohost meet your guest is a wonderful start to each stay.  As other guests have said, often there are extra questions and it helps to build a relationship with guests. 🌺

I feel like self-checkin works for short stays, ie. 1 or 2 nights. 


I feel like a host-guided tour in addition to (or instead of) self-checkin works better for week+ stays. 



Accidentally replied to the wrong person. 

Level 8
Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Dear @Zheng49 


Thank you for your thoughts on check-in strategies! I agree that different lengths of stay may call for different methods. It’s interesting how tailored experiences can enhance guest satisfaction.


Best regards,



Level 8
Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Dear @Livia120 


Thank you for your insight. Meeting guests personally does create a warm start to their stay, and it’s wonderful to hear how it fosters communication and relationships. Your approach clearly resonates with many.


Best regards,



Level 3
Limoges, France

Il est très rare que nous accueuillions les voyageurs, habitant à 25 km de notre moulin, le principe de la boite à clés est le plus simple pour nous !

Parfois , à leur départ, nous en rencontrons certains ! 




It's very rare for us to welcome travelers who live 25 km from our mill, so the key box principle is the easiest for us!

Sometimes, when they leave, we meet some of them!


(Google translation by OCM)

Level 8
Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Dear @Laetitia266 

I appreciate your comments on the key box system. It makes sense for your location, and it’s nice to hear that you sometimes get the chance to meet travelers as they leave. Thank you for sharing


Best regards

I manage my AirBnB remotely, I am also some distance away from the host, so I can't greet them in person. That's why the host has a touchpad to enter the code - it's very convenient!