Listing not showing up on search

Level 1
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Listing not showing up on search

Hi! We've posted our listing yesterday, but whenever I search for it, it's not showing up in the results, which suggests that it's not live yet. Could this be the case?

4 Replies 4

Hey @Nadia1377 , your listing isn't available to book for every guest as it states "This listing is not yet available to all guests." as you're only accepting guests with 3 or more trips on Airbnb, so if you tried searching with a new account you won't be able to find it unless it's an experienced guest account. Airbnb only shows available listings to guests

Top Contributor
Stellenbosch, South Africa

Hi @Nadia1377 

A new listing can take up to 72 hours to show in search results:

Confirm that guests can find your listing - Airbnb Help Center

Top Contributor
Cannes, France

Hello @Nadia1377 


I've been on your lovely listing😍 and went onto your calendar to see if I could book so your listing is live and open for reservations 👏


 However, the problem lies in the fact that there are very few dates open over the next few months to book so the chances of guests finding available dates to book is very small indeed.  Plus the fact that the Airbnb algorithm favours listings that have a wide and open calendar!


Is this intentional?  Use the preview button to look at your calendar as a guest to see what I mean.

Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hi @Nadia1377


Congratulations on your new listing!


You've had some great suggestions from Joelle, Shelley and Steven, which hopefully will help you understand the visibility of your listing better. Does it answer your question, or do you need more help perhaps? 


Good luck on the start of your hosting journey ☀️





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